What witnesses say in the Trayvon Martin case : Videos
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What witnesses say in the Trayvon Martin case : Latest News, Information, Answers and Websites
TRAYVON MARTIN case ::NATURAL BORN KILLERS::: « mass-confusion.com
TRAYVON MARTIN case ::NATURAL BORN KILLERS::: ... needless to say there was gunfire. a bullet ... with stories that conflict from eye witnesses. mr ...
Sanford police chief under fire amid Trayvon Martin case
SANFORD, Fla -- The many missteps in the Trayvon Martin investigation ... some things in this case that have me scratching my head,” said former Boca Raton police chief Andrew Scott, now a professional expert trial witness.
Trayvon Martin: George Zimmerman's account to police of the ...
22 hours ago ... With a single punch, Trayvon Martin decked the Neighborhood Watch ... police, and much of it has been corroborated by witnesses, authorities say. .... Trayvon Martin case: Friend, lawyer defend shooter George Zimmerman ...
In your opinion, does this new information about Trayvon change how you feel about the situation?
Its a sad story. But why is it necessary to pretend Trayvon Martin was the innocent 12 year old in the picture that runs with most of these articles?
According to the report, on Oct. 21 staffers monitoring a security camera at Dr. Michael M. Krop Senior High School spotted Trayvon and two other students writing “W.T.F.,” an acronym for “What the f---,” on a hallway locker, according to schools police. The security employee, who knew Trayvon, confronted the teen and looked through his bag for the graffiti marker.
Trayvon’s backpack contained 12 pieces of jewelry, in addition to a watch and a large flathead screwdriver, according to the report, which described the screwdriver as a burglary tool.
Zimmerman was heading to the grocery store when he spotted Martin and called police to report a black youth acting suspiciously, possibly on drugs.
Zimmerman stepped out of his SUV to follow Martin, even though a police dispatcher told him he didnt need to do so.
Zimmerman told police he hed lost sight of Martin and was heading back to his car when the youth suddenly stepped into his path. According to the Sentinel, Martin asked Zimmerman if he had a problem. Zimmerman said no and reached for his cellphone. Martin then said something like, "Well, you do now" and punched him, according to the Sentinels sources.
"With a single punch," the Orlando Sentinel, citing police sources, reported Monday, "Trayvon Martin decked the Neighborhood Watch volunteer ... climbed on top of [him] and slammed his head into the sidewalk several times, leaving him bloody and battered."
"That is the account Zimmerman gave police," the paper said, "and much of it has been corroborated by witnesses, authorities say."
Category: Politics
Timeline: The Trayvon Martin shooting
Trayvon, police say ... or confront" Trayvon Martin. Lawyers for Trayvons family hold a news conference, once again demanding an arrest. They accuse police of siding with Zimmerman and trying to intimidate witnesses by discrediting Cutchers ...
Trayvon Martin case: What does the autopsy say? - Los Angeles Times
21 hours ago ... Trayvon Martin case: The autopsy could help answer some of the questions ... "... a witness claimed Zimmerman was on top of Trayvon Martin.
Reports Surface of Trayvon Martins Troubled Past
A man joins nationwide protests in memory of slain Florida teenager Trayvon Martin on ... was approached from behind by Martin, and then attacked after a brief exchange of words. Sanford police say they have witness accounts that corroborate ...
What do you think of these new details in the Trayvon Martin incident? Witnesses identify Trayvon as aggressor?
Obviously the national media did a p*ss poor job reporting on this when it started. They used a picture of a 12 year old kid (instead of a picture of a 63" 17 year old) and got everybody thinking this was a hate crime before all the details even emerged. Even I thought this was a travesty (until I realized the kid in the picture was not actually what the person who died looked like at the time AT ALL).
IF these new details are true, these people need to stop protesting....FOR REAL. There are REAL hate crimes that could use this national attention. Manufacturing one only makes people ignore the next REAL hate crime.
Police say Zimmerman was bleeding from the nose, had a fat lip and confirm that the back of his head was cut. He received first aid at the scene but refused to go to the hospital and received medical treatment the following day, according to the Sentinels sources.
The Sentinels story also makes public new details about the circumstances leading up to the deadly confrontation between Zimmerman and Martin.
At the time, Martin was suspended from high school after he was found to be in possession of an empty marijuana baggie, according to the Sentinel. Martins school has a "zero-tolerance" drug policy, the newspaper added.
Zimmerman was heading to the grocery store when he spotted Martin and called police to report a black youth acting suspiciously, possibly on drugs.
Zimmerman stepped out of his SUV to follow Martin, even though a police dispatcher told him he didnt need to do so.
Zimmerman told police he hed lost sight of Martin and was heading back to his car when the youth suddenly stepped into his path. According to the Sentinel, Martin asked Zimmerman if he had a problem. Zimmerman said no and reached for his cellphone. Martin then said something like, "Well, you do now" and punched him, according to the Sentinels sources.
@chevy p.....""Zimmerman stepped out of his SUV to follow Martin, even though a police dispatcher told him he didnt need to do so." There goes the self defense."
Not really.
If you READ the details (obviously you didnt) then this is not nearly as clean cut as you would like it to be. It appears Zimmerman was on his way back to his truck when Trayvon instigated the situation (beyond Zimmerman simply following as he was told).
@tonal........"But last time I looked, a kid having pot is not a capital crime deserving execution."
Didnt say it was. In fact, I am probably the most anti-drug war person who will EVER MEET. Trust me.
But I"m am sick and tired of the media painting Trayvon Martin like he was a model citizen that did nothing but walk down the road with some skittles.
Also, this is not the first place Ive read those details. They are slowly leaking out. Apparently they are contained in the sealed police report in the district attorneys office.
Category: Politics
What Everyone Should Know About Trayvon Martin (1995-2012 ...
Three witnesses say they heard a boy cry for help before a shot was fired. ... The Florida state attorney has sent the Trayvon Martin case to a grand jury.
Witnesses describe Trayvon Martin's final moments; Parents say 'He ...
Witnesses describe Trayvon Martin's final moments; Parents say 'He was headed on the right path' ... An attorney representing Zimmerman, Craig Sonner, said the death of Trayvon Martin was a clear case of self-defense.
"I need more facts on Trayvon Martin case"
So when some suddenly entlightened citizen wants to be patient and let the process play out, I say "no shit sherlock ... says and ask them to comment on this case . Let us assume Trayvon Martin did attack Zimmerman after zimmerman initiated ...
Opinions on Trayvon Martin?
Facts 1. Zimmerman followed Martin in an SUV. 2. Zimmerman called the police. 3. Zimmerman got out of his vehicle to pursue Trayvon on foot. 4. Zimmerman was told not to pursue Trayvon, and disregarded those instructions. 5. Zimmerman chased Trayvon when Trayvon began to run. 6. A witness says it sounded like a child screaming and crying for help. 7. The 13 year old witness said a man on the ground was begging for help. 8. The crying stops once a shot is fired. 9. Neighborhood watchers are told to never patrol alone and to never approach the suspect. 10. Trayvon is dead.
With that being said what are your opinions based on facts that you may have that I havent found yet. I didnt include race because although it makes a difference in the way the case is being handled, I just want to know whether or not you feel like George Zimmerman is guilty. No rude derogatory comments. Lets be civil. Also if you feel like you want to help convict George Zimmerman heres a petition http://www.change.org/petitions/prosecute-the-killer-of-17-year-old-trayvon-martin
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1A37N3zlZqw&list=FLh-9MamDx6UFltiv_Kp23vA&index=1&feature=plpp_video Phone call Zimmerman made
Answer: Zimmerman was obviously "trigger happy."
What a shame that this young, innocent, and promising young man lost his life because some jerk thought little of shooting an unarmed person!
Hugs to the Martin family....
And yes, I will sign the petition to have Zimmerman arrested and convicted before we lose any more young people to this type of over-zealousness!
P.S. I signed the petition!
Category: Current Events
(CNN) — On the night of February 26, Trayvon Martin was wearing a hoodie and had bought Skittles and an Arizona tea at a convenience store in Sanford, Florida. Some time after that, he was shot and killed by neighborhood watch member George ...
Fuck Your Conservatism / Heres what witnesses say about Trayvon ...
Heres what witnesses say about Trayvon Martins murder ... 2012/03/15/v-fullstory/2696446/trayvon-martin-case ... Link 16 Mar 58 notes Heres what witnesses say about Trayvon Martin ...
Are Obama and his media lap dogs trying to incite racial tensions with the Trayvon Martin Case?
Zimmerman told police he acted in self-defense. Police found blood on his face and the back of his head as well as grass on the back of his shirt.
That jibes with what Cheryl Browns teenage son witnessed while walking his dog that night. Thirteen-year-old Austin stepped out his front door and heard people fighting, he told the Orlando Sentinel on Thursday.
"I heard screaming and crying for help," he said. "I heard, Help me. "
It was dark, and the boy did not see how the fight started, in fact, he only saw one person, a man in a red shirt — Zimmerman — who was on the ground.
George Zimmerman is not white.
He did not use the term coon.
The police did an investigation.
It was clear the Zimmerman had been in an altercation. He was injured. He was the person screaming help me.
He may have followed Trayvon Martin but he did not shoot him in the back. In fact he tried to get back in his truck. George Zimmerman tried to avoid violence. It was Trayvon Martin that attacked him Physically.
It does not matter that Zimmerman followed him. It does not matter that Zimmer reported him to the police. It does not matter that Zimmerman spoke him. That does not give Trayvon Martin the right to beat him up. Physical violence should not be tolerated. It leads to things like this. Zimmerman shot him because he was scared that Trayvon was going to kill him.
Which makes more sense?
The above story or that the entire police department is racist?
Category: Politics
Trayvon Martin Death: Witnesses Back Zimmermans Story, Police Say
The Orlando Sentinel is reporting that Trayvon Martin ... Police say they believe it was Zimmerman’s voice, although Martin’s attorney insists it is the teen’s. The Sentinel reports that one witness told police he was certain he saw ...
Trayvon Martin case: Witnesses recall unarmed teens cries before ...
Trayvon Martin case: Witnesses recall unarmed teens cries before shooting ... Three witnesses contacted by The Miami Herald say they saw or heard the ...
Trayvon lawyer: Police trying to blame victim
(CBS News) The attorney for the parents of Trayvon Martin said the Sanford Police Department is blaming the victim in the case by leaking information ... why dont they leak the witnesses who say they saw him pursuing Trayvon?
Trayvon Martin familys lawyers no strangers to civil rights cases
This isnt just the story of Trayvon Martins death on Feb. 26 in Sanford ... Parks & Crump also take on the far less-profitable business of civil rights cases out of what they say is a duty to their community. Though civil rights cases pay ...
U.S. Opens Inquiry in Killing of Trayvon Martin
MIAMI — Seven years after Florida adopted its sweeping self-defense law, the shooting of Trayvon Martin, an unarmed black teenager, has put that law at the center of an increasingly angry debate over how he was killed and whether law enforcement officers have the authority to charge the man who killed him. The law, called Stand Your Ground, - By LIZETTE ALVAREZ
(CNN) — On the night of February 26, Trayvon Martin was wearing a hoodie and had bought Skittles and an Arizona tea at a convenience store in Sanford, Florida. Some time after that, he was shot and killed by neighborhood ...
3 hours ago ... The killing of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin has sparked a national dialogue on race; now CNN wants to hear from you. At 8 p.m. ET Thursday at ...
Opinions on the Trayvon Martin?
Facts 1. Zimmerman followed Martin in an SUV. 2. Zimmerman called the police. 3. Zimmerman got out of his vehicle to pursue Trayvon on foot. 4. Zimmerman was told not to pursue Trayvon, and disregarded those instructions. 5. Zimmerman chased Trayvon when Trayvon began to run. 6. A witness says it sounded like a child screaming and crying for help. 7. The 13 year old witness said a man on the ground was begging for help. 8. The crying stops once a shot is fired. 9. Neighborhood watchers are told to never patrol alone and to never approach the suspect. 10. Trayvon is dead.
With that being said what are your opinions based on facts that you may have that I havent found yet. I didnt include race because although it makes a difference in the way the case is being handled, I just want to know whether or not you feel like George Zimmerman is guilty. No rude derogatory comments. Lets be civil. Also if you feel like you want to help convict George Zimmerman heres a petition http://www.change.org/petitions/prosecute-the-killer-of-17-year-old-trayvon-martin
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1A37N3zlZqw&list=FLh-9MamDx6UFltiv_Kp23vA&index=1&feature=plpp_video Phone call Zimmerman made
Answer: Keep the faith.
The F.B.I will prosecute Zimmerman under federal hate crimes legislation.
His phony defense will falter under the weight of evidence proving that he habitually
patrolled the neighborhood, harassing only black youths. He will do hard time for murder.
Category: Other - Society & Culture
Instapundit » Blog Archive » NEW WITNESS IN THE TRAYVON ...
NEW WITNESS IN THE TRAYVON MARTIN CASE: 17-year-old was 'beating up' gunman, according to anonymous witness. ... There may not be conclusive evidence, since we don't know what precipitated the scuffle, and there may not be evidence that Trayvon Martin was doing something wrong when Zimmerman first called 911 to report suspicious behavior but to say there is 'no apparent evidence' that Zimmerman fired in self-defense is the quality of reporting we ...
OP-ED COLUMNIST; The Curious Case of Trayvon Martin
He said that Tray was gone. Thats how Sybrina Fulton, her voice full of ache, told me she found out that her 17-year-old son, Trayvon Martin, had died. In a wrenching telephone call, the boys father, who had taken him to visit a friend, told her that Trayvon had been gunned down in a gated townhouse community in Sanford, Fla., outside - Charles M Blow Op-Ed column recounts case in which Trayvon Martin, an unarmed black teenager, was shot and killed in gated community in Sanford, Fla, by neighborhood crime watch volunteer George Zimmerman, who went free after claiming self-defense; argues that the tragic incident has reignited racial strife and a nation-wide furor about vigilante justice and racial-profiling. Photo (M) - By CHARLES M. BLOW
Witness Speaks Out In Trayvon Martin Case - Yahoo! News
Witness Speaks Out In Trayvon Martin Case. Fri, Mar 16, 2012 - WESH - Orlando 2:57 | 1,380 views ... Sure you can say self-defense, but not when you incited the ...
Witnesses in Trayvon Martin death heard cries before shot ...
Witnesses say they believe Trayvon Martin cried for help just before he was shot by a watch captain
Trayvon Martin case: Warning shot then kill shot was fired, say ...
PHOTO GALLERY: THE TRAYVON MARTIN CASE ... for Trayvon’s family say it was the Miami high school junior. Trayvon ... Trayvon Martin case: Witnesses recall unarmed teens ...
How much information do we have on the Zimmerman case?
A new witness to the Trayvon Martin shooting has come forward, claiming the Florida teen did in fact attack neighborhood watch volunteer George Zimmerman, according to media reports.
Zimmerman has said he shot the 17-year-old in self-defense, though Martin was reportedly carrying only a bag of Skittles and an iced tea when he was killed. Despite a loud national outcry, Zimmerman has not been arrested or charged in Martin’s death.
According to Tampa Bay Fox affiliate WTVT-TV, what the witness says he saw could bolster Zimmerman’s claim that he shot Martin in self-defense:
“The guy on the bottom who had a red sweater on was yelling to me: ‘help, help…and I told him to stop and I was calling 911,” he said.
Trayvon Martin was in a hoodie; Zimmerman was in red.
Answer: You would think that the president would get more info before he made a remark in public, don't you? Well not this empty suit masquerading as a whirlwind of wisdom! All the reporting of this is mired in confusion as in all evil mindedness and will come to seek rage rather than reason.
Category: Politics
Trayvon Martin Death: Police Say Witnesses Back Zimmerman's Story
Trayvon Martin Death: Police Say Witnesses Back Zimmerman's Story. Monday, 26 Mar 2012 04:06 PM. By Martin Gould. More ways to share... Mixx. Stumbled ...
Investigation Uncovers Witness Tampering by Police in Trayvon ...
10 Responses to Investigation Uncovers Witness Tampering by Police in Trayvon Martin Murder Case ... Ah you say, “but Zimmerman started it”, well, that may ...
Police: No Grounds For Arrest In Trayvon Martin Death - Orlando ...
A witness to the fight between Trayvon Martin and ... on to say, "Our entire family is deeply sorry for the loss of Trayvon. We pray for the Martin ... Trayvon Martin Case Moves ...
On the night of February 26, Trayvon Martin was wearing a hoodie and had bought Skittles and an Arizona tea at a convenience store in Sanford, Florida. Some time after that, he was shot and killed by neighborhood watch ...
Do You Still Believe in Justice?
Facts 1. Zimmerman followed Martin in an SUV. 2. Zimmerman called the police. 3. Zimmerman got out of his vehicle to pursue Trayvon on foot. 4. Zimmerman was told not to pursue Trayvon, and disregarded those instructions. 5. Zimmerman chased Trayvon when Trayvon began to run. 6. A witness says it sounded like a child screaming and crying for help. 7. The 13 year old witness said a man on the ground was begging for help. 8. The crying stops once a shot is fired. 9. Neighborhood watchers are told to never patrol alone and to never approach the suspect. 10. Trayvon is dead.
With that being said what are your opinions based on facts that you may have that I havent found yet. I did not want to include race because although it makes a difference in the way the case is being handled, I just want to know whether or not you feel like George Zimmerman is guilty. No rude derogatory comments. Lets be civil. Also if you feel like you want to help convict George Zimmerman heres a petition http://www.change.org/petitions/prosecute-the-killer-of-17-year-old-trayvon-martin
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GnItpb-NQ64 phone calls of witnesses and Zimmerman
Trayvon was a 17 year old high school junior and athlete. He was 63 and 140 pounds. Zimmerman weighs around 240 not sure of his height, but he does have a prior charge of battering an officer. I also believe that Zimmerman is hispanic. So this is not a black/white issue, but it seems like it is becoming one
A white man did not shoot Trayvon and I dont want to hear about the Asian kid being jumped. I want something to be done about Trayvons murder. If you have to make everything a race issue dont answer the question OK. Because that trivializes Trayvons death. Stop throwing race into just boo hoo about your own injustices and 17 year old boy was murdered. Doesnt matter his color, everyone should be up in arms because Zimmerman is still free.
Answer: The important thing for the moment is to deal with this individual. The case needs to be investigated by an impartial authority. The issue of race can be sorted out later. Right now the matter should just be why George Zimmerman pursued Trayvon Martin after he was told by the police not to. George Zimmerman should have to turn over his gun immediately and instructed to not do anymore patrols. His familly should also pursue suing him civilally to bankrupt him.
Category: Other - Cultures & Groups
Witness In Trayvon Martin Case To Speak Today - Local News ...
It goes on to say, "Our entire family is deeply sorry for the loss of Trayvon. We pray for the Martin ... Witness Speaks Out In Trayvon Martin Case Boy, 9 ...
Witness: Martin attacked Zimmerman
22 hours ago ... Athletes, parents to rally in Sanford for Trayvon Martin · ID fraud up among social ... Friend of George Zimmerman: 'This was not a racial profiling case' ... The night of that shooting, police say there was a witness who saw it all.
‘What are you following me for?’ Witness in Trayvon Martin case
‘What are you following me for?’ Witness in Trayvon Martin case at Automotive ... In a final moments of his life, Trayvon Martin was being hounded by a bizarre ...
The Curious Case of Trayvon Martin - NYTimes.com
... found out that her 17-year-old son, Trayvon Martin ... One of the witnesses was a 13-year-old black ... with the headline: The Curious Case of Trayvon Martin.
Commission votes no confidence for chief in Trayvon Martin case ...
Commission votes no confidence for chief in Trayvon Martin case ... Phone records have not yet been inspected, witnesses ... Attorneys for the family say that the blunders ...
The Call Blog: One Month Later, Calls Mount For Arrest In Trayvon Martin Shooting
The shooting death of Trayvon Martin touches ... I always say that if I was born during Slavery, I would have been lynched because I dont have the attitude to endure the pain my ancestors did. This case is NOT about black & white, but right ...
Witnesses in Trayvon Martin death heard cries before shot - Trayvon ...
6 days ago ... Witnesses say they believe Trayvon Martin cried for help just before he ... Trayvon Martin's case is creating a new social activism that hasn't ...
Martins Parents To Appear On Capitol Hill
SANFORD, Florida (CNN) -- That George Zimmerman, a neighborhood watch captain, shot and killed 17-year-old Trayvon Martin ... case was either bungled, or ignored completely," she said of the initial police inquiry. Sanford authorities say ...
NRHH: What are your thoughts on the Trayvon Martin situation?
Its quite obvious that Zimmerman is a pile of sh*t who is guilty, but there isnt enough
evidence to convict him in court. Sometimes our court systems are fair but with
no further evidence likely to come forward, today theyre not. Plus the defense
attorney could say, "Well, there was a sign of a struggle..."
You want to say f*ck the police, but there wasnt much they could do with
the case, no witnesses besides Zimmerman, the killer.
How far should self-defense extend?
Your thoughts?
I dont want to drag race into the equation. Just saying that.
@EKwelity: Yeah, youre right. But a situation like this, with a black victim,in a
gated community, killed by a neighborhood watchman, all pointing to signs
of racial profiling, the media is going to take this to the bank. And not to bash them,
they just present the news, and if theres a demand or interest in it, more
coverage will be given. Thats really how it works.
I dont think it should be all about race, but people love to do that nowadays.
Im being too in the middle, yeah its disgrace, and who gives a f*ck about
evidence, put the motherf*cker in jail.
Category: Rap and Hip-Hop
Is the mainstream media being honest and unbias about Treyvon Martin?
All I hear is some hype about a kid just going out for skittles and being shot. And lately all I hear on the radio or front page stories (I dont watch TV) are about the protests in response to it over the actual case. Now, when I do a little more digging I see that his mom has quickly went to trademark certain phrases related to the incident http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/trayvon-martin-mother-moves-trademark-phrases-rallying-cries-wake-son-death-article-1.1051304, which I think is despicable regardless of outcome, and theres a potential witness testimony of Trayvon brutally attacking Zimmerman http://www.foxnews.com/on-air/hannity/2012/03/27/witness-reportedly-saw-trayvon-martin-beating-george-zimmerman-shooting. Both of which would completely go unheard of to me hadnt I actually looked into it a bit more. Now Im not saying Trayvons guilty and Zimmermanns innocent or vise versa. Im saying theres two sides to every story and on top of that, a factual account of what happened as well as a trial yet to be had. Do you think the media is honestly over viewing this from a neutral point of view or trying to stir a mob mentality with Trayvon: good, Zimmermann: bad?
Category: Media & Journalism
The Trayvon Martin Narrative Changes Suddenly: Witnesses Say ...
Lately witnesses have either come forward or the original statements are just now being made aware that challenge the narrative that has thus far dominated the tragic news of Trayvon Martin who was gunned down by George Zimmerman. The events leading up to the shooting have been small in detail. In their .... I don't believe that the Trayvon Martin case is any more important that this one. As a (black) mother of three, I cringe whenever I hear of anything crazy like ...
New Orleans Police Officer Suspended For Saying Trayvon Martin ...
headlinenews CNN: What witnesses say in the Trayvon Martin case: On the night of February 26, Trayvon Martin was wearing a ho... http://t.co/a0ztvpum · 54 minutes ago from twitterfeed ...
Bill O’Reilly On Trayvon Martin Case: Feds Are Involved And ...
... law has been playing in the case of Trayvon Martin. ... Anderson Cooper Interviews Witnesses To Trayvon Martin ... for drugs ….which is the case most of the time. I’d say ...
Witness Speaks Out In Trayvon Martin Case - Bing Videos
A witness believes the Trayvon Martin shooting "wasnt self ... Witness Speaks Out In Trayvon Martin Case ... S. military officials say there ...
Commission votes no confidence for chief in Trayvon Martin case
The many missteps in the Trayvon Martin investigation ... "There are some things in this case that have me scratching my head," said former Boca Raton police chief Andrew Scott, now a professional expert trial witness. "Instead of saying ...
Trayvon Martin attorneys use bootcamp playbook to press case
“She would say ... claim that he was attacked by Trayvon. Zimmerman has yet to be arrested or charged, prompting Crump, Parks and Sharpton to echoe the same calls for arrests that they made in Martin’s case. “There is no law firm ...
Trayvon Martins side on defensive after revelations
The family and supporters of slain Florida teenager Trayvon Martin ... case. "I know each one of you - and everyone watching - would like to have a quick, positive resolution to this recent event," Scott told reporters. "However, I must say ...
Opinions on Trayvon Martin case?
Facts 1. Zimmerman followed Martin in an SUV. 2. Zimmerman called the police. 3. Zimmerman got out of his vehicle to pursue Trayvon on foot. 4. Zimmerman was told not to pursue Trayvon, and disregarded those instructions. 5. Zimmerman chased Trayvon when Trayvon began to run. 6. A witness says it sounded like a child screaming and crying for help. 7. The 13 year old witness said a man on the ground was begging for help. 8. The crying stops once a shot is fired. 9. Neighborhood watchers are told to never patrol alone and to never approach the suspect. 10. Trayvon is dead.
With that being said what are your opinions based on facts that you may have that I havent found yet. I didnt include race because although it makes a difference in the way the case is being handled, I just want to know whether or not you feel like George Zimmerman is guilty. No rude derogatory comments. Lets be civil. Also if you feel like you want to help convict George Zimmerman heres a petition http://www.change.org/petitions/prosecute-the-killer-of-17-year-old-trayvon-martin
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1A37N3zlZqw&list=FLh-9MamDx6UFltiv_Kp23vA&index=1&feature=plpp_video phone call Zimmerman made
Trayvon was a 17 year old high school junior and athlete. He was 63 and 140 pounds. Zimmerman weighs around 240 not sure of his height, but he does have a prior charge of battering an officer. I also believe that Zimmerman is hispanic. So this is not a black/white issue, but it seems like it is becoming one.
Answer: I have been following this case..the shooter has a history of violence and an arrest with dropped charges...this is when Neighborhood Watches can go bad when you get someone with a vigilante mindset and stereotypical views of young black males..these watches need to have some official intervention from the police, that is set up with police sanctions and training...they may have been able to ferret out this guy's history...I believe he had a license to carry a gun for personal protection but not to ride around and patrol.
Also..thanks for a thought provoking question and bringing us out of the school yard.
Category: Other - Cultures & Groups
New claims cast Trayvon Martin as the aggressor
Tracy Martin, center, speaks at the Sanford City Commission meeting with Trayvons mother, Sybrina Fulton ... Martins family thinks it was their son who was crying out. Witness accounts differ and 911 tapes in which the voices are heard ...
Trayvon Martin Death: Police Say Witnesses Back Zimmerman's ...
By: Martin Gould. The Orlando Sentinel is reporting that Trayvon Martin decked George Zimmerman with one punch and then repeatedly slammed his head into the sidewalk, according to a newly released version of the events that led up to the 17-year-old's death. The neighborhood watch captain was left ... to his quarter of a million followers at the weekend. Last week President Barack Obama jumped into the case saying if he had a son “he would look like Trayvon.” ...
State Prosecutor Probes Trayvon Martin Murder Case
Zimmerman is the neighborhood watch volunteer who last month shot and killed a black teenager named Trayvon Martin. As NPRs Greg Allen reports, city officials in Sanford say the case is now out ... to the report, other witnesses corroborated Zimmermans ...
New Trayvon Martin Case Witness Claims Zimmerman Held Down ...
1 day ago ... Now another witness has come foward in the Trayvon Martin killing case -- and what she has to say on NBC's Dateline is likely to increase the clamor ...
Witnesses describe Trayvon Martin's final moments; Parents say 'He ...
2 days ago ... Witnesses describe Trayvon Martin's final moments; Parents say 'He was ... said the death of Trayvon Martin was a clear case of self-defense.
Witness Speaks Out In Trayvon Martin Case - Bing Videos
Description: DV Guide: We tell you about three streaming devices -- Roku, Apple TV and Xbox -- that can help you say goodbye to the high cost of cable and hello to TV ...
Why it necessary that we pretend Trayvon Martin was a model citizen who did ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to provoke?
Its a sad story. But why is it necessary to pretend Trayvon Martin was the innocent 12 year old in the picture that runs with most of these articles?
According to the report, on Oct. 21 staffers monitoring a security camera at Dr. Michael M. Krop Senior High School spotted Trayvon and two other students writing “W.T.F.,” an acronym for “What the f---,” on a hallway locker, according to schools police. The security employee, who knew Trayvon, confronted the teen and looked through his bag for the graffiti marker.
Trayvon’s backpack contained 12 pieces of jewelry, in addition to a watch and a large flathead screwdriver, according to the report, which described the screwdriver as a burglary tool.
Zimmerman was heading to the grocery store when he spotted Martin and called police to report a black youth acting suspiciously, possibly on drugs.
Zimmerman stepped out of his SUV to follow Martin, even though a police dispatcher told him he didnt need to do so.
Zimmerman told police he hed lost sight of Martin and was heading back to his car when the youth suddenly stepped into his path. According to the Sentinel, Martin asked Zimmerman if he had a problem. Zimmerman said no and reached for his cellphone. Martin then said something like, "Well, you do now" and punched him, according to the Sentinels sources.
"With a single punch," the Orlando Sentinel, citing police sources, reported Monday, "Trayvon Martin decked the Neighborhood Watch volunteer ... climbed on top of [him] and slammed his head into the sidewalk several times, leaving him bloody and battered."
"That is the account Zimmerman gave police," the paper said, "and much of it has been corroborated by witnesses, authorities say."
Category: Politics
U.S. News - Witness: Zimmerman 'never ... tried to help' Trayvon Martin
As thousands protested how Trayvon Martin's shooting was handled, witnesses of the boy's death say they believe the shooter is guilty. NBC's Ron Allen reports. By NBC News, msnbc.com staff and news services. A woman ...
What witnesses say in the Martin case: On the night of February 26, Trayvon Martin was wearing a hoodie and had ... http://t.co/1OKzuX8c
From: Altuaco - Source: twitterfeed
What witnesses say in the Martin case: On the night of February 26, Trayvon Martin was wearing a hoodie and had ... http://t.co/6dJcwDGM
From: catlynOmalley - Source: twitterfeed
What witnesses say in the Martin case: On the night of February 26, Trayvon Martin was wearing a hoodie and had bought Skittles and a...
From: ssqluck - Source: twitterfeed
What witnesses say in the Martin case: On the night of February 26, Trayvon Martin was wearing a hoodie and had ... http://t.co/hWKtVME3
From: hallovonbella - Source: twitterfeed
#cnn What witnesses say in the Martin case: On the night of February 26, Trayvon Martin was wearing a hoodie and... http://t.co/CFSaYSQ3
From: rss_cnn - Source: twitterfeed
What witnesses say in the Martin case: On the night of February 26, Trayvon Martin was wearing a hoodie and had ... http://t.co/I0Tbn0Vc
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What witnesses say in the Trayvon Martin case - CNN International
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What witnesses say in the Martin case: On the night of February 26, Trayvon Martin was wearing a hoodie and had ... http://t.co/w99llHeo
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What witnesses say in the Trayvon Martin case http://t.co/CPH2A9I9 #cnn
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@djpillarbox What witnesses say in the Martin case: On the night of February 26, Trayvon Martin was wearing a ho... http://t.co/ZE90zADE
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What witnesses say in the Trayvon Martin case http://t.co/ctD8I6of #cnn
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What witnesses say in the Trayvon Martin case - CNN International
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What witnesses say in the Trayvon Martin case - CNN International
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cnn continues to discredit itself: "What witnesses say in the Trayvon Martin case": http://t.co/eFIE9652 vs #12 #13 #22 http://t.co/cLIXXKbl
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What witnesses say in the Trayvon Martin case - CNN International http://t.co/hM2buhcA
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