Real primary battle is a delegate matter : Videos
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Real primary battle is a delegate matter : Latest News, Information, Answers and Websites
Does Rick Santorum's Southern Sweep Matter? (The Note) - ABC ...
2 days ago ... Puerto Rico Primary Could Pad Romney's Delegate Lead or Spring ... For Santorum to have a real shot at being more than a thorn in .... gearing up for battle in two of the month's remaining contests: Illinois and Louisiana.
Romney matches Santorum's gains in delegates » News -- GOPUSA
2 days ago ... For the day, Romney added at least 41 delegates and Santorum won at least 35. ... come close to catching Romney, but they could extend the primary battle. ... Commentary: Malkin: What's the Matter with Soledad O'Brien? ... firm and strong family values, and a true conservative in every sense of the word.
Lives Deserving A Special Remembrance
Ilse Biedermann Plant Pathologist and Lover of Orchids If you were looking for Ilse Biedermann, it was best to look down, as she was usually to be found at ground level, working on one of her beloved gardens. With a hat pulled low on her forehead, Dr. Biedermann might be nursing her orchids, studying magnolias or, even more likely, working on the - By Kate Stone Lombardi
Hurtling Toward a Nomination, 2008
It is hard to imagine a tougher year to be a presidential candidate -- or at least, someone managing a presidential campaign. Never before has so much been up in the air so close to the first vote. Even as the campaigns spent the past few days planning for the unofficial kickoff that comes with Labor Day -- rallies, bus trips, house parties, - Introduction to articles discussing upcoming events in presidential race; campaign has been proceeding for eight months at intensity that candidates normally do not face until fall; aspirants are wearied even before final rush to primaries; drawings; graphs (M) - By ADAM NAGOURNEY
Republican contenders Mitt Romney and Rick Santorum are locked in a fight to snag delegates in Tuesdays Illinois primary — but the contest giving the state a rare say in determining a presidential nominee almost didnt happen. On a mid ...
The Virginia Democratic Partys annual Jefferson-Jackson dinner, held at Richmonds sprawl of a convention center on a mild Saturday night in February, was particularly festive this year. The Democratic Party is enjoying a resurgence in Virginia, propelled first by the November victory of Barack Obama -- the first Democratic presidential candidate - Adam Nagourney is chief national political correspondent for The New York Times. His most recent article for the magazine was a profile of Ken Mehlman, former chairman of the Republican National Committee. - By ADAM NAGOURNEY
Going for Broke
George E. Pataki has often professed his commitment to the education of each and every child in New York. But Dan Klores, a well-known public relations guru, never realized just how literally the governor took this pledge until one Friday morning some 18 months ago. Dan? His wife popped her head in their bedroom door. Governor Patakis on the - Jennifer Senior article on political acumen of New York Gov George Pataki, which has taken hit with missteps on budget and highly publicized polarization between him and legislative leaders on issue of raising taxes; hallmark of Patakis tenure has been lack of much public feeling about him at all, but poll numbers are now plummeting; Pataki insists history will show that he provided leadership during difficult time when Legislature faltered; many believe his moves are calculated to garner national attention; he is described as friendly and approachable, but his actual positions are sometimes difficult to pigeonhole and some observers say he has no discernible ideology and does what is popular at any given time; photo (L) - Jennifer Senior is a contributing writer for the magazine. - By Jennifer Senior
On a September afternoon, about 60 prominent Christians assembled in the library of the Metropolitan Club on the east side of Central Park. It was a gathering of unusual diversity and power. Many in attendance were conservative evangelicals like the born-again Watergate felon Chuck Colson, who helped initiate the meeting. Metropolitan Jonah, the - David D. Kirkpatrick is a correspondent in the Washington bureau of The New York Times. - By DAVID D. KIRKPATRICK
Election Center 2008 - Election & Politics News from
• Total delegate estimate for race leaders at the end of the primary campaigns ... Why delegates matter » ... candidates and watch them battle it ...
Latino Bashing GOP Seeks Puerto Rican Votes | iChicano
That is why the primary on Sunday in Puerto Rico is so entertaining. ... The Republicans are facing a Puerto Rico primary in the midst of a tough delegate battle. ... He still wants to appeal to that part of the Republican base — real or imagined — that wants a candidate who is tough on these Latinos who somehow have “forced” banks and credit card companies to provide services in Spanish, requiring some in ... None of that matters to the GOP candidates, however.
2012 Republican Delegate Count | Tea Party Cheer
2012 Republican Delegate Count. The Republicans have ... P: Is a Proportional Primary. C: Is a Caucus and/or ... to get the mass of the US population to know the real ...
Super Tuesday History: 5 Reasons Today Could Change GOP Race
The primary ... delegate-driven, level. Though a clear winner for Super Tuesday, as noted, could end up making the rest of the race less important, the most likely outcome is two or at most three contestants emerging from the contest to battle ...
Mitt Romney, Ron Paul, and GOP Rivals’ Ferocious Battle in ...
... 95 percent in 2008, he is facing real ... of the candidates will win a single delegate. Since Nevada is a caucus, not a primary ... contests today, none has seen a battle more ...
Morning Jay: The Calendar Hurts Romney | The Weekly Standard
To appreciate that, consider this graph, which tracks the cumulative allocation of delegates week-by-week in the 1996, 2008, and 2012 Republican primary battles. Right now, we are in the tenth week of the GOP primary battle ...
Correcting Some Misperceptions on the Republican Primary
20 hours ago ... It's a testament to the GOP's weak field that no real frontrunner has emerged up ... pivoting toward that general election battle now as the process progresses. In a primary, delegates matter, and Romney has worked toward the ...
RealClearPolitics - GOP Race on Pace for Summer Delegate Fight
GOP Race on Pace for Summer Delegate Fight. By Stephen ... GOP Nomination Battle ... Alabama - Presidential Primary (50 Delegates) American ...
The Front Row Seat —
Instead it was about Who Won Saturday’s Delegate Battle? ... victory in the 2008 New Hampshire Democratic primary ... In what could be a real “game changer” if it ...
United States presidential election, 1968 - Wikipedia, the free ...
Instead, Humphrey concentrated on winning the delegates in non-primary states, ... but many of Kennedy's delegates, remembering their bitter primary battles with ...... who's the real Sherman Adams (Eisenhower's chief of staff) of the operation, ... that 'we're going to handle this like we handled the Fortas matter, unquote.
2012 Florida Primary - Results | Politics | Fox News
2012 Florida Primary Track the race in real time. ... presidential primary candidates are preparing to add to their delegate totals ... of protracted GOP primary battle echo ...
Super Tuesdays mixed result puts Illinois GOP primary in the spotlight
Its also likely to be the precursor to a presidential primary campaign fight the likes of which the state has not seen for decades. While it once was questionable whether the March 20 election would matter ... may be the real battle in Illinois ...
What is a Delegate? - wiseGEEK: clear answers for common questions
A delegate is a person who is ... attained, no subsequent votes matter? in other words, could a candidate achieve the minimum number early in the primary ...
Chicago TribuneReal primary battle is a delegate matterChicago TribuneRepublican contenders Mitt Romney and Rick Santorum are locked in a fight to snag del...
Despite Rick Santorum-Mitt Romney Battle, the Michigan Primary ...
With confusing delegate allocation rules, the upcoming Super Tuesday ... Despite Rick Santorum-Mitt Romney Battle, the Michigan Primary Doesn't Even Matter ...
Romney faces critical battle in Illinois |
Sell or Rent Your Property · North Iowa Real Estate For Sale · Shop Local ... Underscoring the importance of next Tuesday's Illinois primary, where 54 delegates are at stake, Romney has moved up plans to campaign here, making his first visit Friday instead of waiting until Monday. ... Voters cast a ballot to express their choice for a nominee, but the votes that matter require an extra step — casting ballots for delegate candidates aligned with their presidential preference. That puts a ...
Ron Paul Winning the Battle for Delegates
... beauty contest, and the contest that matters in ... They are speaking of the CAUCUS delegate selection, NOT the PRIMARY ... actually this is a real strategy and threat. ...
The Border Dividing Arizona
When House Republicans calculated that their best bet for saving their majority was to run this fall as if illegal immigration and border security were the most urgent issues facing the country -- bigger by far than that great unmentionable, Iraq -- they were finally speaking the language of a Republican state legislator from Mesa, Ariz., named - Joseph Lelyveld is the author most recently of Omaha Blues: A Memory Loop and a former correspondent and executive editor at The Times. His last article for the magazine was a profile of Senator Chuck Hagel. - By Joseph Lelyveld
Feeling the heat, Romney to campaign in Illinois 3 days earlier than planned
With Illinois, Romney again faces a critical battle in a state ... selection of delegate teams and on promoting them as much as themselves. But the nitty-gritty of amassing delegates - the real goal of the primary and caucus season - lacks ...
The Verdicts Are In On Super Thursday (UPDATED)
There are no upsets because the GOP base is still not ready to let go of the battle ... upcoming primary states where Santorum has a demographic edge. The fact that he did this well despite being buried by Romney ads and money in Ohio is a real achievement.
Delegate Battles Embroil 2 States
Democrats in Michigan and Florida struggled Friday to resolve the impasse over their disputed January primaries, coming up with a plan to hold a June primary in Michigan while remaining deadlocked in Florida. Reflecting how tense the situation has become, influential fund-raisers for Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton have stepped up their - Democrats in Michigan and Florida struggle to resolve impasse over their disputed January primaries, coming up with plan to hold June primary in Michigan while remaining deadlocked in Florida; influential fund-raisers for Sen Hillary Rodham Clinton have stepped up their behind-the-scenes pressure on national party leaders to resolve matter, with some threatening to withhold their donations to Democratic National Committee unless it seats delegates from two states or holds new primaries there; photo of Paul Cejas, Miami businessman who has asked Democrats to return his donation (M) - By MICHAEL LUO and JOHN M. BRODER; Griff Palmer contributed reporting from New York, and Abby Goodnough from Tallahassee, Fla.
Entertainment channel and read of the entertainment, perspective ...
Illinois has 69 delegates, compared with 66 for Ohio and 50 for Florida, but it gets far less attention in the political realm than the other two key general election battlegrounds. Expect to hear a ... A surprise triumph for Santorum, however Replica cartier watches, could give him an even more impressive winning streak and cause some real concern in Boston about Romney's chances of ending the primary battle anytime soon – or even winning it at all. At the moment, it ...
Latino-Bashing GOP Seeks Puerto Rican Votes
The Republicans are facing a Puerto Rico primary in the midst of a tough delegate battle. Given Puerto Ricos colonial situation ... He still wants to appeal to that part of the Republican base -- real or imagined -- that wants a candidate who is tough ...
Paul looks for delegates, respect in caucus states
In The Associated Press delegate count, Paul isnt projected to win any ... But Clinton had waged an epic primary battle with then-candidate Barack Obama, and her speech was designed to help unify the party. Many of Pauls libertarian views ...
GOP presidential campaign moves to Illinois
At stake in Illinois in the March 20 primary ... enough delegate candidates in four state districts. Gingrich, at his afternoon stop in Rosemont, needled Santorum over that shortcoming, one Santorums campaign has said doesnt much matter.
If GOP fight drags on, so could argument over Floridas delegates ...
... but when the presidential primary ... close second in Florida, it matters a ... appointed in 2008 to draw up delegate selection rules for 2012. The partys primary ...
With the two Democratic presidential candidates in near-deadlock and battling for every delegate, party leaders and the rival campaigns started searching in earnest on Thursday for a way to seat barred delegations from Florida and Michigan. But they remained deeply divided over how to do so. After weeks in which the issue hovered in the background, - Presidential campaigns of Sens Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama are searching for way to seat barred delegations from Florida and Michigan, but remain divided over how to do so; states held their primaries earlier than allowed by Democratic National Committee rules, leading party to strip them of delegates to convention; while neither candidate campaigned actively, Clinton won most delegates in both contests; Obama was not on Michigan ballot; now that race is razor close, fate of disputed delegates has become critical; issues now revolve around whether to hold another primary, when to hold it, how to allocate delegates and, most important, who aborbs cost; various strategies and solutions noted; photos; chart shows delegate count (M) - By JOHN M. BRODER; Peter S. Goodman contributed reporting from Michigan, and Carl Hulse from Washington.
Local Republicans gather for caucuses amid strong turnout
Republicans clustered at community halls and elementary schools in Issaquah and ... in Washington based on the nonbinding straw poll, the delegate elections from the precinct caucuses matter more in the long run. Republicans narrow the delegates ...
Mitt Romney faces critical battle in Illinois -
1 day ago ... With Illinois, Romney again faces a critical battle in a state that once ... that matter require an extra step - casting ballots for delegate candidates ... But the nitty-gritty of amassing delegates - the real goal of the primary and ...
Jay Cost | The Weekly Standard
It is true that Mitt Romney is a weak frontrunner who simply cannot close the ... of the GOP primary battle, and about half of the delegates have been allocated.
Maine caucuses provide a window into Ron Paul delegate strategy ...
Jobs; Cars; Real Estate; Rentals; Classifieds ... Republican caucus-goers at the Riverton Elementary ... “The delegate race (matters more), for sure,” said Alex ...
Americas Mayor Goes to America
There are at least half a dozen reasons that a lot of political prognosticators, including many inside his own party, will tell you that Rudolph Giuliani will never be the Republican nominee for president, no matter what the polls say. They are, in no particular order: 1. As New Yorks mayor, he was pro-choice, pro-gun control and pro-gay rights. - Matt Bai article on Rudy Giulianis campaign for president, which he says is based not on any philosophies distinct from what Bush administration has been pursuing for last six years, but rather on promise of certain brand of unswerving leadership that America and rest of world will have no trouble understanding; photos (L) - Matt Bai, a contributing writer, is the author of The Argument: Billionaires, Bloggers and the Battle to Remake Democratic Politics. He covers national politics for the magazine ( - By MATT BAI
Nebraska back on political map
Obama won Nebraska decisively By all accounts, this years GOP battle also could go down to the last vote, a June 26 primary in Utah. Romney clearly has the lead, but he would have to win every delegate ... time there were real delegates in ...
RealClearPolitics - Election 2012 - Republican Delegate Count
Battle for Congress ... Democratic Delegate Count Final Democratic Results ... Proportional Primary: Open: South Carolina: Jan 21: 25* 2
Correcting Some Misperceptions on the Republican Primary
Romney, for all intents and purposes at this point, will be the Republican nominee, and he would be right to start pivoting toward that general election battle now as the process progresses. In a primary, delegates matter, and ...
5 lessons learned from the Alabama and Mississippi primaries
Former Pennsylvania senator Rick Santorum’s dual wins in Alabama and Mississippi on Tuesday night hands his campaign some real momentum ... perception matters:Romney’s appeal to math may ultimately be determinative — the delegate numbers ...
The GOP’s Chaotic Primary Calendar Makes Early Nomination Clinch ...
... or even June, ensuring a bloody primary battle ... court-ordered to move its primary back to at least May 28, the delegate math it ... Here’s the real kicker: If Romney and ...
Romney matches Santorum's gains in delegates
At their current pace, Santorum and Gingrich won't come close to catching Romney, but they could extend the primary battle. At Romney's current pace, he is on track to reach the 1144 delegates needed to clinch the ...
2012 New Hampshire Primary - Results | Politics | Fox News
2012 New Hampshire Primary Track the race in real time. ... presidential primary candidates are preparing to add to their delegate totals ... of protracted GOP primary battle echo ...
Mitt Romney breathing easier after Michigan and Arizona wins ...
... match to prevent Romney from early delegate ... affiliation well in advance of the primary ... as past years. Romney still has a real fight on his hands in this nomination battle.
Pennsylvania GOP primary likely relevant to presidential nomination
The primary is set for April 24, barring some unforeseen change in the date caused by the ongoing battle ... matter in the Republican nominating process at least somewhat because with 72 delegates it could add significantly to someones delegate ...
RealClearPolitics - 2012 Election Maps - Battle for White House
Republican Nomination. Republican Delegate Count ... Full GOP Primary Calendar · Latest Election 2012 Polls ... Battle for Congress. Generic Congressional ...
Election 2012: Why Floridas primary matters - New York Daily News
Election 2012: Why Floridas primary matters ... Florida, which had a booming real estate ... New Hampshire and Nevada battle over presidential primary...
The Long Road to a Clinton Exit
By the time the campaign tracked down the small-city Indiana mayor, Bill Clinton was in a lather. Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton had lost the North Carolina primary that evening and was eager to offset it with a win in Indiana. But a vote-counting delay in one county threatened to rob her of a prime-time victory speech. The Clinton campaign called - Campaign Collapse article examines failure of Sen Hillary Clintons comeback bid to win Democratic presidential nomination; finds that Clinton was undone by old rivalries and new-style opponent in Sen Barack Obama; describes hers as campaign of destiny that fell achingly short; cites night of May 6 as moment when comeback finally crashed against reality of delegate math; charts; photo (L) - By PETER BAKER and JIM RUTENBERG; Adam Nagourney contributed reporting.
Political analysts weigh in on election results
And Mitt Romney keeps adding to his delegate lead. Even though Romney lost in Alabama ... Armistead says thats where the real battle begins. "Thats really what this race is all about is removing Barack Obama from the presidency," he said.
Ron Paul Winning the Battle for Delegates - MarketWatch
1) The Missouri primary means nothing. It was a non-binding beauty contest, and the contest that matters in the show ... Real time last sale data provided ...
Romney faces critical battle in Illinois
With Illinois, Romney again faces a critical battle in a state ... selection of delegate teams and on promoting them as much as themselves. But the nitty-gritty of amassing delegates - the real goal of the primary and caucus season - lacks ...
Analysis: Prolonged Republican battle hurts GOP, nation
Countless pundits and political experts have been telling anyone who’ll listen that Super Tuesday matters in this year’s Republican ... Ironically, the Grand Old Party finds itself in this primary season quagmire because it tried to improve ...
Real primary battle is a delegate matter - Chicago Tribune From: SamaraBlairGFM - Source: web
RT @youareinformed: Real primary battle is a delegate matter - Chicago Tribune #news From: EdbertLesmana - Source: Twitscoop
Real primary battle is a delegate matter - Chicago Tribune #news From: youareinformed - Source: SuiteBird
ILSenate: Real primary battle is a delegate matter: Santorum failed to file delegates in four districts, includi... From: ILConnected - Source: twitterfeed
Real primary battle is a delegate matter - Politics at: From: PRO20_AZ900 - Source: PRO20