Rick Santorum tries to show he can win in November : Photo Gallery
Rick Santorum tries to show he can win in November : Videos
Rick Santorum tries to show he can win in November : Latest News, Information, Answers and Websites
Rick Santorum turns heat on Newt Gingrich in Florida - James ...
... he added, referencing Jon Huntsman and Rick Perry’s withdrawal from the race. “Florida can ... Santorum tries to gain traction here, though, he ... win in November. However, he ...
Santorum: Obama dividing country to win election – CNN Political ...
... Rick Santorum displaying some newfound confidence Wednesday as he accused ... cant win then I can definitely vote for Rick Santorum!!!! ... much for rick ... but he ...
NBC Politics - rick-santorum
Bush isn’t on the ballot in November, but the ... But new polls show Santorum surging and in some cases ... couldn’t cash in on his South Carolina win. So can Santorum ...
Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum has won four states and risen suddenly to challenge Mitt Romney as the leader in the national polls. Now he faces a new hurdle: defining himself positively before others rush to disqualify him.
Sen. Blunt: Romney can win in November - Interviews - Your World ...
Feb 6, 2012 ... Blunt: Romney can win in November. Published ... Rick Santorum says he is ready to put on a show in the Show Me State tomorrow. And that's ...
Glenn Beck: Another look at Rick Santorum? » The Right Scoop -
... his interview with Rick Santorum by admitting that he ... get past this point: Santorum knows he can’t win ... start to shut, then he tries to cover up a yawn… Santorum ...
Republican War on Birth Control Will Boost Democrats in November
Rising presidential candidate Rick Santorum ... that polls show that 99% of all women and 98% of Catholic women who have had sex have used contraceptives, Democrats should follow Senator Barbara Boxer’s lead and aggressively frame the November elections ...
Rick Santorum Takes the Lead in Ohio Poll | Red Dog Report
3 days ago ... After his Midwestern surge last week, Rick Santorum has taken a 36% to ... Rick Santorum needs to show Republican primary voters that he can win in a ... file Republicans that Santorum has what it takes to win in November.
Wake up America: Video- Ohio AG Mike DeWine Withdraws Support ...
You have to give the American people a reason to vote for you -- a reason to hope -- a reason to believe that under your leadership, America will be better. Rick Santorum has done that. Sadly, Governor Romney has not." ... As a Gingrich supporter, I believe Newt Gingrich could show that contrast, but so could Rick Santorum and if my candidate of choice is not nominated, I could at least be enthused about a Santorum nomination in a way I could never be enthused ...
Rick Santorum tries to show he can win in November. Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum has won four states and risen suddenly to challenge Mitt Romney as the leader in the national polls. Now he faces a ...
Patterico's Pontifications » Rick Santorum and the two playbooks
Feb 11, 2012 ... And PPP may well show the same surge in Michigan (although a GOP win there in November still strikes me as a long ... There is no way that Rick Santorum can win the general election. .... Those compassionate liberals have already tried and failed to poison Santorum by callously making him the dead ...
Gingrich Remains in Campaign, After Defeat
Rick Santorum of Pennsylvania was left behind. The results of 14 of the 17 Nevada counties show the former Massachusetts ... attention in the nomination campaign, but can be a fierce battleground in November between the winner of the nomination ...
Santorum plays pundit on general election
Miami (CNN) - Rick Santorums campaign ... contention that the winner in November will be determined by the nations independent voters. Instead, he said that the winner will be determined by which candidate can energize the Republican base ...
January 1: Rick Santorum, Matt Strawn, roundtable - Meet the ...
And he can show that hes a practical. politician ... whats left of Bachmann, to go with Rick to win ... over there and tries to eat Rick Santorum. And thats what next ...
Social issues rule busy day in presidential race
Even if Romney could win it all, Santorum said, "we will no longer abandon and apologize for the policies and principles that made this country great for a hollow victory in November ... frankly dont care what deal he tries to cut," he said of Obama.
Missouri "beauty contest" primary may have meaning
Former Pennsylvania Senator Rick Santorum on Monday became the first ... an investment for the future in the state and this shows hes truly running a national campaign." Looking ahead to November, a survey released Thursday by Democratic ...
The Republican Race Heats Up: PCW Politics is War on P-SPAN
In my opinion if we want to avoid a sweeping victory by Obama in November, Republicans should nominate Governor Romney as our standard bearer. He could win because he has ... and right at each other. Rick Santorum (R-PA) and Ron Paul (R ...
Rick Santorum tries to muscle past Mitt Romney, Ron Paul ...
PERRY, Iowa -- A confident Rick Santorum ... Rick Santorum tries to muscle past Mitt Romney ... Ask Santorum if he has a budget ready Like Dr. Paul can show now.
Is He Unelectable?
(He made a comeback two years later.) George H.W. Bush lost a Senate race in 1970 and was an unsuccessful candidate for the GOP presidential nomination in 1980. Ronald Reagan failed to win ... Santorums have defects in tone that probably can ...
Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine To Endorse Rick Santorum ...
DeWine's switch from Romney flows nicely with the campaign of the press and with Operation Hilarity of the Daily Kos to continue Rick Santorum's surge and harm the the eventual GOP ticket. ... media and democarats badly want Santorum to win. Doesn't that tell us something? Reginald from texas Says: February 17th, 2012 at 11:48 am. Will Obama and the democrats get their man in Santorum? We shall see. .... Santorum will be leading the polls come November.
Trump backs Romney in GOP race, surprising Gingrich supporters
Trump said he tried to ... 8NewsNow poll shows Romney leading the field with 45 percent support among Republicans who said they planned to caucus on Saturday. That compares with 25 percent support for Gingrich, 11 percent for Rick Santorum, 9 percent ...
Plenty of Romney weakerthans in the past
Despite the stubborn resolve of Newt Gingrich, and possibly Rick Santorum, to hang around until the Republican convention in the summer, it appears likely Mitt Romney, the former Massachusetts governor, will win ... when he informed Quayle, who tried ...
TODAY Show - Surging Santorum: I know how to win tough elections
"He can win the tough elections" ??? He lost his ... is more appealing than a "surging Santorum" (google it!) Run, Ricky, Run! ... support him, and part of that is to show ...
Mitt Romney Opts for Battle on Two Fronts
Newt Gingrich, Rick Santorum and Obama could represent a deeper conflict ... made it difficult for voters to find a clear message as to which Republican he is: The one who can beat the president or the one who cant deflect a couple of has-been GOP players.
RICK SANTORUM TRIES TO UNCOVER HE CAN WIN IN NOVEMBER. Rick Santorum tries to show he can win in November. Live Discussions. There have been no discussions scheduled today. Carolyn Hax Live: Advice ...
Rick Santorum Wins Big in Missouri, Minnesota
CNN projects that Rick Santorum wins Missouri; he runs strong in ... and then President Barack Obama in the November ... "Mitt Romney continues to show that he will do or ...
Rick Santorum presents himself as best alternative to Obama in ...
... White House next November. Santorum ... case, Ayatollah Santorum might be your man. And, if he doesnt win the election, you can ... candidate Rick Santorum tries to make ...
Will Iowans (statewide) seek this speaker ($100,000)? - Yahoo! News -?
10 points for best answer -- residents of Iowa favored -- September 2010 perspectives -- will she be campaigning for Branstad whom she endorsed ? ? ?
The former Alaska governor and 2008 GOP vice presidential nominee is on a roll: Her political endorsements have helped propel a number of upstart Republican contenders to victory in recent primaries, including a double win Tuesday in Delaware and New Hampshire. Her cable TV show makes its debut in November. And now shes off to the state thats made and broken more than its share of presidential campaigns.
Palin will be the big draw at Fridays Reagan Dinner in Des Moines, the Iowa Republican Partys biggest fundraiser. The question that will be on everyones mind is whether shell run for president in 2012.
Iowa, home to the nations leadoff presidential caucuses, can be tough terrain for celebrity candidates. Those who try to ride their fame to victory in Iowa without organizing a grass-roots campaign often find themselves on the outs.
Remember John Glenn? The former astronaut and senator drew huge crowds and intense attention here when he sought the Democratic nomination in 1984 — and got just 4 percent of the vote.
"They were coming out to see John Glenn the astronaut, not John Glenn the Democrat running for president," said veteran Republican strategist Eric Woolson.
If she runs, Palin would start with strong appeal among the social and religious conservatives who play a crucial role in Iowas Republican politics. But that appeal wouldnt necessarily last if its not backed up by a strong effort to reach out to caucus voters, said Steve Scheffler, head of the Iowa Christian Alliance.
"The track to success in Iowa is slogging around all of the small towns in bad weather and sleeping in downscale motels because thats the best in town," said Rich Galen, a GOP strategist based in Washington. "That certainly doesnt seem to fit the Palin theory of how she should conduct her life."
A Palin candidacy also would test Iowas glass ceiling. Just ask Hillary Rodham Clinton, who came in third in the 2008 caucuses, how tough the state can be for a woman. Iowa is one of two states — Mississippi is the other — thats never sent a woman to Congress or elected a woman governor.
Palin is far from alone in taking early steps to court Iowa activists. Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich has made multiple trips to the state, Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty has put a staff member in Iowa and former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie and former Sen. Rick Santorum of Pennsylvania all have visits in the works.
Palin has been coy about her presidential intentions and masterful at keeping her name in the news since she abruptly resigned as Alaskas governor in 2009. Shes mixed political fundraisers and candidates campaign events with speeches in which she commands fees as high as $100,000.
__________________________________________________________________ www.yahoo.com/
Answer: I'm not from Iowa but I don't think she is worth the airfare and the travel budget . . .send her back to Wasilla
Category: Other - United States
Romney Tries to Check Santorum Momentum in Must-Win Michigan
“If he blows this, he’s really in trouble.” This may be Santorum’s best chance to derail the candidate who Republicans perceived as having a better shot to win the nomination and challenge President Barack Obama in November because of an ...
Why did Santorum lose in 2006? | Campaign 2012 | Washington ...
Obama tries to repair breach with Catholics ... Perhaps the most glaring weakness in Rick Santorum's case that he can win the presidency ... By November 2006, the war was going badly and threatened to turn into a full-scale catastrophe. ... Voters might believe that, too, unless Santorum can show them that he learned from ...
See which big backers Rick Santorum picked up in race to beat Mitt ...
1 day ago ... Rick Santorum's bid for the Republican presidential nod. ... about Romney is that he doesn't support bailouts and tried to put brakes on the extent ... in every aspect is the only conservative candidate who can win in November.
Trent Lott and His Fierce Freshmen
YOUD THINK THE MAJORITY LEADER OF THE UNITED States Senate would have better things to do. But Trent Lott likes order so much that he often irons his cotton shirts after they have come back from the cleaners to remove any remaining wrinkles. He criticized the way I ironed shirts one day, recalls Patricia Lott, his wife of 32 years. I said, - Richard L Berke article on new Senate leadership of Trent Lott; majority leader from Mississippi succeeds embattled Newt Gingrich as nations pre-eminent Republican, and will have to tame most rambunctious, conservative and independent-minded group of senators in many decades; Lott was House whip and partisan soul mate of Gingrich during 1980s and has reputation as unswerving conservative, but close look at style and record shows he is driven far more by pragmatism and ambition than by ideology; Lott himself observes that strong principles are not much good if they do not produce results; outlook discussed for confrontation this session on hot-button issues such as abortion; brief profiles of several new and veteran conservative lawmakers who could make work for Lott; photos (L) - Richard L. Berke is the national political correspondent for The Times. - By Richard L. Berke
Rick Santorum | RedState
You can tell Mitt Romney is desperate when he tries to ... he’s trying to win by tearing others down which shows signs of ... Rick Santorum must convince them he can beat ...
Assorted shit Sunday!
Gee, maybe the kid’s crying because he can ... Rick Santorum and former candidate Michelle Bachman, to argue that homosexuality is immoral behavior, not an inherent trait. Among the activists most horrified by Nixon’s comments was Truth Wins ...
Rick Santorum Can Win the GOP Nomination if Social ... - PolicyMic
2 days ago ... If this election is about social conservatism, Rick Santorum could become the GOP nominee. ... In 2001, Santorum tried unsuccessfully to insert language which ... I see a rerun of the Johnson/Goldwater occurring in November.
Establishment Shocked by Santorum Sweep - The Rush Limbaugh Show
Did you know why Rick ... right before he goes out to speak about it. SANTORUM: The president over the last few years has tried to ... if you think he can win in November, be ...
Again, Why Not Santorum? - Quin Hillyer - National Review Online
Feb 6, 2012 ... If he defeats Mitt Romney in that event, as at least one poll shows he is poised to do, ... Rick Santorum can win the Republican nomination. ... demeanor in debates, that he wasn't the nuclear cowboy the Left tried to portray. .... But if it comes down to it, in November I'll grasp at whatever straw is available at ...
Rick Santorum - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Richard John "Rick" Santorum (born May 10, 1958) is ... When asked in November 2011 about his views on evolution, Santorum stated that he ... saying hes "in it to win." He ...
Independents will be kingmakers in presidential election
The farther he must go to the fringe to win ... Each tried to out-do the other in proclaiming conservative fealty. Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, former House speaker Newt Gingrich and former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum criticized ...
Rick Santorum tries to show he can win in November – Washington Post. Telegraph.co.uk Rick Santorum tries to show he can win in NovemberWashington PostRepublican presidential candidate Rick Santorum has won four ...
Santorum: ‘Slow and Steady’ Will Win Iowa - ABC News
Rick Santorum hopes that Republicans who are disappointed with Rick Perry and ... If Santorum is able to replicate Huckabee’s Iowa win in 2008, he won ... November 4, 2011 ...
Can We Have a Democratic Election?
Beneath the turbulent political spectacle that has captured so much of the nation’s attention lies a more important question than who will get the Republican nomination, or even who will win in November ... stay in the race, Rick Santorum was similarly ...
'Top GOP Senator' To ABC News: If Romney Loses Michigan, 'He ...
The report begins with an unsurprising statement: that Republicans cannot see Rick Santorum or Newt Gingrich winning the general election (of course, since this is GOP establishment, Rep. Ron Paul isn't ... “If Romney can't win in Michigan, the Republican Party needs to go back to the drawing board and convince somebody new to get into the race,” the top senator told Karl. What is news in this .... I'm going to be in the UK on election day in November. I'll vote early, ...
ukRick Santorum tries to show he can win in NovemberWashington PostRepublican presidential candidate Rick Santorum has won four states and risen suddenly to challenge Mitt Romney as the leader in the national polls. Now he faces a ...
Glenn Beck: Rick Santorum could be the next George Washington ...
Glenn Beck: Rick Santorum could be ... a capella on November 15, 2011 at 5:03 PM. I don’t think he can win either. ... Early in his campaign, Rick spoke to a local talk show ...
Rick Santorum tries to show he can win in November November, Rick, Santorum, show, tries.
Is Rick Santorum too conservative to win in November? - The ...
2 hours ago ... Rick Santorum tries to show he can win in November. View Photo Gallery — Rick Santorum: The former U.S. senator from Pennsylvania is ...
Rick Santorum: I might win Iowa caucuses recount - James Hohmann ...
... Rick Perry and defeating Newt Gingrich in New Hampshire.” The riff came as Santorum tried to ... Show the ... to win, hed better seriously consider choosing Rick Santorum ...
First Read - Looking for a bounce in N.H., Santorum tries Iowa ...
... Rick Santorum on Wednesday landed here hoping the same message he preached ... move that shows he ... Rick Perry needs to win the nomination, simply so I can watch ...
#RickSantorum tries to show he can win in November: http://t.co/WxW8x4zf From: zackwheeler - Source: Washington Post
Washington Post: Rick Santorum tries to show he can win in November - http://t.co/QXolNkDf via http://t.co/uu9JTZjz From: Don_Porter - Source: Tweet Button
Rick Santorum tries to show he can win in November http://t.co/7qYFHHYL From: AmericanPundits - Source: Tweet Button
#Cincinnati Rick Santorum tries to show he can win in November - Washington Post http://t.co/edDAgOVk From: cincyfeeds - Source: HootSuite
Rick Santorum tries to show he can win in November From: Romanuva - Source: fun.ly
Rick Santorum tries to show he can win in November http://t.co/XtzQZQqs #president #election From: 45uspresident - Source: Google
Rick Santorum tries to show he can win in November – Washington Post http://t.co/t81rLp5t #tcot From: Bred_Red - Source: twitterfeed
Rick Santorum tries to show he can win in November http://t.co/dXctZRmi From: Romanuva - Source: fun.ly
Rick Santorum tries to show he can win in November – Washington Post http://t.co/17VrlaZ6 #headlines #misc #news From: elopez6085 - Source: Google
New blog post: Rick Santorum tries to show he can win in November - Washington Post http://t.co/N18bJY1N From: lottosecrets - Source: LottoSecrets App
New blog post: Rick Santorum tries to show he can win in November - Washington Post http://t.co/Xe3TUqMz From: lottosecrets - Source: Tweetly Updater
Breaking News: Rick Santorum tries to show he can win in November - Washington Post http://t.co/KSAUOrQ6 From: BreakingNews46 - Source: Breaking News English
#RickSantorum tries to show he can win in #November I think he can beat #Romney and challenge #Obama
http://t.co/1Dc11JVq @washingtonpost From: MatteoInverardi - Source: web
New York TimesRick Santorum tries to show he can win in NovemberWashington PostRepublican presidential candidate... http://t.co/YPJrvrjx From: ingovernment - Source: twitterfeed