Santorum hits Romney on role in 2002 Olympics

Santorum hits Romney on role in 2002 Olympics : Videos

Nevada Republican Caucus Polling Results -Paul Gingrich Santorum Romney
Nevada Republican Caucus Polling Results -Paul Gingrich Santorum Romney

Nevada Republican Caucus Polling Results -Paul Gingrich Santorum Romney

Republican Primary and Caucus Poll from Nevada. Rick Santorum, Newt Gingrich, Ron Paul, and Mitt Romney are competing for the 2012 GOP Nomination ... Rated: 4.6363635     Duration: 77 seconds     Video type: YouTube     Hosted by: on Sat, 28 Jan 2012 08:18:02 PST

Mitt Romney Song
Mitt Romney Song

Mitt Romney Song

Romney fan-in-the-making, 4-year old Zara, sings a song asking you to vote for Governor Mitt Romney. The title of this song is, "If you vote ... Rated: 4.6923075     Duration: 133 seconds     Video type: YouTube     Hosted by: on Thu, 19 Jan 2012 00:49:35 PST

Coming Up On The John Gibson Radio Show 01/17/12
Coming Up On The John Gibson Radio Show 01/17/12

Coming Up On The John Gibson Radio Show 01/17/12

Weeks using's narrative about Bain Capital on Mitt Romney? Is Mitt so dull and tactically reserved that Gingrich hitting out the ... Rated: 5     Duration: 363 seconds     Video type: YouTube     Hosted by: on Tue, 17 Jan 2012 08:25:34 PST

Romney Knocked Out Gingrich In Florida !
Romney Knocked Out Gingrich In Florida !

Romney Knocked Out Gingrich In Florida !

Standing face to face, Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich traded barbs over honesty and integrity in an acrimonious debate that opened a fierce fight ... Rated: 3.2222223     Duration: 287 seconds     Video type: YouTube     Hosted by: on Tue, 24 Jan 2012 11:00:10 PST

GGN: Red Dawn Includes Own Government, NWO Dont Need No Stinkn Laws, Olympic False Flag a Reality?
GGN: Red Dawn Includes Own Government, NWO Dont Need No Stinkn Laws, Olympic False Flag a Reality?

GGN: Red Dawn Includes Own Government, NWO Dont Need No Stinkn Laws, Olympic False Flag a Reality?

PLEASE SUBSCRIBE Please visit: for the latest news commentary by Global Government News. Please donate to GGN ... Rated: 5     Duration: 902 seconds     Video type: YouTube     Hosted by: on Mon, 23 Jan 2012 21:16:17 PST

CNN/RPOF/HLN Republican Presidential Debate @ University of N. FL - Jacksonville - January 26, 2012
CNN/RPOF/HLN Republican Presidential Debate @ University of N. FL - Jacksonville - January 26, 2012

CNN/RPOF/HLN Republican Presidential Debate @ University of N. FL - Jacksonville - January 26, 2012

Blitzer Participants: Mitt Romney, Newt Gingrich, Rick Santorum, Ron Paul ... Point Zero Red ... "Mitt Romney" "Newt Gingrich" ... Rated: 4.5216637     Duration: 6545 seconds     Video type: YouTube     Hosted by: on Thu, 26 Jan 2012 20:03:44 PST

NBC News - Republican Candidates Debate @ University of S. Florida in Tampa, FL - January 23, 2012
NBC News - Republican Candidates Debate @ University of S. Florida in Tampa, FL - January 23, 2012

NBC News - Republican Candidates Debate @ University of S. Florida in Tampa, FL - January 23, 2012

Times] Participants: Mitt Romney, Newt Gingrich, Rick Santorum, Ron Paul ... Point Zero Red ... "Mitt Romney" "Newt Gingrich" ... Rated: 4.7     Duration: 5159 seconds     Video type: YouTube     Hosted by: on Tue, 24 Jan 2012 02:11:33 PST

CNN/SRLC - The Southern Republican Presidential Debate in Charleston, SC (January 19, 2012) 720p
CNN/SRLC - The Southern Republican Presidential Debate in Charleston, SC (January 19, 2012) 720p

CNN/SRLC - The Southern Republican Presidential Debate in Charleston, SC (January 19, 2012) 720p

Host: John King of CNN Participants: Mitt Romney, Newt Gingrich, Rick Santorum, Ron Paul ... bluepoint 951 ... "Mitt Romney" "Newt ... Rated: 4.5545244     Duration: 6455 seconds     Video type: YouTube     Hosted by: on Thu, 19 Jan 2012 20:24:45 PST

Full CNN & Western Republican Leadership Conference Debate (Ron Paul Wins!)
Full CNN & Western Republican Leadership Conference Debate (Ron Paul Wins!)

Full CNN & Western Republican Leadership Conference Debate (Ron Paul Wins!)

huge burden on this economy. (APPLAUSE) COOPER: Senator Santorum, does Mitt Romney have the answers for jobs? SANTORUM: I agree with - with all of ... Rated: 4.8767772     Duration: 5873 seconds     Video type: YouTube     Hosted by: on Wed, 19 Oct 2011 14:40:35 PDT

Is Obama the Antichrist?
Is Obama the Antichrist?

Is Obama the Antichrist?

will open your eyes to the truth behind our leaders. ... birther obama ssecret ... mitt romney rick santorum ron paul perry donald trump Neil ... Rated: 4.6     Duration: 76 seconds     Video type: YouTube     Hosted by: on Wed, 15 Dec 2010 02:31:50 PST

No Closing Statement for Ron Paul at the Western Republican Leadership Conference Debate!
No Closing Statement for Ron Paul at the Western Republican Leadership Conference Debate!

No Closing Statement for Ron Paul at the Western Republican Leadership Conference Debate!

Republican voters think that Governor Romney has the best chance of beating the president. (APPLAUSE) COOPER: To Senator Santorum, you got one ... Rated: 4.24838     Duration: 522 seconds     Video type: YouTube     Hosted by: on Thu, 20 Oct 2011 00:59:15 PDT

House Session 2011-11-04 (13:49:23-15:43:01)
House Session 2011-11-04 (13:49:23-15:43:01)

House Session 2011-11-04 (13:49:23-15:43:01)

HE SERVED AS USHER, GREETER, AND MEMBERLE OF SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASS AND STATE SPECIAL OLYMPIC SILVER, BRONZE, AND GOLD MEDAL WINNER IN SWIMMING. HE ... Rated: 5     Duration: 6818 seconds     Video type: YouTube     Hosted by: on Thu, 08 Dec 2011 14:54:01 PST

NBC News/Facebook/Union Leader "Meet The Press" Republican Debate in Concord, NH (January 8th, 2012)
NBC News/Facebook/Union Leader "Meet The Press" Republican Debate in Concord, NH (January 8th, 2012)

NBC News/Facebook/Union Leader "Meet The Press" Republican Debate in Concord, NH (January 8th, 2012)

Rick. >> SANTORUM: --you're not gonna run for reelection-- >> ROMNEY: Rick. >> SANTORUM: --for president-- >> ROMNEY ... Rated: 4.68     Duration: 4307 seconds     Video type: YouTube     Hosted by: on Sun, 08 Jan 2012 16:27:21 PST

ABC News/Yahoo/WMUR Republican Debate at Saint Anselm College in Manchester, NH (January 7th, 2012)
ABC News/Yahoo/WMUR Republican Debate at Saint Anselm College in Manchester, NH (January 7th, 2012)

ABC News/Yahoo/WMUR Republican Debate at Saint Anselm College in Manchester, NH (January 7th, 2012)

about, as far as commander-in-chief or the manager part? >> SAWYER: The manager part. >> SANTORUM: The manager part. Yeah, well, of ... Rated: 4.3725491     Duration: 6078 seconds     Video type: YouTube     Hosted by: on Sat, 07 Jan 2012 22:15:00 PST

The 700 Club - Evening Edition - January 10, 2012 -
The 700 Club - Evening Edition - January 10, 2012 -

The 700 Club - Evening Edition - January 10, 2012 -

from going after Romney who's already fighting back charges that the company he used to run fire people routinely. Gov. Romney enjoys firing ... Rated: 2.7142856     Duration: 3572 seconds     Video type: YouTube     Hosted by: on Tue, 10 Jan 2012 21:23:03 PST

Santorum hits Romney on role in 2002 Olympics : Photo Gallery

Santorum Hits Back Hard: Romney Lobbied for Millions in Federal ...
Santorum Hits Back Hard: Romney Lobbied for Millions in Federal ...

Santorum Hits Back Hard: Romney Lobbied for Millions in Federal ...

Santorum Hits Back Hard: Romney Lobbied for Millions in Federal ...

Romney is attacking Santorum

Romney raps GOP rivals' government backgrounds - KansasCity.
Romney raps GOP rivals' government backgrounds - KansasCity.

Romney raps GOP rivals' government backgrounds - KansasCity.

Romney raps GOP rivals' government backgrounds - KansasCity.

Mitt Romney speaks at a

MESA, Ariz.: Romney raps GOP rivals' government backgrounds ...
MESA, Ariz.: Romney raps GOP rivals' government backgrounds ...

MESA, Ariz.: Romney raps GOP rivals' government backgrounds ...

MESA, Ariz.: Romney raps GOP rivals' government backgrounds ...

Romney 2012

Washington Post raises old questions of Mitt Romney's role in ...
Washington Post raises old questions of Mitt Romney's role in ...

Washington Post raises old questions of Mitt Romney's role in ...

Washington Post raises old questions of Mitt Romney's role in ...

winter Olympics of 2002.

Indiana GOP Forum: Romney Blasts Obama, Remembered For Saving 2002 ...
Indiana GOP Forum: Romney Blasts Obama, Remembered For Saving 2002 ...

Indiana GOP Forum: Romney Blasts Obama, Remembered For Saving 2002 ...

Indiana GOP Forum: Romney Blasts Obama, Remembered For Saving 2002 ...

2002, Mitt Romney, Pres.

Pinboard Links | Flap's Blog - FullosseousFlap's Dental Blog
Pinboard Links | Flap's Blog - FullosseousFlap's Dental Blog

Pinboard Links | Flap's Blog - FullosseousFlap's Dental Blog

Pinboard Links | Flap's Blog - FullosseousFlap's Dental Blog

Rick Santorum and Mitt Romney

Political Hotsheet - CBS News
Political Hotsheet - CBS News

Political Hotsheet - CBS News

Political Hotsheet - CBS News

Romney attacks Santorum as

Newt Gingrich Hits Mitt Romney With The Lamest Attack Ever ...
Newt Gingrich Hits Mitt Romney With The Lamest Attack Ever ...

Newt Gingrich Hits Mitt Romney With The Lamest Attack Ever ...

Newt Gingrich Hits Mitt Romney With The Lamest Attack Ever ...

Romney says in the ad,

How Mitt's Emotion Deficit is Doing Him In Among Republicans - The ...
How Mitt's Emotion Deficit is Doing Him In Among Republicans - The ...

How Mitt's Emotion Deficit is Doing Him In Among Republicans - The ...

How Mitt's Emotion Deficit is Doing Him In Among Republicans - The ...

Michael Tomasky talks Romney's

Indiana GOP Forum: Romney Blasts Obama, Remembered For Saving 2002 ...
Indiana GOP Forum: Romney Blasts Obama, Remembered For Saving 2002 ...

Indiana GOP Forum: Romney Blasts Obama, Remembered For Saving 2002 ...

Indiana GOP Forum: Romney Blasts Obama, Remembered For Saving 2002 ...

of Governor Romney.

Opening Shot - Salon.
Opening Shot - Salon.

Opening Shot - Salon.

Opening Shot - Salon.

Mitt Romney in August,

Mitt Romney Holds Big Leads In New Florida Polls
Mitt Romney Holds Big Leads In New Florida Polls

Mitt Romney Holds Big Leads In New Florida Polls

Mitt Romney Holds Big Leads In New Florida Polls

followed by Santorum at 12

Romney says Santorum isn't a fiscal conservative
Romney says Santorum isn't a fiscal conservative

Romney says Santorum isn't a fiscal conservative

Romney says Santorum isn't a fiscal conservative

Mitt Romney, accompanied by

Mitt Romney Is a Flip-Flopping Racist Cyborg (And 14 Other Reasons ...
Mitt Romney Is a Flip-Flopping Racist Cyborg (And 14 Other Reasons ...

Mitt Romney Is a Flip-Flopping Racist Cyborg (And 14 Other Reasons ...

Mitt Romney Is a Flip-Flopping Racist Cyborg (And 14 Other Reasons ...

He Mao'd the 2002 Olympics.

Mitt Romney Candidate Profile
Mitt Romney Candidate Profile

Mitt Romney Candidate Profile

Mitt Romney Candidate Profile

Mitt Romney Candidate Profile

Mitt Romney | FP Passport
Mitt Romney | FP Passport

Mitt Romney | FP Passport

Mitt Romney | FP Passport

Santorum kept things pretty

Romney Ad Hits Airways in Sunshine State | | West Orlando News Online ...
Romney Ad Hits Airways in Sunshine State | | West Orlando News Online ...

Romney Ad Hits Airways in Sunshine State | | West Orlando News Online ...

Romney Ad Hits Airways in Sunshine State | | West Orlando News Online ... WBBH News for Fort Myers, Cape Coral & Naples, FloridaNBC2 ... WBBH News for Fort Myers, Cape Coral & Naples, FloridaNBC2 ... WBBH News for Fort Myers, Cape Coral & Naples, FloridaNBC2 ... WBBH News for Fort Myers, Cape Coral & Naples, FloridaNBC2 ...

The Real Romney by Helman, Kranish & Morrow
The Real Romney by Helman, Kranish & Morrow

The Real Romney by Helman, Kranish & Morrow

The Real Romney by Helman, Kranish & Morrow

Romney: Time in France Molded Life, Business - Washington Whispers ...
Romney: Time in France Molded Life, Business - Washington Whispers ...

Romney: Time in France Molded Life, Business - Washington Whispers ...

Romney: Time in France Molded Life, Business - Washington Whispers ... WBBH News for Fort Myers, Cape Coral & Naples, FloridaNBC2 ... WBBH News for Fort Myers, Cape Coral & Naples, FloridaNBC2 ... WBBH News for Fort Myers, Cape Coral & Naples, FloridaNBC2 ... WBBH News for Fort Myers, Cape Coral & Naples, FloridaNBC2 ...

 ... chief Dominique Strauss-Kahn in 2002, her lawyer David Koubbi said
... chief Dominique Strauss-Kahn in 2002, her lawyer David Koubbi said

... chief Dominique Strauss-Kahn in 2002, her lawyer David Koubbi said

 ... chief Dominique Strauss-Kahn in 2002, her lawyer David Koubbi said

AABR Business Bulletin (Vol.  139/No. 278)
AABR Business Bulletin (Vol. 139/No. 278)

AABR Business Bulletin (Vol. 139/No. 278)

AABR Business Bulletin (Vol.  139/No. 278)

AABR Business Bulletin (Vol. 139/No. 278)




By STEVE PEOPLES AP COLUMBUS, Ohio -- GOP presidential candidate Rick Santorum is attacking Mitt Romney's leadership at the Salt Lake City Olympics. Romney regularly promotes his role in the 2002 Winter Games and cites it during his White House bid.




By STEVE PEOPLES AP COLUMBUS, Ohio -- GOP presidential candidate Rick Santorum is attacking Mitt Romney's leadership at the Salt Lake City Olympics. Romney regularly promotes his role in the 2002 Winter Games and cites it during his White House bid.




Photo: Marcio Jose Sanchez / AP FILE - In this Oct. 1, 2001, file photo Mitt Romney, president of the Salt Lake Organizing Committee, announces there are 70000 additional tickets available for purchase for the 2002 Winter Games during a news conference ...




(AP Photo/Eric Gay) By STEVE PEOPLES Associated Press COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) - GOP presidential candidate Rick Santorum is attacking Mitt Romney's leadership at the Salt Lake City Olympics. Romney regularly promotes his role in the 2002 Winter Games and ...

Romney: You know who'd make a good running mate?
Romney: You know who'd make a good running mate?

Romney: You know who'd make a good running mate?

Romney: You know who'd make a good running mate?

Mitt Romney's campaign and his super-PAC have begun ramping up their ad buys in Michigan to hit Rick Santorum where they believe he is weak — by painting him as an unreliable conservative, a big spender, and too much of a social conservative to win.

PostOpinions E-Newsletters
PostOpinions E-Newsletters

PostOpinions E-Newsletters

PostOpinions E-Newsletters

As the head of the 2002 Salt Lake City Olympics, he led an aggressive effort to win hundreds of millions of dollars in federal aid for the struggling Winter Games. As governor of Massachusetts, Romney requested millions in federal earmarks for state ...

News roundup: Santorum's wins challenge Romney's lead
News roundup: Santorum's wins challenge Romney's lead

News roundup: Santorum's wins challenge Romney's lead

News roundup: Santorum's wins challenge Romney's lead

REUTERS/Sarah Conard (UNITED STATES - Tags: POLITICS ELECTIONS) Santorum wins MN, MO and CO. Lee's campaign in debt. BYU prof challenges Bramble. Happy Wednesday. Remember when Mitt Romney had the whole GOP nomination pretty much sewn up?

How Mitt's Emotion Deficit is Doing Him In Among Republicans
How Mitt's Emotion Deficit is Doing Him In Among Republicans

How Mitt's Emotion Deficit is Doing Him In Among Republicans

How Mitt's Emotion Deficit is Doing Him In Among Republicans

According to Nate Silver, Santorum, and not Romney, has a 77 percent chance of winning the Michigan primary. Meanwhile, the two men are tied in Arizona.) Reason and emotion. Recent research, notably by Drew Westen has shed light on the roles they play ...

In crisis-hit Vegas, locals bet on Romney
In crisis-hit Vegas, locals bet on Romney

In crisis-hit Vegas, locals bet on Romney

In crisis-hit Vegas, locals bet on Romney

She was far from the only one to back Romney in Nevada, where his reputation for saving lost causes, such as the 2002 Salt Lake Olympics in neighboring Utah, earns him a lot of respect. "He's a turnaround specialist. That's what we need right now," ...

Romney: Obama needs to 'get out of the way'
Romney: Obama needs to 'get out of the way'

Romney: Obama needs to 'get out of the way'

Romney: Obama needs to 'get out of the way'

“There's a lot of people around here who have seen what he can do,” Patterson said, pointing out that Romney rescued the financially-troubled 2002 Winter Olympics in Salt Lake City when he took over the program in 1999, and turned it into a profitable ...

Now a critic, Romney once sought earmarks
Now a critic, Romney once sought earmarks

Now a critic, Romney once sought earmarks

Now a critic, Romney once sought earmarks

After his Senate race loss and before he became governor, Romney headed the 2002 Salt Lake City Olympic games. Five years later, when he made his first run for president, The New York Times wrote that “ the federal government's contributions, ...

Romney to stump in Tysons
Romney to stump in Tysons

Romney to stump in Tysons

Romney to stump in Tysons

Romney has more than 20 years of experience in the private sector, including heading Bain Capital and the 2002 Salt Lake City Olympic Games Organizing Committee. He recently won the primary in New Hampshire, but was defeated in Iowa by Santorum and in ...

David Willamson: Kate Middleton could teach the US Republicans a thing, or two
David Willamson: Kate Middleton could teach the US Republicans a thing, or two

David Willamson: Kate Middleton could teach the US Republicans a thing, or two

David Willamson: Kate Middleton could teach the US Republicans a thing, or two

There was an expectation that rank and file activists would grudgingly back Mitt Romney – a man who has prepared for the nomination by making many millions of dollars, governing a state and allegedly rescuing the 2002 Olympics.

News Roundup: SL County officials asked Winder to keep out of mayor race
News Roundup: SL County officials asked Winder to keep out of mayor race

News Roundup: SL County officials asked Winder to keep out of mayor race

News Roundup: SL County officials asked Winder to keep out of mayor race

In other news: Mitt Romney will make a stop in Salt Lake on Feb. 18, joining in the festivities for the 10th anniversary of the 2002 Winter Olympics that he ran. [Trib] [ABC4] -> Jon Huntsman has taken his first public role since dropping out of the ...

Santorum hits Romney on role in 2002 Olympics : Latest News, Information, Answers and Websites

Democrats hit Romney over Salt Lake Olympics -…

With Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney headed to Salt Lake City Saturday to commemorate the ten-year anniversary of the 2002 Olympic Games, the Democratic Party is hitting Romney for using taxpayers ...

Mitt Romney: Past Is Prologue | My Blog

Mitt Romney, a native son of the state whose family has long ties to the industry, spent the better part of the week re-litigating his position on the bailout rather than offering a broad brush vision for the future. ... As the head of the 2002 Salt Lake City Olympics, he led an aggressive effort to win hundreds of millions of dollars in federal aid for the struggling Winter Games.” It's a point that the Democratic National Committee is making in a hard-hitting new web video.

Mitt Romneys much-maligned career at Bain Capital: An instant ...

What was Romneys role? He was Bain Capitals ... when he resigned to take over the 2002 Salt Lake City Olympics. ... 9 controversial Rick Santorum quotes; Is Abraham ...

POLITICO Morning Score -

1 day ago ... A six-page hit accuses Obama of breaking the following five ... “THE OLYMPIC BAILOUT” – DNC BRACKETS ROMNEY'S UTAH TRIP: ... trip to Salt Lake City for the 10th anniversary of the 2002 Winter Olympics, .... Santorum's pledge to revive the manufacturing sector is a core part of his campaign platform.

Political Hotsheet - CBS News

19 hours ago ... Democrats hit Romney over Salt Lake Olympics ... How crucial is it for Santorum to win Pennsylvania?" ... of the 2002 Olympic Games, the Democratic Party is hitting Romney for using taxpayers dollars to put on ... Committee, and often points to his role in turning the Olympics around on the campaign trail.

Santorum Hits Back Hard: Romney Lobbied for Millions in Federal ...

Feb 6, 2012 ... Rick Santorum's latest press release hits back hard at Mitt Romney on his ... Romney Lobbied for Federal Appropriations For The 2002 Olympic ...

US Elections 2012: Mitt Romney vs Rick Santorum (The Moralist vs ...

Essentially, Romney had been beaten to a draw by Rick Santorum, a hard-line Christian ... sentence as its clear this is just a hit ... Top U.S. swimmer proposes to his Olympic ... – Democrats mock Mitt Romney's Olympic ...

Mitt Romney has staked his entire presidential campaign on two things: his track record at Bain Capital and his leadership of the 2002 Winter Olympics in Salt Lake City. ... Although Romney rails on a daily basis against President Obama's auto bailout and against Rick Santorum and Newt Gingrich 's earmarking, yesterday's Washington Post reminded us that as head of the Olympic games, Romney bragged about lobbying the federal government to secure hundreds ...

New DNC ad hits Romney over Olympic leadership - The Hill's Video

1 day ago ... The Demoratic National Committee (DNC) is hitting Mitt Romney on his leadership of the 2002 Winter Olympics with a new Web video released ...

Romney's Olympic Role Challenged - Some in Utah think Romney ...

5 days ago ... Mitt Romney's role in saving the 2002 Winter Olympics in Utah and ... Santorum Backer on Birth Control: 'Gals' Put Aspirin .... and Mitt Romney buried the hatchet and hit the campaign trail together in Utah yesterday.

Ohio Newspaper Endorses Romney

... Capital, as well as his time running the 2002 Olympic ... do in addressing a few issues, notably his role ... Santorum Edges Out Romney In New Poll; Sources Say Deal is Near On ...

13 things to know about Mitt Romney - World - CBC News

Romney has been given high praise for his role as chief executive officer of the Salt Lake City Olympic Committee during the 2002 Salt ... hopeful Rick Santorum ... snap hits ...

_The 2012 candidates -- What theyre saying... (

Iowa caucuses - Rick Santorum. New Hampshire - Mitt Romney ... Played key role in uncovering House Banking ... USDA says 2011 beef, pork exports hit ...

Jan04 Iowa: Romney 24.6%, Santorum 24.6%, Paul 21.4

Mitt Romney, who ran the 2002 Olympics, won a gold medal himself yesterday by ... The news today will be about how Santorum is now the leading conservative ... If 5% is the best she could do in her native state, she'll be lucky to hit 2% in New ... Luck plays a role (Romney ran against a weak and badly splintered field) ...

Romneys Olympic Role Challenged - Some in Utah think Romney ...

Mitt Romneys role in saving the 2002 Winter Olympics in Utah and making ... Rick Santorum 2012; Rick Santorum; Log In ... John McCain and Mitt Romney buried the hatchet and hit the ...

Rick Santorum to host rally in Coeur dAlene next week ...

Presidential Candidate Rick Santorum will host a ... He hit Romney for comments about the poor and ... Valentines naked and bound role-play lands two in jail; Santorum calls ...

Rick Santorum Says His Background Makes Him a Better Candidate ...

... diverse backgrounds, Rick Santorum ... He got in another veiled hit at Romney ... When Romney went to the rescue of the 2002 Salt Lake Olympics, he accepted no ...

Brad DeLong: The Incoherence of Mitt Romney:

According to Nate Silver, Santorum, and not Romney, has a 77 percent chance of winning the Michigan primary. Meanwhile, the two men are ... A big part of the definition of a true and fully engaged conservative today is that that person really, really hates liberals. But Romney just doesn't ... But ponder this: if he'd stayed in Utah after the 2002 Olympics and run there, does anyone think for a second that he'd have been pro-choice or pro-gay? Of course not. He'd have ...

Mitt Romney - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Romney organized and steered the 2002 Winter Olympics as ... Romney was driving in southern France was hit by ... the Olympic Games, published in 2004. The role gave Romney ...

Democrats hit Romney over Salt Lake Olympics - Political Hotsheet ...

17 hours ago ... As Mitt Romney celebrates the ten-year anniversary of Olympics, ... of the 2002 Olympic Games, the Democratic Party is hitting Romney ... Romney was president of the Salt Lake Olympic Committee, and often points to his role in turning ... Santorum is an angry emotionally repressed man that lives by black ...

Santorum mocks Romney over 2002 Olympics role in Salt Lake City, cites federal aid for games

COLUMBUS, Ohio - GOP presidential candidate Rick Santorum is attacking Mitt Romneys leadership at the Salt Lake City Olympics. Romney regularly promotes his role in the 2002 Winter Games and cites it during his White House bid. But Santorum ...

David Willamson: Kate Middleton could teach the US Republicans a thing, or two

There was an expectation that rank and file activists would grudgingly back Mitt Romney – a man who has prepared for the nomination by making many millions of dollars, governing a state and allegedly rescuing the 2002 Olympics. He seemed able to stub out ...

Romney: You know who'd make a good running mate? « Hot Air

Mitt Romney's campaign and his super-PAC have begun ramping up their ad buys in Michigan to hit Rick Santorum where they believe he is weak — by painting him as an unreliable conservative, a big spender, and too much of a social conservative to win. ... Romney, on the other hand, has run private businesses, the 2002 Olympics, and the state government in Massachusetts during his one term as governor. ... This was pretty low on HotAir's part, though. Mittens ...

Mitt Romney: If You Want A Fiscal Conservative, You 'Can't Vote For ...

Romney planned fundraisers in Idaho before a trip to Salt Lake City, where he will speak at a celebration of the 10th anniversary of the 2002 Winter Olympic Games. He ran the Salt Lake Olympic Committee that put on the ...

Mitt Romney Campaign Attacks Rick Santorum's Record Ahead Of ...

Feb 6, 2012 ... Mitt Romney , Republican Presidential Primary , Rick Santorum , Elections 2012 ... small number of registered voters historically take part, and that all the top candidates ... federal funds for the 2002 Winter Olympics in Salt Lake City, Utah, which he oversaw. .... Romney, Santorum Hit Each Other With Mich.


GOP presidential candidate Rick Santorum is attacking Mitt Romney's leadership at the Salt Lake City Olympics.

Santorum Hits Back Hard: Romney Lobbied for Millions in Federal ...

Rick Santorum has always given great credit to Governor Romney for his work at the 2002 Olympic Games and for advocating for federal funding for his constituents. It's just confusing as to why Governor Romney would attack ...

Iowa Caucus Day 2012: Christian right rallies behind Rick Santorum ...

... just hours away, surprise dark horse Rick Santorum is ... to victory in 2008 - in an effort to stop Mr Romney. Mr Santorum ... magazines fashion issue Big hair, big hit Going ...

Mitt Romney - Council on Foreign Relations

... individual states should play a larger role in ... He served as chief of the 2002 Olympics in Salt Lake ... were Newt Gingrich, Ron Paul, Mitt Romney, and Rick Santorum.

President Obama Re-election Effort Raises $29 Million in January

For now, the battle is mostly between Rick Santorum and Mitt Romney ... The DNC is out with a web video Friday morning that hits Romney for the federal funds he secured for the 2002 Winter Olympic games in Salt Lake City. The video stars Romney backer ...

COLUMN: Mitt Romneys theme is personal ambition | The Leaf ...

Obviously, judging by Rick Santorum’s clean sweep on Tuesday, I ... be something like “situational competence” – Romney boasts of having rescued the 2002 Olympics ...

Mitt Romneys Resume

Rick Santorums Resume; Mitt Romneys Resume; What is "Youth For Palin"? Rick Perrys Resume ... received the inaugural Truce Ideal Award for his role in the 2002 Winter Olympics. President, Senate, House Updated Daily

Iowa: Romney 24.6%, Santorum 24.6%, Paul 21.4%, Gingrich 13.3% Permalink. Mitt Romney, who ran the 2002 Olympics, won a gold ... - Luck plays a role (Romney ran against a ...

Romney takes Nevada, voters bank on his business experience |

... Romney because of his business experience, including his leadership of the 2002 Winter Olympics in ... Rick Santorum. ... for Romney all but guaranteed a victory. "To roll ...

Romneys Olympic Legacy: Savior Or Self-Promoter? : NPR

Mitt Romney and his supporters often cite his role in the organization of the 2002 Winter Olympics in ... of Romneys Olympic role ... Mitt Romney; Rick Santorum

#TopStories <b>Santorum hits Romney on role in 2002 Olympics</b> via Santorum hits Romney on role in 2002 Olympics via
From: MinutePost - Source: twitterfeed

<b>Santorum hits Romney on role in 2002 Olympics</b> - hits Romney on role... hits Romney on role in 2002 Olympics - hits Romney on role...
From: thaitvnews - Source: twitterfeed

<b>Santorum hits Romney on role in 2002 Olympics</b> hits Romney on role in 2002 Olympics
From: WKRNSports - Source: twitterfeed

(UIY) <b>Santorum hits Romney on role in 2002 Olympics</b> 
    (AP): AP - GOP presidential candidate Rick Santorum is ... Santorum hits Romney on role in 2002 Olympics (AP): AP - GOP presidential candidate Rick Santorum is ...
From: Hungry4Politics - Source: twitterfeed

<b>Santorum hits Romney on role in 2002 Olympics</b> - #topnewsSantorum hits Romney on role in 2002 Olympics - #topnews
From: Espy_News - Source: twitterfeed

Headlines: <b>Santorum hits Romney on role in 2002 Olympics</b>: GOP presidential candidate Rick Santorum is attacking ... Santorum hits Romney on role in 2002 Olympics: GOP presidential candidate Rick Santorum is attacking ...
From: WBTV_Sports - Source: twitterfeed

<b>Santorum hits Romney on role in 2002 Olympics</b> hits Romney on role in 2002 Olympics
From: WTOPSports - Source: twitterfeed

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