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Saturday hate mail-a-palooza: Komen edition
In other words, Rick Santorums presidential platform ... like with the terry schiavo thing, then they handle it immediately. and since my case isnt so time-sensitive, they can handle it later. well, it is time-sensitive if you decide to ...
Iowa is Over. What's Next? UPDATE: Santorum Jumps in Poll
There are two debates between now and the primaries, and Santorum has not been quiet on the debate stage. If he can handle the pressure of being a few podiums over in the center of the stage, he might be able to weasel ...
Lins success actually is a reminder of the NFLs greatness
You know things are getting out of hand when "Lin" is a more popular search on the Internet than Romney, Santorum or Adele ... Talent, speed and the ability to handle pressure. Sound familiar? Thats because Lin is more Cam Newton than Tim ...
Romney Unleashes Attack With Gingrich Sole Target: Sharp Exchanges -- Ex-Speaker Sees Desperate Ploy
TAMPA, Fla. -- Mitt Romney leveled a searing attack against Newt Gingrichs character and raised pointed questions about his ability to lead during a debate here Monday evening, taking urgent steps to slow Mr. Gingrichs rising momentum in the fight for the Republican presidential nomination. For the first time, Mr. Gingrich strode onto the stage - Mitt Romney levels a searing attack against Newt Gingrichs character during a debate in Florida, taking urgent steps to slow Gingrichs rising momentum in the fight for the Republican presidential nomination; Gingrich, who swept into Florida after a commanding victory in the South Carolina primary, defends himself forcefully, painting Romneys attacks as desperate and riddled with inaccuracies. Photos (M) - By JEFF ZELENY and JIM RUTENBERG
Los Angeles Times Can Santorum handle the pressure?msnbc.comSantorum Press Secretary Alice Stewart talks about the scrutiny surrounding the presidential candidate after his recent series of successes. >> more on in, [.
Campaign for "santorum" neologism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
... their website or through their system is something that they say they cant handle ... "Can Rick Santorum become U.S. president if his name isn’t even safe for kids to Google?".
A Symbol of Democracy Is Criticized as Undemocratic
But even after the party chairman reversed himself and called the race for Rick Santorum ... strain systems. Media pressure to quickly declare winners sometimes overstates initial results, and all of this can be exaggerated by a close race ...
Sexist Rick Santorum Doesnt Believe Women Can Handle Politics ...
Hey ladies, want to know what Rick Santorum thinks of you? Dont bother reading the ... Hes made it pretty clear he doesnt think we can handle politics -- be it as a ...
I feel Santorum supporters' pain - Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion
I do not understand, women can develop blood pressure problems and sugar problems during pregnancy that require medical treatment. Oh how I wish Newt would win this election… Santorum is a CRAZY man! Like or Dislike: Thumb up 22 Thumb down 1. Log in to Reply · libertarian_neocon | February 19, 2012 at .... And I thought Rick handled himself quite well. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 0 Thumb down 0. Log in to Reply. Tamminator | February 19, 2012 at 5:41 pm ...
2 Presidential Candidates left early, and they were ARIES?
Michelle Bachmann and Jon Huntsman were Aries.....
Another fire sign, Herman Cain, he was a Sagittarius...
They cant take the heat?
Perry is a Pisces.... the last zodiac sign... he said he wont quit.
A water sign.... I guess water signs are stronger than fire signs.
I wonder Ron Paul, a Leo, will leave next.
Santorum is a Taurus
Newt is a Gemini
Mitt Romney is a Pisces
I thought Fire Signs can handle pressure and can fight to the end... not all of suddenly be the first people to leave, give up....
Oh well.
What is your opinion?
Answer: Sometimes it's not about the candidate. Bachman could have stayed in and wasted millions of dollars, but she's already an influential member of the house and can do a lot of good there. She also learned that the tea-party doesn't consider her their leader or spokesperson. Really, I like her, but she made a mistake by getting into the race in the first place.
It's pretty much the same deal with huntsman. He's got experience as businessman, Governor, and diplomat, but for some reason he kept deciding not to actually put any effort into running for president. If he's not going to put any effort into the race, he might as well just get out of the race.
Herman Cain was attacked on a personal level (almost certainly by Mitt Romney and crew). It's just stupid to stay in a campaign when people refuse to discuss issues with you. For weeks, all coverage of the republican primary centered around completely unsubstantiated rumors of infidelity which, since Cain dropped out of the race, seem to have miraculously disappeared. Given the circumstances, the wise thing to do was leave the race.. Or keep running and see how long the media would be able to harp on trumped up charges before people finally demanded they get some proof or shut up, and while the latter option could be useful to our society, it's certainly not a method of winning the presidency.
Perry will quit if the he starts getting a great deal of peer pressure, especially from his wife and family. In that sense, he won't exactly quit, but he'll leave the race if the people around him quit.. which they're likely to do fairly soon.
Ron Paul won't quit, but he's not actually running for president anyway. He's running for seats at the convention, which will allow him to help build the party's platform and, if the republicans don't win the white house, it will give Ron Paul a big say in who becomes the chairperson of the Republican National Committee, which means he could have a huge impact on the 2014 and 2016 elections.
Santorum will keep going as long as the people around him aren't getting hurt (notice there's a difference between them not supporting him anymore, and them actually getting hurt because he's running.)
Newt will keep running until he's mathematically eliminated OR another candidate proves to be a viable contender to Mitt Romney (because he's pissed at Romney.. and rightfully so.)
Mitt Romney isn't a pisces (because the thought of that insults me, If my only options are Romney and Obama, I'll sit out in the next election for the first time in 20 years.), he's just a two-faced liar.. which means he'll probably end up president.
Basically, fire signs can handle a fight, but they're also enlightened, so they're not going to play Newt and Mitt's petty game, nor will they stick it out until death, like an earth sign will. They'll fight as long as they have a chance to do some good.
Category: Horoscopes
Portland sea dogs trample the GOP
of Santorum and Romneys religions has gone unnoticed. So vote away, you champions of Mormonism and handsome children. Lets see if Romney can handle the pressure of a general election sans caffeine and alcohol.
An Irish Face On the Cause Of Citizenship
Rory Dolans, a restaurant in Yonkers, was packed with hundreds of illegal Irish immigrants on that rainy Friday night in January when the Irish Lobby for Immigration Reform called its first meeting. Niall ODowd, the chairman, soon had them cheering. Youre not just some guy or some woman in the Bronx, youre part of a movement, Mr. ODowd - By NINA BERNSTEIN; Matthew Sweeney contributed reporting for this article.
Rick Santorum | Mediaite - | News & Opinion | Media ...
Rick Santorum finished in third (18%), and Newt Gingrich ... for a debate between him and Obama who can best handle the ... For nearly a year now, the pressure has been ...
Job Interview Answer: How do You Handle Stress / Pressure?
... question, asked to get a sense of how you handle on-the-job stress, is "How do you handle pressure?" ... I find that when Im under the pressure of a deadline, I can do some of ...
Ron Paul sticks with strategy of ignoring delegate-rich prizes in favor of caucus states
This is the mystery of Ron Paul, or one of them, anyway: how a 76-year-old Texas congressman who bears a slight resemblance to Mr. Magoo and sounds like hes running against Woodrow Wilson can draw some of the biggest, youngest and most ardent ...
A Symbol of Democracy Is Criticized as Undemocratic
DES MOINES -- The errors started to emerge even before Mitt Romney was declared the winner of the Iowa caucus by eight votes. By the time the results were certified two weeks later, mistakes had been found in so many districts that the state Republican Party chairman declared that it would be impossible to determine a winner. Critics responded - Increasing number of voices argue that the Iowa caucus was not a real election; assert that informality of the caucus led to many errors and those in favor of the format are worried that additional problems will further undermine a traditional system that has been in declining use, as more states move to the comparative convenience and reliability of a primary. Photos (M) - By A. G. SULZBERGER; Steven Yaccino contributed reporting from Chicago.
Rick Santorum - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Richard John "Rick" Santorum (born May 10, 1958) is an American ... served as Chairman of the Republican Party Task Force ... will not only stand up for our views, but who can ...
How to Deal With Pressure and Stress Problems |
Dealing with pressure and stress can be complicated in our lives. Everyone has it, and at times it can get the best of us. Knowing how to handle pressure can help us ...
Blog of Bodnar « The #1 Jacob Bodnar website on the Internet
5 days ago ... There are two debates between now and the primaries, and Santorum has not been quiet on the debate stage. If he can handle the pressure of ...
If Rick Santorum Thinks Women Cant Handle the Military, He Should ...
If Rick Santorum Thinks Women Cant Handle the Military, He Should Meet These Amazing Women ... line will change the dynamics of how men will operate under pressure ...
Why Rick Santorum Should Be President Of The United States
... PM PST by BenKenobi (Rick Santorum - "The Force ... GOP establishment cant handle Christian Conservatives like Perry and Santorum ... candidate who can win. RICK SANTORUM
Santorum attacks Obama on prenatal screening
COLUMBUS, Ohio - Campaigning in Ohio on Saturday, Rick Santorum displayed his culture-warrior side in full force, as he harshly attacked ... It also involves education and counseling about how to handle different aspects of your pregnancy."
Joe Peyronnin: Santorum's "Gotcha" Moment
Perhaps former Pennsylvania Senator Rick Santorum should take a couple aspirin and get some rest. It appears the pressure of being the front-runner in the Republican presidential sweepstakes is getting to him. ... And his performance raises questions about whether front-runner Rick Santorum has the temperament and skill to handle the difficult road ahead to secure his party's nomination. Follow Joe Peyronnin on Twitter: · CBS · Rick ...
If Rick Santorum Thinks Women Can't Handle the Military, He ...
Feb 10, 2012 ... If Rick Santorum Thinks Women Can't Handle the Military, He Should .... line will change the dynamics of how men will operate under pressure.
Santorum hopes Google will do something about ‘filth on the ...
Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum hopes that ... available for every one else … if you can’t handle your ... ll bet A.Weiner wishes this was already in force.
Diplomatic Memo; Bush Aides Divided on Confronting Iran Over A-Bomb
At a time when the violent insurgency in Iraq is vexing the Bush administration and stirring worries among Americans, events may be propelling the United States into yet another confrontation, this time with Iran. The issues have an almost eerie familiarity, evoking the warnings and threats that led to the war to overthrow Saddam Hussein, and - Bush administration has yet to forge clear strategy on how to deal with Iran, partly because there is debate under way between hard-liners and advocates of diplomatic engagement; issues in Iran are eerily similar to those in Iraq that led to war to overthrow Saddam Hussein; like Iraq, Iran is believed to be on verge of developing nuclear bomb, and said to be supporting insurgencies and terrorism in other countries; in another similarity with Iraq situation before war, Washington is in disagreement with key allies over how to handle threat; Britain, France and Germany say Irans nuclear program is unacceptable, but they also warn that confrontation could backfire and suggest using carrots and sticks instead; they say that threatening sanctions alone is not likely to get much support (M) - By STEVEN R. WEISMAN
Rick Santorum Asked Google to Fix His Filthy Anal Sex Problem
Why does mean Google allow Rick Santorum ... that they say they cant handle but I ... winning an argument will force Google to fix a problem that they cant fix. Santorum ...
Can Peer Pressure Be Positive? - Breaking News and Opinion on The ...
Can Peer Pressure Be Positive? ... Rick Santorum Tax Returns: Republican Candidate Releases Four Years Worth Of ...
Obama’s Latest Poll Numbers Force a Change in GOP Rhetoric - The ...
Obamas Latest Poll Numbers Force a Change in GOP ... been holding the payroll tax cut hostage–to handle ... Election Oracle Can Santorum Really Challenge Romney?
Connie Cuellar: As Obama Puts Pressure On Iran, Santorum ...
4 days ago ... Santorum has dusted off an old McCain ad idea as the lead for an entire ... threat, " implying that Obama does not take Iran's nuclear threat seriously. ... with words to suggest Obama isn't experienced enough to handle Iran.
jeepliberty: Can Rick Santorum Maintain His Momentum?
He will face tough questions as one of the new front-runners when he takes to the stage in ABC's debate Saturday and a CNN debate Sunday. "I think a lot will depend on how Santorum will handle the pressure of being in this [top] position," ...
Why Is Michael Steele a Republican Candidate?
It was last spring when Karl Rove called Michael Steele, the lieutenant governor of Maryland, to sell him on running for the Senate, and to close the deal, Rove paused to put President Bush on the phone. As Steele recalls it, the presidents adviser said, Here, the boss wants to talk to you. Steele froze, then demurred. I went, No, no thank - Michael Sokolove article profiles Lt Gov Michael Steele, Republican who was first black elected to statewide office in Maryland; top Republicans, including Vice Pres Dick Cheney and Sen Elizabeth Dole, pressured him to run for Senate; Steeles inspiring life story noted; with Democratic primary promising to be free-for-all, Steele may stand chance in state with history of electing Democratic senators; photo (L) - Michael Sokolove, a contributing writer, wrote a cover article for the magazine last year about Senator Rick Santorum. - By Michael Sokolove
Power politics in the age of Google
Nicco: I don’t think we have a handle on these issues yet ... [And just under the wire, Micah gets in a Google-Santorum joke.] Q: The Net can be brought down any time… Susan: It would be extremely difficult to bring it down. The root servers are ...
Focusing on Nomination, Paul Plots a Backup Plan
LAKE JACKSON, Tex. -- Ron Paul says he has by no means given up on winning the Republican presidential nomination, but he acknowledges that he might not make it. The odds are right now that Romney, he pulls it off, Mr. Paul, a Texas congressman, said in an interview here. But he doesnt even have a guarantee in a week. That whole thing can - Advisers to Ron Paul say they are in the 2012 presidential campaign to win, but they are also trying to leverage what they have to try to force the Republican Party to take his and his supporters views into account. Photo (M)1 - By RICHARD A. OPPEL Jr.
As Obama Puts Pressure On Iran, Santorum Misquotes Him
"Santorums Response To Iran" page plays with words to suggest Obama isnt experienced enough to handle Iran. But history and the headlines ... out other areas of potential common interest, and we can reduce some of the tensions that have caused us so ...
Can Rick Santorum Maintain His Momentum? - ABC News
“I think a lot will depend on how Santorum will handle the pressure of being in this [top] position,” Felkel said. Santorum is also finding himself on the defensive when ...
Get Ready to Hear All About Rick Santorum and Universal Health ...
The media is about to begin the vetting of Rick Santorum and ... I think Perry handle the question in the right way. ... Join The Red State Strike Force >> If It’s Worth ...
Who can beat Obama? - Conservative News and Views
Feb 10, 2012 ... This person must be able to handle himself under pressure and win a debate. Santorum has proven he can do that. This person must be able to ...
Romney and Gingrich Advisers Have Shouting Match on MSNBC
If you cant handle the pressure of a bad caucus ... youre trying to make the case that this is an erratic and irrational -- SUNUNU: -- it is Romney versus Santorum. TODD: If you win this, are you concerned that the Republican primary campaign ...
Eye of Polyphemus: The Santorum Surge
6 days ago ... Can Santorum handle the pressure and quit being so paranoid? I have doubts. Finally, Gingrich is not going to budge until after super Tuesday ...
Open Mike, Presidents Day weekend - Feb. 18-20, 2012 - The Arena ...
ObamaCare, entitlements, and out of control spending on things the private sphere can handle better are destroying our constitutionally guaranteed right to liberty. And what do you know? Here comes Rick Santorum, the ...
WDEL 1150AM, Wilmington, DE - News Talk Radio
Feb 10, 2012 ... It does appear that Santorum's star is rising. Now can Santorum handle the pressure of being up front and getting the bulk of media attention ...
I Cant Handle Pressure | Group with Personal Stories, Forums and Chat
You Cant Handle Pressure? Join friendly people sharing true stories in the I Cant Handle Pressure group. Find forums, advice and chat with groups who share this ...
Feb. 18 Open Line
Maybe then you’ll appreciate police using the force they have to instead ... Newt Gingrich and now his latest threat, Rick Santorum. Doesn’t anyone get sick of his never ending attacks on other admirable men? Can you improve the quality of the paper ...
Romney Moves to Blunt Santorum Surge in South Carolina -
WASHINGTON — Can Rick Santorum surge again, this time in South Carolina? Mr. Santorum, a former senator from Pennsylvania, finished a disappointing ...
Man City can handle title pressure, insists Mancini - Yahoo! News
Feb 11, 2012 ... Man City can handle title pressure, insists Mancini ... That is because City, who have stuttered lately on their travels, do not play until Sunday ...
Op-Ed: A dose of the Donald's Apprentice, good test for GOP ...
Feb 7, 2012 ... Meanwhile Ron Paul could not understand what all the fuss was ... Paul and Santorum handle real life pressures, how they interact with the ...
Furious Rick Santorum Fights Charlie Rose Over 'Gotcha' Question ...
Rick Santorum is sick of talking about Foster Friess. Can you blame him? This is a candidate surging to the front of the pack right now and who could change everything with a win in Michigan. So, of course he's angry that he's spent every ... Just why did the lame stream media ignore Obummers 20 years of occupation in Wrights pews, get married by this fanatic, then after enormous pressure from conservatives disown Wright. .... That's how Rick should have handled it.
Op-Ed: A dose of the Donald's Apprentice, good test for GOP ...
Still, with the Donald continuing to garner so much attention in the run up to the November elections, one thing he could do for the benefit of the nation would be to invite the presidential hopefuls to compete in an Apprentice challenge, allowing them to show ... It would certainly allow the voters the opportunity to view how Romney, Gingrich, Paul and Santorum handle real life pressures, how they interact with the public, and how much basic common sense they have.
Can Santorum handle the pressure? - #news From: youareinformed - Source: SuiteBird
video: Can Santorum handle the pressure? - via @msnbc From: weywerdSun - Source: Tweet Button
Can Santorum handle the pressure? - From: ashishpanchal14 - Source: jalaram
Can Santorum handle the pressure? - Los Angeles TimesCan Santorum handle the pressure?msnbc... From: thaitvnews - Source: twitterfeed