Health Law Heads to Court : Photo Gallery
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Health Care Reform Law Heads to Supreme Court Soon |
Washington, D.C., United States (AHN) – The Obama administration issued guidelines Monday on implementing its health care reform law that is being phased ...
THE TEXAS TRIBUNE; Texans Lead Battle for Womens Health
In the tumultuous, emotionally charged rift -- and later, reunion -- between a renowned breast cancer prevention group and the nations largest family-planning and abortion provider, all roads lead to Texas. Susan G. Komen for the Cure, which incited outrage and won accolades last week, first over its decision to halt financing for breast exams at - By EMILY RAMSHAW
Asd disabled Law Enforcement, are there free computers available in Bangor Maine? ?
Shot through the head, run over, discredited and disempowered by "family law" abuses. I was basically d rugged into marriage / divorce for the disempowerments offered my opponents by missuse of "family law" (treason). I now cannot, as matter of self preservation, "jump through the hoops" to get disability payments from the "government" as government is so wholely corrupted by d rug loving individuals that an honest cop is most likely to find a judge more sympathetic to those that shot him for following the rules as not. Finding such a judge means jail at hard labor while suffering from ostio condroma / ostio imperfecta (diagnosed after I was shot). In other words applying is all but suicide as the laws state de@dbeat dads go to jail vertually without possibility of appeal, at hard labor. I cannot honestly expect, with my medical conditions, to survive that. Thus I do not sign up, as a failure to get assistance on the first attempt, for me and those in my situation, is not appealable ~ people like me can expect jail first, death second, and appeal only is one is born again.
Thus as I do not apply, and the DHHS will not apply for me, nore enen adequately grant me medical attention, such as basic research into my medical condition (as per Emmons -v- Peet, current case law in the State of Maine which states and I quote: Because of protected property rights...the institutionalized mentally ill have no right to adequate medical health care.) Yes, the nurse given me who married me then divorced measking for $100,000 to be forcibly earned at $30,000 per year min. by "imputed income" was an RN psyche nurse and former State Employee.
I have no source of funds other than food stamps that I cannot sell or give away to the ex or children, and a housing voucher I cannot sublet.
If I earn money it had best be at $30,000 per year, or Im in contempt of court.
So I dont choose to stick my head in that dark place...and dont earn.
But I want communication through a computer.
Answer: I think you have far worse problems than not having a computer. Your writing is incoherent. I'd offer to send you an extra I have for shipping costs - but you sound like a person who doesn't even have that.
Category: People with Disabilities
2010 health-care law heads to Supreme Court for 6 hours of arguments
Do courts have jurisdiction to decide the case now, or do they have to wait until a person faced with the individual mandate pays the penalty — which the court would consider a tax? If the justices decide they lack jurisdiction, the case could ...
HEALTH LAW HEADS TO COURT – Wall Street Journal | Global WordPress ...
CBS NewsHealth Law Heads to CourtWall Street JournalBy JESS BRAVIN Does Congress have the power to mandate that everyone in the US have health insurance? T...
ObamaCare Headed to Supreme Court....but WHEN?
When is the Supreme Court going to rule on the health care laws constitutionality? This year? Next year? 4 years from now? Im trying to find an answer but Im getting all kinds of numbers. Anyone know/have a prediction?
Answer: It has to go to the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals first. It could be from two or three weeks or more for it to get on the 11th Circuit Court docket.
Then to get on the docket at the US Supreme Court where it could take up to six months to dispose of the petition from the date of filing.
...or if they are trying to help Obama win an election about 22 months.
Category: Current Events
WASHINGTON—In taking up President Barack Obamas health overhaul Monday, the Supreme Court wades into an issue that not only could sway this falls ...
Wage Protection for Home Care Workers
The Obama administration proposed regulations on Thursday to give the nations nearly two million home care workers minimum wage and overtime protections. Those workers have long been exempted from coverage. Labor unions and advocates for low-wage workers have pushed for the changes, contending that the 37-year-old exemption improperly swept these - Obama administration proposes regulations to give nearly two million home care workers minimum wage and overtime protections; labor unions and advocates for low-wage workers have pushed for the changes, contending that a 37-year-old exemption improperly puts workers who care for elderly and disabled Americans in the same category as babysitters. Photo (M) - By STEVEN GREENHOUSE
Herbert touts Utah solutions as health care reform debate heads to ...
Herbert touts Utah solutions as health care reform debate heads to Supreme Court ... unveiled principles for replacing Obamas health care law. The ...
WASHINGTON—In taking up President Barack Obamas health overhaul Monday, the Supreme Court wades into an issue that not only could sway this falls elections but also could help define for generations what Congress is and isnt entitled to do.
Health Care Law Heads To Supreme Court - Madison News Story ...
4 hours ago ... JANESVILLE, Wis. -- Supporters of the federal health care law, which Wisconsin and other states will challenge in the U.S. Supreme Court this ...
HEALTH LAW HEADS TO COURT – Wall Street Journal | Mesa Az News ...
Health Law Heads to Court Wall Street Journal By JESS BRAVIN WASHINGTON—In taking up President Barack Obamas health overhaul Monday, the Supreme Court wades into ...
Health Care Law Heads to Supreme Court Video –
President Obamas signature piece of legislation will face the Supreme Court Monday for three days of oral arguments.
Health Care Law Heads To The High Court | WEKU
Monday, the Supreme Court will begin hearing arguments on the Obama administration's health care law. The justices have set aside six hours to debate whether the Affordable Care Act is constitutional. NPR's Ari Shapiro ...
Another question on the Health Care Reform: who to blame?
It appears that Browns victory is a sure sign of the defeat of the bill. So, some say.
Why did it have to come down to this?
So, the Republicans blocked and spread successful fear campaigns that took innocent citizens compassion to selfishness. Duh, they are sick and dying in this country.
The Democrats still have the ball court and still do. I am amazed they could not get it passed earlier. I understand they do not want Republican input, but could not agree amongst themselves to write something up.
Why? Egos clashing, buddies to make rich,...
Perhaps, we should pass a law to add smugness and head in ass syndrome to the DSM, so there could be a Health Care Reform that can make everyone happy...
da goat
I thought it was because they consulted Madonna on Health Care...
She works with scientists who say they can neutralize radiation.
Answer: They couldnt get together because moderate dems were worried about losing their jobs in 2010
And they are even more worried now
They couldnt get together because a majority of the country did NOT want this health reform and some people actually remember that they represent the people not the WH
Category: Politics
Why isnt there a family law section?
A friend of mine has moved overseas with her husband to work, she really doesnt like it at all. The living conditions are really bad, its dirty and the local people are hostile. They are both homesick and miss their children. The company misrepresented the living conditions to encourage the transfer.
Her husbands boss told him he wanted him to send his wife back home, and settle down with a local woman and stay for a long time. He told him if he didnt he could be fired.
My friend heard him say this, and he has also threatened her The bosses wife is in NA,Finding a different job is very hard with the recession.They could lose their house and be bankrupted if he quits.
Her husband is very stressed and worried about his job and they are argiung a lot now.He isnt able to sleep at night and his blood pressure has become very high. He is 60.
The boss has been constantly harassing the two of them. He told them last week is she stays they have to move out of the company housing and find a place to live. It is a very poor dirty country and they dont speak the language.. My friend has phoned me crying and upset and I am afraid for her health.
It seems to me there are all sorts of laws being violated here. My question is do you think a harassment law suit would stand up in court in their home country? The company is a NA company. the head office is in NA and so are the business licenses etc.
NA North American as in USA and Canada etc This is actionable to those countries I believe, employers as far as I know cant threaten or harass their employees in this way - I am wondering how hard it is so sue for compensation so they dont lose their house and what it would cost to do so
This is a company who does business under a Govt contract with a NA government
Answer: sounds like an employment issue... not family law at all. Sorry, but I am not aware of what NA stands for.
I would agree with you that the company did misrepresentation, but who has authority to deal with it, isn't clear. The real question is you have to determine the country with authority, and if that country actually has laws to prevent such an issue.
Category: Law & Ethics
Health Care Reform Q?
Trying to wrap my head around this. I know that on Nov 8th a court of appeals in DC upheld the law.
I also know that the "11th circuit" said the individual mandate was unconstitutional but the rest was ok. Now it is headed to the supreme court.
How did all of this start? 26 states sued with a business interest group, but how did it move up the courts? If I were to make a mental chart of how this started what would it look like?
So... where was the first federal court case? I know it is more complicated than that
That is interesting Ranger and a good explanation of the process. so does anyone know the history of this case? I know 26 states grouped together to sue....where was that case heard? I know there was a case in Michigan and Cincinnati as well as DC and Atlanta. I am just trying to figure out how all this started
Answer: First stop: Federal court
Second stop: The loser appealed to the federal appellate court
Final stop: If overturned, the original winner appeals to the supreme court. Their word is final.
The Supreme Court can choose to combine cases and hear them all at once.
The cases were started independent of each other.
The case that included 26 States is Florida et al v. United States Department of Health and Human Services. It was originally tried in a Federal District Court in Northern Florida. The judge ruled the individual mandate exceeded the power of Congress and ruled the clause was not severable. The appellate court partially overturned the lower court when it ruled that the clause was unconstitutional but it could be severed from the rest. On November 14th, the Supreme Court agreed to hear the case. Oral arguments are expected in March, 2012.
Commonwealth of Virginia v. Kathleen Sebelius: District court ruled it unconstitutional but the appellate court vacated the decision due to lack of standing.
The D.C. Court of Appeals ruled that the law is Constitutional in Seven-Sky v. Holder. Senior Judge Lawrence Silberman, a well known conservative, said "the right to be free from federal regulation is not absolute and yields to the imperative that Congress be free to forge national solutions to national problems".
The District Court for D.C. ruled in Meade v. Holder the law was Constitutional. Judge Gladys Kessler remarked "those who choose not to purchase health insurance will ultimately get a 'free ride' on the backs of those Americans who have made responsible choices to provide for the illness we all must face at some point in our lives."
In Liberty University v. Geithner, a District Court in Virginia ruled the law was Constitutional. In addition to ruling on the individual mandate, this court also ruled the employer mandate to be Constitutional.
In Thomas More Law Center v. Obama, a Michigan District Court Judge ruled the law to be Constitutional. The ruling was upheld in the appellate court.
I included the names of the cases so you can look them up if you want more information.
Category: Politics
THE BAY CITIZEN; Recent California Suicides Highlight Failures of Veterans’ Support System
Francis Guilfoyle, a 55-year-old homeless veteran, drove his 1985 Toyota Camry to the Department of Veterans Affairs campus in Menlo Park early in the morning of Dec. 3, took a stepladder and a rope out of the car, threw the rope over a tree limb and hanged himself. It was an hour before his body was cut down, according to the county - By AARON GLANTZ
Ben Nelson stands by his key health law vote
The senator who paved the way for health care reform has a message for his legion of critics as the two-year-old law heads to the U.S. Supreme Court: Kiss off. Republicans vilified Nebraska Democrat Ben Nelson for cutting a $100 million backroom ...
Health reform lawsuit appears headed for Supreme Court - Jennifer ...
A ruling on Obamas health care law during a presidential election could carry ... of Families USA, which has filed briefs in support of the law. But a Supreme Court ruling ...
CBS NewsHealth Law Heads to CourtWall Street JournalBy JESS BRAVIN Does Congress have the power to mandate that everyone in the US have health insurance? The.
Supreme Court takes up Obamas health-care law
WASHINGTON — President Barack Obamas health-care law is front and center at the U.S. Supreme Court for three days of hearings to determine the fate of a law aimed at extending health insurance to more than 30 million Americans. The justices ...
Health care law heads to Supreme Court - Yahoo! News
Watch the video Health care law heads to Supreme Court on Yahoo! News.
Bad Signs from the Supreme Court for Health Law Says Bob Weiner, Former House Aging Comm. & Health Subcomm. Director, National Democratic Strategist
There are bad signs from the Court as it begins debate ... Tea Party movement, which opposes the health care law. Instead of disclosing his wifes earnings from conservative groups, including one she heads, Justice Thomas checked none on ...
Court rules health insurance mandate uncostitutional: now what?
Poor Obama, all his dreams are poised to be shattered.
In one of the main legal challenges against the health care reform passed last year, the 11th Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals in Atlanta declared the laws "individual mandate" unconstitutional, calling it an "unprecedented exercise of congressional power." The 2-1 ruling constitutes the first time a Democrat-appointed judged has struck down the mandate. Federal judges have been weighing in on the bills constitutionality for a while now and health care reporters and pundits are weighing in on where the ruling leaves the legislation.
This is headed for the Supreme Court. "If there was ever any doubt that the long-raging debate over the constitutionality of the federal health-care overhaul... would ultimately be settled by the U.S. Supreme Court, that doubt was all but extinguished today," writes Ashby Jones at The Wall Street Journals Law Blog. Steve Benen at the Washington Monthly agrees: "With the 6th and 11th circuits in conflict, there is now no real doubt that the Supreme Court will have to hear the case. We can probably expect a ruling next June — about five months before the presidential election."
Category: Elections
Health Care Heads to the High Court: What to Expect | Fox Business
The White House has been busy touting the second anniversary of the health-care law, but a giant question hangs over the celebrations: Will there be a ...
Justice Department Seeks High-Court Review of Health Law -
LAW; September 29, 2011; Health Overhaul Heads to Justices ... Republican president declining to defend the health-care law in court
Sharing Burdens Of Living With AIDS
NKONDEDZI, Mozambique -- Rogerio Bernardo slung a black satchel over his shoulder and waited by the roadside in the morning mist for a bush taxi. In dusty wingtips, frayed pants and a gray pinstripe suit coat so big it swallowed his slender frame, he looked like any peasant farmer dressed up for a trip to town. In fact, Mr. Bernardo, who has AIDS, - By CELIA W. DUGGER
Health Care Law Heads to U.S. Supreme Court: Whats At Stake?
Next week, all eyes will be on the U.S. Supreme Court as the highest court in the land does something very unusual according to legal scholars. It will consider striking down a piece of federal legislation – the health care law known as the Affordable ...
Health Care Law Heads To Supreme Court
JANESVILLE, Wis. -- Supporters of the federal health care law, which Wisconsin and other states will challenge in the U.S. Supreme Court this week, said mandated health insurance is a matter of life and death for them. Wisconsin Attorney General J.B. Van ...
Health care law heads to Supreme Court | Video | Fox News
Lead attorney in lower court challenge previews arguments. Watch the latest politics, entertainment and breaking news videos at
Health care battle reaches Supreme Court
WASHINGTON -- The monumental fight over a health care law that touches all Americans and divides them sharply comes before the Supreme Court today. The justices will decide whether to kill or keep the largest expansion of the nations social ...
Health law heads to Supreme Court: A.M. News Links |
2 hours ago ... Health Law Heads to Court (Wall Street Journal) WASHINGTON--In taking up President Barack Obama's health overhaul Monday, the Supreme ...
Health Care Reform Heads to the Supreme Court: A Guide to Day 1
Starting today, the frenzied national debate thats divided the nation since the passage of the health care reform law -- the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act -- will culminate in three days of oral arguments before the Supreme Court. Some are ...
Do you think the Health care Law will be deemed UNconstitutional?
They are misinformed Congress creates Laws not the state attorneys office they are overstepping their Authority on that issue. No one person have filed suit against the Health Care law because it have not been fully implemented an here is the Kicker. Again the Nation can make you carry health care Insurance for the protection of this nation an its inhabitants. Every day your representatives enact laws on your behalf an no one questions whether its unconstitutional. They take money from your Check in the USA to pave Roads, Build Bridges, an then charge you again to use the same roads. With this same double tax they then go further an tax the gas you put in your car. Now you say its unconstitutional to tax you or make you pay for health insurance please believe me every Republican head is gonna turn when they find out that its constitutional. The Judicial branch cant create laws only interpret those that are on the books. We have No law on the books that say you cant require people to have health insurance. We have Car insurance in every state of the Union an you really cant drive without it. You will be thrown into Jail for not carrying Automobile Insurance in most states. Now do you think any Judge will say I wont force people to carry insurance on their health which is more important than a car Please people stop dreaming. Thats where these conservatives are boldly ignorant in every state that carries car insurance they will have to justify their on rule of making everyone who own a car pay car insurance. I say to these simple states that act so stupidly wasting Tax payer Money Good Luck with That. Actually The American people ought to Sue these Politicians an Attorneys that are wasting our Money on failure. Every Citizen of these states should Launch a lawsuit against these State Attorneys for wasting Court cost an time on our Dime in this measure. I Believe these Politicians that wasted their time an our Money today in the House should be thrown out of Office.
Again people you do not get it if the state has a right to require Auto Insurance for your protection The USA have that same right to require you to get Health Insurance. You cant say The State rightss supersede that of the Government an this will be awake up call for all those state rights people also.
Answer: yes because it is
i dont need car insurance if i dont drive or have a car
Category: Politics
Santorum Heads to Supreme Court
As the justices take up health-care reform, Rick Santorum will head to the front step of the Supreme Court on Monday to wage war on the law. Santorum, who has positioned himself as more conservative than rival Mitt Romney, claims his health-care ...
First Read - Obama agenda: Court watching.
Wall Street Journal: “Health Law Heads to Court: Justices hear challenge in case that broadly tests boundaries of federal power.” The New York Times: “The Supreme Court on Monday starts three days of hearings on the ...
need help with new york city law,corrupt court in new york, scandal?
i need help. i live in new york city, in the bronx.
i am 26 yrs old and what happened was is my father who is estranged(long story) but i do not talk to him and have no sort of relationship with him, i see him often and try to avoid him but i dont attempt to talk to him. i ignore him and dont asnwer when he says anything to me.
he is an elderly 65 year old man who is senile at times and has a lying disorder. he abused when when i was growing up, it was a nightmare being with him but when i got to be around 18 no one was hitting me anymore so i fgured it wasnt that bad anymore since the abuse stopped. instead they abused me in other ways,verbally and emotionally, they excercized extreme control and influence over their now daughter whos a young adult. they basically took away all my resources and didnt let me dorm at college.
bt since there was no physical abuse i became a pushover and thought it wasnt that bad. i know i have low self esteem and let them treat me bad
alot of people in my situation had picked themself up at 18 and gone off to college away from home and not talk to parents. life didnt go that way for me, i had health problems happen to me after 18. i was in no condition to work and my parents robbed me of all the resources a young adult needs to start life. i wasnt even allowed to get a highschool diploma equivelency till i was about 21. so i couldnt go to college untill i was 21 because of the control they had and my health problems that prevented me from speaking up
ok so 21 is not so bad to start life, i even visited some apartments and wanted to take out a loan or get a part time job to move away. but i was focused on my studies.
i got into a bad accident when i was 22 and in my 2nd year of college and i couldnt walk anymore normally. i was supposed to die, the doctors were amazed i survived. they said i had a high changce of being dead from it.i broke almost every bone i had and suffered internal damage.i was internally bleeding and 3 years later i am still in severe pain to a point that i cant move sometimes.ive been physically crippled the last few years, obviousely i had to leave college and could not work. i couldnt bend or lift my arms or lift anything. i had no muscle strength anymore. even walking was a challenge, getting up steps, dressing, showering became a challenge. i did everything much slower but i managed and no one helped me. i staye dstrong in this time. i had many health scares and was afraid id die. all of the health problems were of course below the neck. i didnt hit my head.,mentally i was fine.i took myself to doctors and arrange all my apointments on my own. my parents did nothing for me, they did not even bring me a peice of food or help with a thing. so the only thing is that i got severely injured and it would prevent anyone from working or being sucessful., if you cant move your arms or get up a few steps or bend to sit down and your in excruciating pain daily then you should not be focused on working which requires all your attention, you should focus on yourself.
my doctors told me i could not work and that i should work on healing and getting my mobility back even if it took years. its very clear from looking at my that i was physically disabled. at times i couldnt even stand up straight i was bent at a 90 degree angle when walking, all bent over like some crippled senior citizen.
anyways to my health problems were real. all the doctors knew they were. since i was over 18 my parents did not care to know anything about my health and there was no way to know. my father has a known lying problem, hes notorious for lying. hes a narcasistic manipulator and a sociopath, he is always looking for new audiences after he gets caught lying to each audience he looks for a new one and hes very manipulative and convincing.he has been practicing this for decades and is an expert by now at getting people to do and think what he wants them to. my whole family knows he is abusive but they are afraid to speak against him publicly or outside of family.
anyhow my father has friends in the bronx courts, he is also friends with a few supreme court judges in the bronx courts. he personally sees one of the judges once a week and we live 2 blocks from this judge. he also is a very rich person, he has millions of dolars so he knows many lawyers and he must have spengt 50 thousand dollars going to court against me, he got the best lawyer in the area to get guardianship against me. they both manipulated the system. my father personally knows the judge tho who signed the order and he commited perjury by lying.
he got adult guardianship of me in court to make sure i cant get away from him.
bASICALLy now i am a ward of ny state, if i do anything my father dosnt like, he can call the police on me and have me institutionalized at his will. and my father dosnt like anything i want to do, he is a control freak, he even tries to stop me from eating and im a thin person, he calls
he calls me fat. often i go days without food. because my family eats outside of the house and he and my mother never really eat in the house so they never have groceries alot of times theres not enough food.they only have a meal on the weekend on saturday in the house.
i do not sit with them, but i take food seperately, but its normally take out food and my sister cooks and heats up this food for my parents, my parents do not prepare the meal or put any food on the table , they just sit and wait for my sister to prepare the food and serve them and then my sister cleans up the table. my sister takes care of them.
so he is very controlling, he dosnt want me to marry or attend school again. i want to buy some groceries so i need foodstamps, he took my money and he threatened to take any money if i got any assistance or income. he dosnt want me opening a bank acount or keeping any money, he dosnt want me to date or have friends, he dosnt want me to have a job or career. im the only one in
im scared if i try to go out of the home and go somewhere, he will have the cops come after me and if they find me, which they will, i dont have many places to go and im not good at hiding. they will instiutionalize me, my father says he will have me put away.
he has full control over me even tho he has no relationship with me, i9 live in his home but im sick medically and cant walk or move normally, for the first 2 years after the injury i was using a walker to get around and i cant get a job now
the reason he has guardianship over me is becase him and the judge teamed up and made up a story that i was faking having medical problems and they said i had no mobility trouble even tho it was obviouse that i could not walk or move normally
i have no many doctors that know i have medical problems and i have medical tests that show those problems are real. but thats not good enough for the judge. he is staying with his story that im a delusional mentally sick person who pretends to have medical problems or injury
he gave guardianship to my father so that he can stop me from seeing a doctor because im a delusional person who pretends to have medical problems and my father who i do not talk to and barely knows me should make all medical decisions for me
the problem is is that every doctor i went to knows that i have real medical problems and real mobility trouble. so i have so much proof against the judge and what he accused me of. so the reason he gave for giving control to my father is a lie.basically he did a personal favor for my father
i am 26 years old and im still recuperating, i still cant walk normally and i have severe debiltating mobility trouble and severe chronic pain that i feel ill throw up from the pain. its so bad it gets in the way of everything. the judge also accused me of not working because im "delusional about having ever had medical problems". i did not know the judge was a medical doctor. even tho atleast 5 of my doctors disagree with him and i have too much proof for the judge not to be a liar
i need to leave my fathers house and get food and money assistance. i need clothing donations and thing sto survive because im in no condition to work.
how do i remove this guardianship, if the judge is stubborn and is friends with my father. what am i supposed to do if theres a corrupt judge.? i cannot leave his home or sign up for college,college loans,food stamps, section 8 housing unless i remove my father and remove guardianship. i dont know this man, i feel more like a boarder in his home. im only trying to recupearate. thats why i live in his home for a place to stay to take care of my health
i dont have money for a lawyer, the free lawyer they gave me for the trial didnt even try to contact me and instead he talked to my father 4 or 5 times and met with him. hes on hisde side and not mine. he admitted he did not try to help me.
if i had a good lawyer he would have helped me. i also did not show up at the hearing because i was on bed rest and could not move during the hearing. so i was at home in bed unable to move taking painkillers
i feel like i have no rights like an unmarried woman in saudi arabia whos father makes all decisions for them and wont let them date or leave their home. i fear backlash from him and im not even arabic or muslim.
how do i remove this guardianship. it is in the bronx, the corrupt case. how do i get this thing closed so i can get things i need to leave this man who is my biological father and nothing else
*****ok ill try
heres the short version. i am 26 years old, my father has adult guardianship of me in the bronx. the judge who gave it to him is friends with him and corrupt, what can i do to remove this. its a court scandal and is corrupt since i dont qualify for guardianship and the entire case is based on lies, i have no money for a lawyer and legal aid cannot give me a lawyer if the case is closed already and its closed now and he ordered guardianship*****
read that for the short version
Answer: There is probably nothing you can do without a lawyer. Is there no relative you can go to for help in getting a lawyer? (I only read the short version, so I don't know if you have persuade this.)
You can try to contact the adult services department of the NYC dept. of social services if you think there is any reason to believe that your father is abusing you (physically, emotionally, or monetarily.)
Other than that, I can think of nothing else to help you out of your predicament.
Category: New York City
HEALTH LAW HEADS TO COURT – Wall Street Journal | Open Systems ...
Health Law Heads to Court Wall Street Journal By JESS BRAVIN WASHINGTON—In taking up President Barack Obama's health overhaul Monday, the Supreme Court wades into an issue that not only could sway this fall's ...
HEALTH LAW HEADS TO COURT – Wall Street Journal ...
By JESS BRAVIN. WASHINGTON—In taking up President Barack Obama’s health overhaul Monday, the Supreme Court wades into an issue that not only could sway this fall ...
TEXT; CNBC Your Money, Your Vote Republican Presidential Debate
The following is a transcript of the CNBC Your Money, Your Vote Republican presidential debate at Oakland University in Auburn Hills, Mich, as provided by Federal News Service. Speakers: Representative Michele Bachmann (R-MINN.) Businessman and Columnist Herman Cain Former Speaker of the House of Representatives Newt Gingrich (R-GA.) Former
Did u c these facts re health reform from leftist leaning firedoglake?
" We’ve also taken a detailed look at the bill, and have come up with 18 often stated myths about this health care reform bill.
Real health care reform is the thing we’ve fought for from the start. It is desperately needed. But this bill falls short on many levels, and hurts many people more than it helps.
A middle class family of four making $66,370 will be forced to pay $5,243 per year for insurance. After basic necessities, this leaves them with $8,307 in discretionary income — out of which they would have to cover clothing, credit card and other debt, child care and education costs, in addition to $5,882 in annual out-of-pocket medical expenses for which families will be responsible. Many families who are already struggling to get by would be better off saving the $5,243 in insurance costs and paying their medical expenses directly, rather than being forced to by coverage they can’t afford the co-pays on.
In addition, there is already a booming movement across the country to challenge the mandate. Thirty-three states already have bills moving through their houses, and the Idaho governor was the first to sign it into law yesterday. In Virginia it passed through both a Democratic House and Senate, and the governor will sign it soon. It will be on the ballot in Arizona in 2010, and is headed in that direction for many more. Republican senators like Dick Lugar are already asking their state attorney generals to challenge it. There are two GOP think tanks actively helping states in their efforts, and there is a booming messaging infrastructure that covers it beat-by-beat.
Whether Steny Hoyer believes the legality of the bill will prevail in court or not is moot, it could easily become the “gay marriage” of 2010, with one key difference: there will be no one on the other side passionately opposing it. "
What do you think?
Bob, I quoted them and their number must reflect housing, food etc costs as well.
Jade, youre amazing. Firedoglake is so left it thinks KUCINICH betrayed them.
Answer: Well, I must give them due credit. Seems those who know something about politics are less likely to buy into the DC nonsense.
Thanks for the link, DAR!
Category: Politics
Should LTC Terry Lakin, MD be deprived of all manner of self defense and be court martialed over Obamasforged?
COLB? Lakin, 18 years, MD, bronze star, questions Obamas eligibility BECAUSE OBAMA HAS POSTED A FORGED CERTIFICATION OF LIVE BIRTH
He has been deprived any discovery, evidence, witnesses or even to speak on his own behalf!!
Lets simplify this. Obamas COLB is a forgery, and here is why, succinctly:
Here is Hawaiis official raised seal:
Here is Obamas forged INVERTED seal from BACKWARD! An INNIE!
• The outer ring in HDOH example is a single line. The outer ring on Obamas COLB is a double line.
• The inner ring in HDOH example is a single line, like the outer ring. The inner ring on Obamas COLB is a broad, woven line.
• The typeface is a significant identifying feature of the seal. Obama’s is wide and bold, the HDOH seal lettering is condensed and a much lighter weight.
• Present is a font type treatment anomaly seen in the word "OF" -- see how small it is on Obamas COLB, as compared to the HDOH example?
• The two stars, described in those administration rules, are missing. Any alleged HDOH seal missing these two stars is NOT an official seal according to administrative rule §11-1-2.
Due to these indisputable facts, the seal on Obama’s COLB is not the Hawaii Department of Health which therefore does not have authority over the seal appearing on Obama’s COLB according to the description in the Title 11 rules AND the version disclosed in my records request. The seal seen on Obama’s COLB HAS NO LEGAL WEIGHT either online or as a physical copy.
Further, federal laws require vital documents to have a RAISED seal, whereas Obamas bad forgery is an inverted seal. Posting forged vital documents is a Class B felony, with a 10 year prison punishment.
Also, the COLBs certificate number is wrong, the fathers race would never say "African", the border is wrong, the font is wrong, and its only a filed application form too. The Hawaii Attorney General refuses to corroborate it. Janice Fukino of DOH said she didnt know what this thing represented. Chiyome Fukino, head of DOH is who supplied the legal raised seal of Hawaii seen above. The Hawaii Democratic Committee refused to vet Obama as required by Hawaii law. The Honolulu Elections Chief Tim Adams said Obama had zero documentation from Hawaii.
But the seal, is quick to understand. If the seal is forged, so is the entire thing.
Lakin WILL be CMed to four years hard labor in Leavenworth because he cannot put up any defense, theyve taken all his rights away!
Reality: There is no newspaper, show an original, there is none.
Reality: Youre lying, he has been DISALLOWED ANY AND ALL SELF DEFENSE, he cant even SPEAK!!
AD Denise Lind, has deprived him of ALL RIGHTS TO SELF DEFENSE, no discovery no witnesses no testimony on his own behalf even!
AD he swore to uphold the Constitution, I guess that means something to Lakin but not others
Archange, McCain was dragged in front of the Senate for vetting (go see Senate Resolution 511) per the 20th amendment. He was required to produce his birth certificate, Obama never was, thus he failed 20th and is not a legal president.
He was born "in the armies of the state" of an active duty (USN Admiral), this under Vattel (look it up) is still qualified as a natural born citizen. Go read Senate Resolution 511.
Answer: If I were still in the military (I'm not) I too would have to question the legality of the presidents orders.
Besides the birth certificate there are questions about his (Obama's) parents and his eligibility to hold office and even if he is a citizen if the U.S.A.
Why has our president taken such pains to hide all his history?
I can only think of one reason........
Category: Military
From The G-Man: Health Care Law Heads to Supreme Court
03/25 - 04/01 (4). Health Care Law Heads to Supreme Court · Does Matt Drudge Play a Role in GOP Primary? W. Virginia House Fire Kills Nine · New Black Panthers Offer Bounty for Zimmerman's Ca... ► 03/18 - 03/25 (65) ...
BOOKS OF THE TIMES; Leaving Regrets To Others, Cheney Speaks
IN MY TIME A Personal and Political Memoir By Dick Cheney with Liz Cheney Illustrated. 565 pages. Threshold Editions. $35. In an interview on NBCs Dateline, former Vice President Dick Cheneysays that his new book, In My Time, will have heads exploding all over Washington. Whatever readers think of Mr. Cheneys politics, their heads are - By MICHIKO KAKUTANI
Health Care Law Brawl Arrives At Supreme Court Steps | Fox News
The Supreme Court will dissect the constitutionality of the health care overhaul for six hours over ... historic arguments over President Obamas health care law ...
Health Care Law Heads To The High Court : NPR
1 day ago ... Monday, the Supreme Court will begin hearing arguments on the Obama administration's health care law. The justices have set aside six hours ...
The AM Roundup: Health Law Arguments, eBooks, CIA Drones
Health overhaul ... Maher II, the former head of Weitz & Luxenberg’s Los Angeles office, made the allegations in a complaint filed in California Superior Court. A spokeswoman for Weitz & Luxenberg called the allegations ”completely ...
IN THE FAMILY; Three Generations, One Roof
SEVEN oclock on a Thursday morning: time for bao, Chinese breakfast buns. Dressed for school in striped leggings and a pink shirt, Mebrat Yong, 9, waited for the baby sitter to arrive at her familys building in Chinatown with a red shopping bag filled with the steaming treats from her uncles bakery a few blocks away. Mebrat was dividing up this - By SARAH KRAMER
Why does Michigan want to pass an anti-choice law that disregards the mothers health?
According to the article below: "The [Michigan state] legislation is headed to the Democratic governor after the state Senate finished passing it today. The bill is designed to mirror a federal ban that was ruled constitutional by the U.S. Supreme Court last year. The state-level measure does not include an exception for a mothers health."
Why isnt there an exception for a mothers health? Why dont these politicians and those they represent care about the health of women?
Answer: I moved to MI from NY 2 years ago and I am constantly amazed at how backwards and nonprogressive this state has been, particularly regarding the two Prop 2s. There is a reason this state has the woes it does, and it isn't just what has happened with the auto industry.
Category: Politics
Mental health diagnosis when patient refuses assessment?
I have been a professional psychologist and with the law changes in 2000 and a accident I was unable to qualify and still be called professional. the laws and rules have changed, however I need some help.
A woman that I know very well has been sexually abused by her father and psychologically abused by her mother. the Mothers illnesses seem to be paranoia over the men in her daughters life just after money and then will leave them or are having affairs. the mother is proactive in conveying her wishes and paranoias in rants which can last considerable time (years).
There were also deaths within the family (parental as well as a sister) and around the same time the mother became menopausal.
The son suffers with Agolia and is withdrawn from the family who are embarrassed about the issue.
the woman in question has long since wanted a relationship and married the father of her child, the couple had a good relationship which was marred by the mothers ravings.
The couple split up due to him witnessing the abuse as he wanted the woman to move away from the abuse and though it would speed matters along.
The couple got back together some months later, as the woman did not believe that they were financially secure, though she was making payments on behalf of the guys business. She would later go on to say that the man was not working, which her mother was not aware that he was working hence her ravings were based on his unknown reason for absence leading to the affair allegations.
The mother was emotionally abusive toward the woman, telling her her false fantasies which were becoming real to the woman. there is a distortion of reality from the woman and events are not as they would appear in tangible documents marking the events.
the woman is in the false belief that the man was unfaithful and that is why their relationship ended, the woman does not recall the abuse from her parents.
The woman seems to be suffering delusional disorder, though she presents a weak schizophrenia case.
She reads letters and claims they say something different to the content.
She has admitted - "you confused me so, just when I think I have my head sorted"
and makes the admission of living a double life.
When presented with the facts, they become distorted when her delusions are challenged and has made false police reports.
I am concerns also as she is actively destroying evidence which supports the true facts.
the woman is refusing to take an assessment and is accusing many people of lying, I do not seem to be able to make headway in finding a person that would be able to start the process by reviewing her swarm testimonies, and the documents showing the facts which differ considerably.
The difference being that the delusions are from what I have noted are the ravings of the womans mother.
There are elements of sexual abuse, psychogenic amnesia and a 6 year old child is in distress and there are also signs of sexual abuse of the child.
I have called mental health and they cannot take my referal and they also cannot take steps based on not seeing the person face to face. Social services have been lulled with a fantasy story which is plausible and are favouring the easy route.
I have invited them to review the documents on 4 occasions and they have refused.
What should I do? where can I get a initial review?
What do I need to do in court to move forward?
Do I need to section her, and how? Im bared from doing this and cannot make the referral.
Thanks for the abusive comments toward me, I was a professional psychologist, but I was involved in a hit and run and suffered amnesia and had to learn how to do a lot of things, Psychology was not one of the things that I had a pressing need to relearn.
I see that the stereo-typical typing is quiet common place, yes the child is mine and yes I have evidence of the childs sexual abuse, CYPD have refused to look at the documents and witness statements from 11 witnesses where the child has reported concerning things, acted in an adult way.
I too would have gone down the route that she is telling lies, however the lies match the story I know of the abuse from her mother. yes she has not long moved away from the source of the abuse, but still it seems to be occurring ( having been there to witness the psychological abuse).
It would seem that the correct channels have been blocked because of my relationship to the woman and child, and yes they seem to be singing from the same hymn she
Answer: I'm not at all sure that I understand the entire issue here to be honest but at the end of the day you can't force this woman to have an assessment even if you are practising as she is not a danger to herself or another. Who exactly is abusing her 6 year old child? If that is provable that may be a place to start but do you want to alienate the woman by taking this route first?
She may well be delusional but that's not easy to prove either especially if her mother is backing that up. Does the woman live near or with her mother who is causing a lot of the problem? You are not the father of her child by any chance are you?
I can't see why or how you are this involved in a patient's/friend's life to be honest. If the woman and her mother are singing from the same hymn sheet how can you expect to take any action? It occurs to me that she is not necessarily delusional but lying. If this is her evidence you can't say anything if she's destroying it - that is her right to do so.
As you rightly point out you have no authority to take action never mind get her sectioned. You can't take any action other than report the suspected child abuse of the 6 year old and if there is no evidence I suspect it will lead no where. At least you will have done what you can. If you are not the father of the child then I can see no reason for your involvement at this personal level, it is not at all professional. I think you need to take a step back from all the emotion before you reconsider what is going on for yourself.
Category: Mental Health
Health Law Heads to Court. March 25, 2012, 8:51 am by Wall Street Journal. In taking up Obama's health overhaul Monday, the Supreme Court wades into an ...
BOOKS OF THE TIMES; Gun Control and Gun Rights Stay Fighting Words
GUNFIGHT The Battle Over the Right to Bear Arms in America By Adam Winkler Illustrated. 361 pages. W. W. Norton & Company. $27.95. In Gunfight, his provocative, highly uneven new book about the fight over gun control, the constitutional law professor Adam Winkler writes that gun rights and gun control are not only compatible; they have lived - By MICHIKO KAKUTANI
Health care law heads to Supreme Court |
2 hours ago ... WASHINGTON -- Health coverage for more than 30 million people. The power of Congress to regulate interstate commerce. President Obama's ...
How the legal assault on Obama’s health law went mainstream
When President Barack Obama signed the health care bill two years ago, the legal challenges to the law were widely belittled as long shots — at best. But as the cases head to the Supreme Court this week, what looked to many like far-out legal arguments t ...
11 minutes ago ... Does Congress have the power to mandate that everyone in the U.S. have health insurance? The Manhattan Institute's Avik Roy and Columbia ...
HEALTH LAW HEADS TO COURT – Wall Street Journal | Breaking News ...
Health Law Heads to Court Wall Street Journal By JESS BRAVIN WASHINGTON—In taking up President Barack Obamas health overhaul Monday, the Supreme Court ...
POLITICO Pulse: 91% following case
BEN NELSON STANDS BY HIS ACA VOTE. The senator who paved the way for health care reform has a message for his legion of critics as the two-year-old law heads to the Supreme Court: Kiss off. Republicans vilified Nebraska Democrat Ben Nelson for cutting a $ ...
Legal precedents to clash as health care law goes to high court ...
As President Obama’s health care law heads for an epic Supreme Court showdown this month, the administration and its opponents are struggling to convince the court ...
Health care law heads to Supreme Court | Video | Fox News
Health care law heads to Supreme Court. Mar 24, 2012. - 5:59 -. Lead attorney in lower court challenge previews arguments. You must have JavaScript enabled ...
2 hours ago ... said the health law would be a top issue for the eventual Repub-. Please turn to page A4. BY JESS BRAVIN. Health Law Heads to Court ...
Private Snoops Find GPS Trail Legal to Follow
Only yesterday it was the exotic stuff of spy shows: flip on a computer and track the enemys speeding car. But today, anyone with $300 can compete with Jack Bauer. Online, and soon in big-box stores, you can buy a device no bigger than a cigarette pack, attach it to a car without the drivers knowledge and watch the vehicles travels -- and stops - Sales of GPS trackers to employers and individuals, for a multitude of largely unregulated uses, are growing fast, raising new questions about privacy and a legal system that has not kept pace with technology; GPS trackers are increasingly being cited in cases of criminal stalking and civil violations of privacy, but even if done legally and out of concern for family members, the covert use of GPS devices poses ethical questions. Photos (M) - By ERIK ECKHOLM; Reporting was contributed by Jess Bidgood from Boston, Robbie Brown from Atlanta, Dan Frosch from Denver, Ian Lovett from Los Angeles and Steven Yaccino from Chicago.
Will the president arrange for at least one Supreme Court justice to retire or die before 2012..?
now that the health care reform law is headed there?
Will one or more conservative justices die or retire unexpectedly, so Obama can replace them with liberals and make sure he gets a favorable ruling on health care reform?
Answer: I hope Obama never has another opportunity to appoint another Supreme Court Justice. He has not demonstrated enough wisdom for such an important task.
Category: Politics
Health Care Law Heads To The High Court : NPR
Monday, the Supreme Court will begin hearing arguments on the Obama administrations health care law. The justices have set aside six hours to debate whether the ...
Thank You Project » Blog Archive » HEALTH LAW HEADS TO COURT ...
Health Law Heads to Court Wall Street Journal By JESS BRAVIN WASHINGTON—In taking up President Barack Obama's health overhaul Monday, the Supreme Court wades into an issue that not only could sway this fall's ...
A $250 Million Fraud Scheme Finds a Path to Brighton Beach
The plot involved 10 doctors, 9 separate clinics in New York City and 105 different corporations, all in service of a health care fraud ring that federal authorities say conspired to steal more than a quarter of a billion dollars from insurance companies. And when the details were announced on Wednesday, they cast an unflattering spotlight on how - Federal authorities say an crime ring in Brighton Beach, Brooklyn, conspired to steal more than $250 million from health insurance companies; details cast unflattering spotlight on how Russian-speaking immigrants have often dominated such schemes in New York City; plot involved 10 doctors, 9 separate clinics and 105 different corporations. Photo (M) - By WILLIAM K. RASHBAUM; Colin Moynihan and Tim Stelloh contributed reporting.
HEALTH LAW HEADS TO COURT – Wall Street Journal | News
Does Congress have the power to mandate that everyone in the U.S. have health insurance? The Manhattan Institute's Avik Roy and Columbia University's Gillian Metzger discuss the Supreme Court's hearing of the case with ...
Are both Democrats and Republicans turning their backs on Americans health care, still favoring big business?
Wow. Such hypocrites, Clinton, Obama and McCain - their inaction in Congress (yes, the US Senate is part of the legislative branch of government) defending big business on employee health care and shirking the American worker.
Both parties candidates promise change tomorrow, yet have done nothing to address issues today. Ineffectual as Senators, lame as Presidents?
Big business is denying employees the benefits that their health care premiums are paying for - and its all due to the US Congress ERISA law, so the flitting court system can readily say its hands are tied while the Bush Administration keeps strutting about like a chicken with its head chopped off - Just More Washington inaction.
Here is one good article from the AP after its skewed campaign coverage: Employers use federal law to deny benefits
Saturday July 5, 11:31 pm ET
By Mark Sherman, AP Writer
Workers -- and some judges -- frustrated in legal fights over benefits with large employers
Answer: The corporate media wouldn't select a presidential candidate for us that didn't favor big business.
Category: Elections
Health care debate heads to Supreme Court
WASHINGTON -- From a Zumba fitness class in Las Vegas to tea party rallies on the grounds of the U.S. Capitol, health care is about to ... on the eve of three days of Supreme Court arguments on the laws constitutionality. Since President ...
Court set to weigh legality of health care law
U.S. Supreme Court justices will hear the first of three days of arguments today regarding the constitutionality of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, the sweeping 2010 health care reform law that opponents call “Obamacare.”
Health Care Heads to the Supreme Court: Forum | KQED Public Media ...
Fri, Mar 23, 2012 -- 9:00 AM Health Care Heads to the Supreme Court ... Two years to the day it was signed into law, we look at the arguments in front of the court.
Were you aware that Nancy Pelosi was a Constitutional Scholar and a Supreme Court Justice?
As the Democrats’ health care law heads to the Supreme Court, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi said the legislation honors the “vows of our founders,” declaring it “ironclad constitutionally.”
Sam. I made no statement about Obamacare either way.
Read what I wrote and not what you think I wrote.
Its HER statement. I merely asked the question.
Im an Independent
Answer: I read that too bad she never read the bill me thinks shes been hitting the botox and flying too close to the stratosphere on that new broom of hers
Category: Politics
Law enforcement ear implants and surveilance camers.....?
These tools are to help law enforcment but They are being abused they are being used as a spy tool to make cases and to threaten their victmins They are interfering with peoples health it goes again the hippi act, lawyer rights and entering into court rooms.Some try to hold false charges over a person head to make them play ball so to behave or do waht they want.Some have clean records and there are kids and elderly people being used for different reasons not the intended should this be allow to be used by law enforcement?a 50 hour hypotizing course is also invoved in my opion not enought experice can push some into trama.what is your opion on this.
Answer: Honestly I have no Idea what you mean by ear implants but surveillance cameras are saving lives and finding people who have been abducted on an hourly basis, Abuse can occur in any situation but if the good outweighs the bad then it needs to be done.~
Category: Law & Ethics
Health Law Heads to Court - Wall Street Journal
From: ngkoonsiew - Source: Google
Health Law Heads to Court - Wall Street Journal
From: MelodyPattoBND - Source: web
Health Law Heads to Court - Wall Street Journal
From: PhillipGTTW - Source: web
Health Law Heads to Court – Wall Street Journal
From: SaruwatariSaruo - Source:
Health Law Heads to Court - Wall Street Journal - CBS NewsHealth Law Heads to CourtWall Street JournalBy JESS BRAVIN...
From: myswifty - Source: HootSuite
A.M. Vitals::
Heres whats making health news this morning:
Health Law Heads to Court (WSJ): In taking up Pr...
From: TwitMedicalNews - Source: twitterfeed
Health Law Heads to Court - Wall Street Journal
From: GaryHirnIHU - Source: web
U.S. Health Law Heads to Court
From: khcsportsman85 - Source: Pulse News
U.S. Health Law Heads to Court Reaction Orion-High-Profit:
From: GeraldBuck - Source: web
Health Law Heads to Court - Wall Street Journal
From: FredMotta_ - Source: HootSuite
Health Law Heads to Court - Wall Street Journal
From: fred_motta - Source: HootSuite
Health Law Heads to Court - Wall Street Journal: USA TODAYHealth Law Heads to CourtWall Street... #tcot #tlot #ocra
From: DRIPusa - Source: twitterfeed
A.M. Vitals::
Heres whats making health news this morning:
Health Law Heads to Court (WSJ): In taking up Pr...
From: ThomasValliant - Source: twitterfeed
U.S. Health Law Heads to Court via @WSJ
From: Feretti49 - Source: Tweet Button
Health Law Heads to Court - Wall Street Journal
From: ElizaAbbePCO - Source: web