House GOP leaders yield on payroll tax

House GOP leaders yield on payroll tax : Photo Gallery

House Republican leaders yield on payroll tax cut - latimes.
House Republican leaders yield on payroll tax cut - latimes.

House Republican leaders yield on payroll tax cut - latimes.

House Republican leaders yield on payroll tax cut - latimes.

House Speaker John A. Boehner (R-Ohio) announces the deal on the payroll tax

Payroll tax deadlock ends as House GOP leaders cave — Maine ...
Payroll tax deadlock ends as House GOP leaders cave — Maine ...

Payroll tax deadlock ends as House GOP leaders cave — Maine ...

Payroll tax deadlock ends as House GOP leaders cave — Maine ...

Payroll tax deadlock ends as

House speaker: Republican leaders accept Senate payroll tax cut ...
House speaker: Republican leaders accept Senate payroll tax cut ...

House speaker: Republican leaders accept Senate payroll tax cut ...

House speaker: Republican leaders accept Senate payroll tax cut ...

to the payroll tax cut.

Boehner: House GOP still wants full year tax cut - 24 Hour ...
Boehner: House GOP still wants full year tax cut - 24 Hour ...

Boehner: House GOP still wants full year tax cut - 24 Hour ...

Boehner: House GOP still wants full year tax cut - 24 Hour ...

Congress Payroll Tax

House GOP | Retreat | Payroll Tax Cut | The Daily Caller
House GOP | Retreat | Payroll Tax Cut | The Daily Caller

House GOP | Retreat | Payroll Tax Cut | The Daily Caller

House GOP | Retreat | Payroll Tax Cut | The Daily Caller

Speaker of the House Rep.

Boehner, GOP ready to talk on payroll tax cut -- but Democrats not ...
Boehner, GOP ready to talk on payroll tax cut -- but Democrats not ...

Boehner, GOP ready to talk on payroll tax cut -- but Democrats not ...

Boehner, GOP ready to talk on payroll tax cut -- but Democrats not ...

House Speaker John Boehner and

Boehner: House GOP still wants full year tax cut - 24 Hour ...
Boehner: House GOP still wants full year tax cut - 24 Hour ...

Boehner: House GOP still wants full year tax cut - 24 Hour ...

Boehner: House GOP still wants full year tax cut - 24 Hour ...

AP Photo - Senate Republican

In breakthrough, House leaders accept Senate terms to extend ...
In breakthrough, House leaders accept Senate terms to extend ...

In breakthrough, House leaders accept Senate terms to extend ...

In breakthrough, House leaders accept Senate terms to extend ...

Steny Hoyer, D-Md., gestures during a news conference on the payroll tax cut

USA Today News - News from USA Today
USA Today News - News from USA Today

USA Today News - News from USA Today

USA Today News - News from USA Today

The Senate Republican leader

House debates payroll tax, each side casting blame | www.
House debates payroll tax, each side casting blame | www.

House debates payroll tax, each side casting blame | www.

House debates payroll tax, each side casting blame | www.

House GOP to reject stopgap

Today in photos | - Bloomington, Indiana ...
Today in photos | - Bloomington, Indiana ...

Today in photos | - Bloomington, Indiana ...

Today in photos | - Bloomington, Indiana ...

Speaker of the House Rep.

Daily Kos: Abbreviated Pundit Round-up: House GOP compared to roadkill
Daily Kos: Abbreviated Pundit Round-up: House GOP compared to roadkill

Daily Kos: Abbreviated Pundit Round-up: House GOP compared to roadkill

Daily Kos: Abbreviated Pundit Round-up: House GOP compared to roadkill

Republican reins slipping from

John Boehner | FrumForum
John Boehner | FrumForum

John Boehner | FrumForum

John Boehner | FrumForum

The GOP leaders have somehow

Boehner: House leaders accept Senate payroll tax terms | TBO.
Boehner: House leaders accept Senate payroll tax terms | TBO.

Boehner: House leaders accept Senate payroll tax terms | TBO.

Boehner: House leaders accept Senate payroll tax terms | TBO.

House Speaker John Boehner said that he expects to pass a new bill by

House GOP rejects 2-month payroll tax cut | The Salinas ...
House GOP rejects 2-month payroll tax cut | The Salinas ...

House GOP rejects 2-month payroll tax cut | The Salinas ...

House GOP rejects 2-month payroll tax cut | The Salinas ...

House Speaker John Boehner of

House GOPoutlines plan to extend payroll tax cut, jobless aid ...
House GOPoutlines plan to extend payroll tax cut, jobless aid ...

House GOPoutlines plan to extend payroll tax cut, jobless aid ...

House GOPoutlines plan to extend payroll tax cut, jobless aid ...

House Republican leaders - Home - Home - Home - Home







project began finally to yield the intended result for the first time ...
project began finally to yield the intended result for the first time ...

project began finally to yield the intended result for the first time ...

project began finally to yield the intended result for the first time ...

 ... the Presidential Citizens Medal in the Oval Office at the White House
... the Presidential Citizens Medal in the Oval Office at the White House

... the Presidential Citizens Medal in the Oval Office at the White House

 ... the Presidential Citizens Medal in the Oval Office at the White House

House GOP leaders want new payroll tax cut bill | Sheboygan Press ...
House GOP leaders want new payroll tax cut bill | Sheboygan Press ...

House GOP leaders want new payroll tax cut bill | Sheboygan Press ...

House GOP leaders want new payroll tax cut bill | Sheboygan Press ...

House GOP leaders want new payroll tax cut bill | The Poughkeepsie ...
House GOP leaders want new payroll tax cut bill | The Poughkeepsie ...

House GOP leaders want new payroll tax cut bill | The Poughkeepsie ...

House GOP leaders want new payroll tax cut bill | The Poughkeepsie ...

House GOP leaders want new payroll tax cut bill |
House GOP leaders want new payroll tax cut bill |

House GOP leaders want new payroll tax cut bill |

House GOP leaders want new payroll tax cut bill |

House GOP leaders want new payroll tax cut bill
House GOP leaders want new payroll tax cut bill

House GOP leaders want new payroll tax cut bill

House GOP leaders want new payroll tax cut bill

House GOP leaders want new payroll tax cut bill | AccessNorthGa
House GOP leaders want new payroll tax cut bill | AccessNorthGa

House GOP leaders want new payroll tax cut bill | AccessNorthGa

House GOP leaders want new payroll tax cut bill | AccessNorthGa

House GOP leaders want new payroll tax cut bill - Money News ...
House GOP leaders want new payroll tax cut bill - Money News ...

House GOP leaders want new payroll tax cut bill - Money News ...

House GOP leaders want new payroll tax cut bill - Money News ...

House GOP leaders want new payroll tax cut bill -
House GOP leaders want new payroll tax cut bill -

House GOP leaders want new payroll tax cut bill -

House GOP leaders want new payroll tax cut bill -

 defends the deal he made with GOP leaders to extend all of the tax ...
defends the deal he made with GOP leaders to extend all of the tax ...

defends the deal he made with GOP leaders to extend all of the tax ...

 defends the deal he made with GOP leaders to extend all of the tax ...

House GOP leaders want new payroll tax cut bill |
House GOP leaders want new payroll tax cut bill |

House GOP leaders want new payroll tax cut bill |

House GOP leaders want new payroll tax cut bill |

House GOP leaders want new payroll tax cut bill |
House GOP leaders want new payroll tax cut bill |

House GOP leaders want new payroll tax cut bill |

House GOP leaders want new payroll tax cut bill |

House GOP leaders want new payroll tax cut bill |
House GOP leaders want new payroll tax cut bill |

House GOP leaders want new payroll tax cut bill |

House GOP leaders want new payroll tax cut bill |

House GOP postpones vote on payroll tax bill - Jonathan Allen and ...
House GOP postpones vote on payroll tax bill - Jonathan Allen and ...

House GOP postpones vote on payroll tax bill - Jonathan Allen and ...

House GOP postpones vote on payroll tax bill - Jonathan Allen and ...

GOP Leaders: Pipeline Stays in Payroll Tax Bill |
GOP Leaders: Pipeline Stays in Payroll Tax Bill |

GOP Leaders: Pipeline Stays in Payroll Tax Bill |

GOP Leaders: Pipeline Stays in Payroll Tax Bill |

House GOP leaders outline plan for extending payroll tax cut, jobless ...
House GOP leaders outline plan for extending payroll tax cut, jobless ...

House GOP leaders outline plan for extending payroll tax cut, jobless ...

House GOP leaders outline plan for extending payroll tax cut, jobless ...

GOP Leaders Feel the Heat on Payroll Tax : Roll Call News
GOP Leaders Feel the Heat on Payroll Tax : Roll Call News

GOP Leaders Feel the Heat on Payroll Tax : Roll Call News

GOP Leaders Feel the Heat on Payroll Tax : Roll Call News

House GOP leaders want new payroll tax cut bill - 7NEWS Boston News ...
House GOP leaders want new payroll tax cut bill - 7NEWS Boston News ...

House GOP leaders want new payroll tax cut bill - 7NEWS Boston News ...

House GOP leaders want new payroll tax cut bill - 7NEWS Boston News ...




House Speaker John A. Boehner (R-Ohio) announces the deal on the payroll tax cut. (Chip Somodevilla / Getty Images / December 22, 2011) By Lisa Mascaro and Peter Nicholas, Washington Bureau House Republican leaders, bowing to pressure from both the ...

Republican House leaders accept Senate terms on payroll tax deal
Republican House leaders accept Senate terms on payroll tax deal

Republican House leaders accept Senate terms on payroll tax deal

Republican House leaders accept Senate terms on payroll tax deal

By Andrew Taylor and Laurie Kellman AP WASHINGTON -- Their isolation complete, House Republicans on Thursday caved to demands by President Barack Obama, congressional Democrats and fellow Republicans for a short-term renewal of payroll tax cuts for all ...

Boehner Says House Republicans Oppose Senate Deal on Tax Cut
Boehner Says House Republicans Oppose Senate Deal on Tax Cut

Boehner Says House Republicans Oppose Senate Deal on Tax Cut

Boehner Says House Republicans Oppose Senate Deal on Tax Cut

“Senator Reid has been trying to negotiate a yearlong extension of the payroll tax credit with Republicans for weeks,” Adam Jentleson said in an e-mail. A spokesman for Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell said today that the Republican Senate leader ...

NKorea Media Dubs Young Kim 'outstanding Leader'
NKorea Media Dubs Young Kim 'outstanding Leader'

NKorea Media Dubs Young Kim 'outstanding Leader'

NKorea Media Dubs Young Kim 'outstanding Leader'

After Senate leaders tried but failed to match the House's goal for a full-year pact, the chamber on Saturday instead gave sweeping approval for the two-month extension of the payroll tax cut, jobless benefits and doctors' Medicare fees that otherwise ...

Americans Frustrated By Congressional Stalemates
Americans Frustrated By Congressional Stalemates

Americans Frustrated By Congressional Stalemates

Americans Frustrated By Congressional Stalemates

President Barack Obama is urging congressional leaders to return to Washington to pass a short-term payroll tax cut extension before New Year's Day, promising in return to start working immediately on a full-year extension. House Republicans have ...

NY Judge: Iran, Taliban, Al-Qaida Liable For 9-11
NY Judge: Iran, Taliban, Al-Qaida Liable For 9-11

NY Judge: Iran, Taliban, Al-Qaida Liable For 9-11

NY Judge: Iran, Taliban, Al-Qaida Liable For 9-11

By Andrew Taylor and Laurie Kellman, Associated Press WASHINGTON (AP) — House Republicans on Thursday caved to demands by President Barack Obama, congressional Democrats and fellow Republicans for a short-term renewal of payroll tax cuts for all ...

Payroll tax stalls means thousands in savings for Mass. workers
Payroll tax stalls means thousands in savings for Mass. workers

Payroll tax stalls means thousands in savings for Mass. workers

Payroll tax stalls means thousands in savings for Mass. workers

By David Riley/ Bay State workers have reaped thousands of dollars in savings from a one-year cut to a federal payroll tax whose expiration looms Dec. 31. Democratic and Republican leaders in Congress have agreed broadly on extending the ...

What the tax cut battle means for Dover, Sherborn residents
What the tax cut battle means for Dover, Sherborn residents

What the tax cut battle means for Dover, Sherborn residents

What the tax cut battle means for Dover, Sherborn residents

Bay State workers have reaped thousands of dollars in savings from the one-year cut to a federal payroll tax whose expiration looms Dec. 31. The political battle: As of Tuesday, Democratic and Republican leaders in Congress are deadlocked on a way to ...

11 Killed In Attacks On Mexican Buses, Town
11 Killed In Attacks On Mexican Buses, Town

11 Killed In Attacks On Mexican Buses, Town

11 Killed In Attacks On Mexican Buses, Town

President Barack Obama is urging congressional leaders to return to Washington to pass a short-term payroll tax cut extension before New Year's Day, promising in return to start working immediately on a full-year extension. House Republicans have ...

The mon(k)ey trap
The mon(k)ey trap

The mon(k)ey trap

The mon(k)ey trap

The Republican leadership countered by attaching the pipeline review as a poison pill to legislation that would have extended the payroll tax cut. If they had wanted to extend the payroll tax cut, as Ezra Klein pointed out in the Washington Post, ...

Speaker Boehner in tax vise
Speaker Boehner in tax vise

Speaker Boehner in tax vise

Speaker Boehner in tax vise

Pressure mounted Wednesday as Obama said he would postpone his planned 17-day holiday vacation to Hawaii until the payroll tax issue was decided. Republican leaders are separately using the Christmas countdown as leverage. The office of House Majority ...

OVERNIGHT MONEY: Corzine, Cordray, payroll tax, oh my
OVERNIGHT MONEY: Corzine, Cordray, payroll tax, oh my

OVERNIGHT MONEY: Corzine, Cordray, payroll tax, oh my

OVERNIGHT MONEY: Corzine, Cordray, payroll tax, oh my

I'll meet you in Hawaii, or not: President Obama won't vacation with his family in Hawaii while the payroll tax extension and other issues remains in limbo. He warned GOP congressional leaders to stay in town as well, and House GOP leaders let members ...

Obama Approval Rating Shows Signs of Rebound in ABC/Post Poll
Obama Approval Rating Shows Signs of Rebound in ABC/Post Poll

Obama Approval Rating Shows Signs of Rebound in ABC/Post Poll

Obama Approval Rating Shows Signs of Rebound in ABC/Post Poll

15-18, before the current showdown over extending into 2012 a two-percentage-point cut in the employee portion of the payroll tax. The poll's margin of error is plus or minus 3.5 percentage points. The Republican-controlled House voted today to reject ...

Morning Examiner: Gingrich collapsing nationwide
Morning Examiner: Gingrich collapsing nationwide

Morning Examiner: Gingrich collapsing nationwide

Morning Examiner: Gingrich collapsing nationwide

The Washington Examiner, House delays payroll tax vote: Late last night, House Majority Leader Eric Cantor, R.-Va., announced that a vote to reject the Senate payroll tax cut bill, as originally scheduled for yesterday, would be moved to Tuesday ...

Congress averts shutdown, as Owens laments partisanship
Congress averts shutdown, as Owens laments partisanship

Congress averts shutdown, as Owens laments partisanship

Congress averts shutdown, as Owens laments partisanship

The payroll tax issue hinged on the Senate Republican minority leader, Sen. Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., who said he will not accept the tax-cut extension unless lawmakers agree to advance construction of a proposed oil pipeline from Canada to Texas, ...

Payroll Tax Cut: Will These Stocks Benefit From an Extension?
Payroll Tax Cut: Will These Stocks Benefit From an Extension?

Payroll Tax Cut: Will These Stocks Benefit From an Extension?

Payroll Tax Cut: Will These Stocks Benefit From an Extension?

They will put pressure on Republican house leaders to reach a deal on the extensions before the break expires, reports Bloomberg. House Speaker John Boehner said of the GOP party, "I feel confident in our ability to move ahead" with the payroll tax cut ...

House GOP leaders yield on payroll tax : Videos

Rep. McGovern: Days away from tax increase on 160 million middle-income Americans & GOP says no vote
Rep. McGovern: Days away from tax increase on 160 million middle-income Americans & GOP says no vote

Rep. McGovern: Days away from tax increase on 160 million middle-income Americans & GOP says no vote

Last night, the Rules Committee -- at the direction of the Republican leadership -- voted out a martial law rule that will deny the House of ... Rated: 5     Duration: 186 seconds     Video type: YouTube     Hosted by: on Tue, 20 Dec 2011 08:47:24 PST

Rep. Slaughter On the Debt Ceiling and The Urgent Jobs Crisis
Rep. Slaughter On the Debt Ceiling and The Urgent Jobs Crisis

Rep. Slaughter On the Debt Ceiling and The Urgent Jobs Crisis

this type of crisis has become the new normal in this Congress. Under the Republican rule, the House of Representatives has repeatedly led our ... Rated: -1     Duration: 299 seconds     Video type: YouTube     Hosted by: on Mon, 01 Aug 2011 15:20:44 PDT

House Session 2011-11-16 (12:00:15-12:44:29)
House Session 2011-11-16 (12:00:15-12:44:29)

House Session 2011-11-16 (12:00:15-12:44:29)

The House took up work on 3 percent withholding as amended by the Senate with veterans jobs provisions and finished work on HS 822, the National ... Rated: -1     Duration: 2655 seconds     Video type: YouTube     Hosted by: on Wed, 16 Nov 2011 11:43:06 PST

House Session 2011-11-18 (09:00:16-10:01:41)
House Session 2011-11-18 (09:00:16-10:01:41)

House Session 2011-11-18 (09:00:16-10:01:41)

The House voted on HJRes. 2, the Balanced Budget Amendment. Rated: -1     Duration: 3685 seconds     Video type: YouTube     Hosted by: on Fri, 18 Nov 2011 16:56:53 PST

House Session 2011-10-11 (12:00:03-12:21:17)
House Session 2011-10-11 (12:00:03-12:21:17)

House Session 2011-10-11 (12:00:03-12:21:17)

The House voted on HJRes. 2, the Balanced Budget Amendment. Rated: -1     Duration: 3685 seconds     Video type: YouTube     Hosted by: on Fri, 18 Nov 2011 16:56:53 PST Rated: -1     Duration: 1274 seconds     Video type: YouTube     Hosted by: on Tue, 11 Oct 2011 11:22:53 PDT

House Session 2011-08-01 (17:06:34-18:07:16)
House Session 2011-08-01 (17:06:34-18:07:16)

House Session 2011-08-01 (17:06:34-18:07:16)

The House debated the rule on the compromise agreement to raise the debt ceiling and then moved to consideration of the bill itself. The measure ... Rated: 5     Duration: 3643 seconds     Video type: YouTube     Hosted by: on Tue, 02 Aug 2011 06:28:31 PDT

House Session 2011-12-13 (17:29:32-18:43:21)
House Session 2011-12-13 (17:29:32-18:43:21)

House Session 2011-12-13 (17:29:32-18:43:21)

HR 3630 - Middle Class Tax Relief and Job Creation Act of 2011 (Closed Rule, 90 Minutes of Debate) Legislation Considered Under Suspension of the ... Rated: -1     Duration: 4429 seconds     Video type: YouTube     Hosted by: on Wed, 14 Dec 2011 06:03:21 PST

House Session 2011-11-29 (16:06:27-17:04:05)
House Session 2011-11-29 (16:06:27-17:04:05)

House Session 2011-11-29 (16:06:27-17:04:05)

HR 3630 - Middle Class Tax Relief and Job Creation Act of 2011 (Closed Rule, 90 Minutes of Debate) Legislation Considered Under Suspension of the ... Rated: -1     Duration: 4429 seconds     Video type: YouTube     Hosted by: on Wed, 14 Dec 2011 06:03:21 PST Rated: 5     Duration: 3221 seconds     Video type: YouTube     Hosted by: on Tue, 29 Nov 2011 15:52:51 PST

Dem Senator Suggests Obama Jobs Plan Wont Pass in Full
Dem Senator Suggests Obama Jobs Plan Wont Pass in Full

Dem Senator Suggests Obama Jobs Plan Wont Pass in Full

today from the debate on jobs policy, but the Republican leader in the House presented an alternative set of ideas on taxes, regulation and ... Rated: 5     Duration: 715 seconds     Video type: YouTube     Hosted by: on Thu, 15 Sep 2011 17:40:02 PDT

House Session 2011-07-26 (10:00:50-11:06:19)
House Session 2011-07-26 (10:00:50-11:06:19)

House Session 2011-07-26 (10:00:50-11:06:19)

Consideration of HR 1938--North American-Made Energy Security Act (Subject to a Rule). Rated: -1     Duration: 3930 seconds     Video type: YouTube     Hosted by: on Tue, 26 Jul 2011 19:50:34 PDT

House Session 2011-12-20 (12:03:29-13:05:15)
House Session 2011-12-20 (12:03:29-13:05:15)

House Session 2011-12-20 (12:03:29-13:05:15)

The House of Representatives convened for the business of the day, one minute speeches, and special order speeches. The House disapproved of ... Rated: 1     Duration: 3706 seconds     Video type: YouTube     Hosted by: on Wed, 21 Dec 2011 07:09:57 PST

House Session 2011-10-13 (20:20:17-21:55:17)
House Session 2011-10-13 (20:20:17-21:55:17)

House Session 2011-10-13 (20:20:17-21:55:17)

The House of Representatives convened for the business of the day, one minute speeches, and special order speeches. The House disapproved of ... Rated: 1     Duration: 3706 seconds     Video type: YouTube     Hosted by: on Wed, 21 Dec 2011 07:09:57 PST Rated: 5     Duration: 5700 seconds     Video type: YouTube     Hosted by: on Fri, 14 Oct 2011 19:20:23 PDT

House Session 2011-09-22 (12:00:09-13:09:50)
House Session 2011-09-22 (12:00:09-13:09:50)

House Session 2011-09-22 (12:00:09-13:09:50)

The House of Representatives convened for the business of the day, one minute speeches, and special order speeches. The House disapproved of ... Rated: 1     Duration: 3706 seconds     Video type: YouTube     Hosted by: on Wed, 21 Dec 2011 07:09:57 PST Rated: 5     Duration: 5700 seconds     Video type: YouTube     Hosted by: on Fri, 14 Oct 2011 19:20:23 PDT Rated: -1     Duration: 4181 seconds     Video type: YouTube     Hosted by: on Thu, 22 Sep 2011 17:02:35 PDT

House Session 2011-12-01 (13:00:58-13:56:41)
House Session 2011-12-01 (13:00:58-13:56:41)

House Session 2011-12-01 (13:00:58-13:56:41)

The House of Representatives convened for the business of the day, one minute speeches, and special order speeches. The House disapproved of ... Rated: 1     Duration: 3706 seconds     Video type: YouTube     Hosted by: on Wed, 21 Dec 2011 07:09:57 PST Rated: 5     Duration: 5700 seconds     Video type: YouTube     Hosted by: on Fri, 14 Oct 2011 19:20:23 PDT Rated: -1     Duration: 4181 seconds     Video type: YouTube     Hosted by: on Thu, 22 Sep 2011 17:02:35 PDT Rated: -1     Duration: 3343 seconds     Video type: YouTube     Hosted by: on Thu, 01 Dec 2011 14:19:34 PST

House Session 2011-07-28 (10:01:35-11:03:08)
House Session 2011-07-28 (10:01:35-11:03:08)

House Session 2011-07-28 (10:01:35-11:03:08)

The House of Representatives convened for the business of the day, one minute speeches, and special order speeches. The House disapproved of ... Rated: 1     Duration: 3706 seconds     Video type: YouTube     Hosted by: on Wed, 21 Dec 2011 07:09:57 PST Rated: 5     Duration: 5700 seconds     Video type: YouTube     Hosted by: on Fri, 14 Oct 2011 19:20:23 PDT Rated: -1     Duration: 4181 seconds     Video type: YouTube     Hosted by: on Thu, 22 Sep 2011 17:02:35 PDT Rated: -1     Duration: 3343 seconds     Video type: YouTube     Hosted by: on Thu, 01 Dec 2011 14:19:34 PST Rated: -1     Duration: 3694 seconds     Video type: YouTube     Hosted by: on Thu, 28 Jul 2011 11:43:54 PDT

House Session 2011-09-13 (12:00:03-13:02:25)
House Session 2011-09-13 (12:00:03-13:02:25)

House Session 2011-09-13 (12:00:03-13:02:25)

The House of Representatives convened for the business of the day, one minute speeches, and special order speeches. The House disapproved of ... Rated: 1     Duration: 3706 seconds     Video type: YouTube     Hosted by: on Wed, 21 Dec 2011 07:09:57 PST Rated: 5     Duration: 5700 seconds     Video type: YouTube     Hosted by: on Fri, 14 Oct 2011 19:20:23 PDT Rated: -1     Duration: 4181 seconds     Video type: YouTube     Hosted by: on Thu, 22 Sep 2011 17:02:35 PDT Rated: -1     Duration: 3343 seconds     Video type: YouTube     Hosted by: on Thu, 01 Dec 2011 14:19:34 PST Rated: -1     Duration: 3694 seconds     Video type: YouTube     Hosted by: on Thu, 28 Jul 2011 11:43:54 PDT Rated: -1     Duration: 3742 seconds     Video type: YouTube     Hosted by: on Tue, 13 Sep 2011 18:06:02 PDT

President Obamas Bilateral Meeting with Prime Minister Harper of Canada
President Obamas Bilateral Meeting with Prime Minister Harper of Canada

President Obamas Bilateral Meeting with Prime Minister Harper of Canada

to try to tie Keystone to the payroll tax cut I will reject. So everybody should be on notice. And the reason is because the payroll tax cut is ... Rated: 3.8571429     Duration: 1121 seconds     Video type: YouTube     Hosted by: on Wed, 07 Dec 2011 13:37:43 PST

House Session 2011-09-20 (19:42:32-20:44:11)
House Session 2011-09-20 (19:42:32-20:44:11)

House Session 2011-09-20 (19:42:32-20:44:11)

to try to tie Keystone to the payroll tax cut I will reject. So everybody should be on notice. And the reason is because the payroll tax cut is ... Rated: 3.8571429     Duration: 1121 seconds     Video type: YouTube     Hosted by: on Wed, 07 Dec 2011 13:37:43 PST Rated: -1     Duration: 3699 seconds     Video type: YouTube     Hosted by: on Wed, 21 Sep 2011 10:41:35 PDT

House Session 2011-10-11 (14:00:03-15:00:26)
House Session 2011-10-11 (14:00:03-15:00:26)

House Session 2011-10-11 (14:00:03-15:00:26)

to try to tie Keystone to the payroll tax cut I will reject. So everybody should be on notice. And the reason is because the payroll tax cut is ... Rated: 3.8571429     Duration: 1121 seconds     Video type: YouTube     Hosted by: on Wed, 07 Dec 2011 13:37:43 PST Rated: -1     Duration: 3699 seconds     Video type: YouTube     Hosted by: on Wed, 21 Sep 2011 10:41:35 PDT Rated: -1     Duration: 3623 seconds     Video type: YouTube     Hosted by: on Wed, 12 Oct 2011 02:38:13 PDT

House Session 2011-12-01 (12:00:51-13:01:18)
House Session 2011-12-01 (12:00:51-13:01:18)

House Session 2011-12-01 (12:00:51-13:01:18)

to try to tie Keystone to the payroll tax cut I will reject. So everybody should be on notice. And the reason is because the payroll tax cut is ... Rated: 3.8571429     Duration: 1121 seconds     Video type: YouTube     Hosted by: on Wed, 07 Dec 2011 13:37:43 PST Rated: -1     Duration: 3699 seconds     Video type: YouTube     Hosted by: on Wed, 21 Sep 2011 10:41:35 PDT Rated: -1     Duration: 3623 seconds     Video type: YouTube     Hosted by: on Wed, 12 Oct 2011 02:38:13 PDT Rated: -1     Duration: 3557 seconds     Video type: YouTube     Hosted by: on Thu, 01 Dec 2011 13:50:56 PST

House Session 2011-10-13 (17:18:33-18:19:20)
House Session 2011-10-13 (17:18:33-18:19:20)

House Session 2011-10-13 (17:18:33-18:19:20)

to try to tie Keystone to the payroll tax cut I will reject. So everybody should be on notice. And the reason is because the payroll tax cut is ... Rated: 3.8571429     Duration: 1121 seconds     Video type: YouTube     Hosted by: on Wed, 07 Dec 2011 13:37:43 PST Rated: -1     Duration: 3699 seconds     Video type: YouTube     Hosted by: on Wed, 21 Sep 2011 10:41:35 PDT Rated: -1     Duration: 3623 seconds     Video type: YouTube     Hosted by: on Wed, 12 Oct 2011 02:38:13 PDT Rated: -1     Duration: 3557 seconds     Video type: YouTube     Hosted by: on Thu, 01 Dec 2011 13:50:56 PST Rated: 5     Duration: 3647 seconds     Video type: YouTube     Hosted by: on Fri, 14 Oct 2011 17:49:03 PDT

House Session 2011-10-12 (19:14:44-20:15:58)
House Session 2011-10-12 (19:14:44-20:15:58)

House Session 2011-10-12 (19:14:44-20:15:58)

to try to tie Keystone to the payroll tax cut I will reject. So everybody should be on notice. And the reason is because the payroll tax cut is ... Rated: 3.8571429     Duration: 1121 seconds     Video type: YouTube     Hosted by: on Wed, 07 Dec 2011 13:37:43 PST Rated: -1     Duration: 3699 seconds     Video type: YouTube     Hosted by: on Wed, 21 Sep 2011 10:41:35 PDT Rated: -1     Duration: 3623 seconds     Video type: YouTube     Hosted by: on Wed, 12 Oct 2011 02:38:13 PDT Rated: -1     Duration: 3557 seconds     Video type: YouTube     Hosted by: on Thu, 01 Dec 2011 13:50:56 PST Rated: 5     Duration: 3647 seconds     Video type: YouTube     Hosted by: on Fri, 14 Oct 2011 17:49:03 PDT Rated: -1     Duration: 3674 seconds     Video type: YouTube     Hosted by: on Thu, 13 Oct 2011 15:27:30 PDT

House Session 2011-12-13 (10:00:12-11:01:24)
House Session 2011-12-13 (10:00:12-11:01:24)

House Session 2011-12-13 (10:00:12-11:01:24)

During Morning Hour, any member may speak for up to five minutes on any topic. When no additional members seek recognition, Morning Hour concludes. Rated: -1     Duration: 3597 seconds     Video type: YouTube     Hosted by: on Tue, 13 Dec 2011 09:58:51 PST

House Session 2011-12-20 (10:00:53-11:02:25)
House Session 2011-12-20 (10:00:53-11:02:25)

House Session 2011-12-20 (10:00:53-11:02:25)

The House of Representatives convened for the business of the day, one minute speeches, and special order speeches. The House disapproved of ... Rated: -1     Duration: 3692 seconds     Video type: YouTube     Hosted by: on Wed, 21 Dec 2011 07:06:00 PST

House GOP leaders yield on payroll tax : Latest News, Information, Answers and Websites

Payroll Tax Cut: Will These Stocks Benefit From an Extension?

Congressional Democrats are united in support for the payroll tax cut to prevent a tax increase for the middle class in 2012. They will put pressure on Republican house leaders to reach ... with strong dividends-yields above 2% and payout ...

House rejection of payroll tax bill generates more GOP infighting

After weeks of bitter partisan wrangling, the Capitol emptied for the holidays with no sign of negotiation toward a compromise that would save an expiring tax break. As of Jan. 1, the payroll tax ... accused their House GOP colleagues of acting ...


A stopgap deal, which also spares jobless aid and Medicare rate cuts for doctors, requires both houses' full consent.House Republican leaders, bowing to pressure from both the White House and their Senate colleagues, ...

Boehner: House leaders accept Senate payroll tax terms

WASHINGTON — House Republicans on Thursday caved to demands by President Barack Obama, congressional Democrats and fellow Republicans for a short-term renewal of payroll tax cuts for ... freshmen upset that GOP leaders had yielded.

Obama on payroll tax cut: "Enough is enough"

President Obama on Thursday continued his campaign on behalf of a short-term extension of the payroll tax cut ... is enough." House Republicans argue that the Senate bill - which was negotiated in a bipartisan effort by leaders Mitch McConnell ...


By David Jackson, USA TODAY "For the past several weeks, I've stated consistently that it was critical that Congress not go home without preventing a t.

Observers: Obama has been keeping far afield of Congress

WASHINGTON – President Obama has not met with Republican leaders in Congress for 145 days ... Republican leader Mitch McConnell at a White House ceremony for his help in passing a payroll tax cut for 155 million Americans.

House GOP leaders want new payroll tax cut bill - WVVA TV ...

WVVA TV Bluefield Beckley WV News, Weather and SportsHouse GOP leaders want new payroll tax cut bill

Neither side yields on payroll-tax cut

WASHINGTON — With no endgame in sight to prevent a looming payroll-tax hike, President Barack Obama and congressional leaders tried to convince ... provide more negotiating time. But the GOP-led House rebuffed that deal. Rank-and-file members ...

House GOP Agrees to Extend Payroll-Tax Cut for 2 Months - CNBC

5 hours ago ... House Republican leaders abruptly caved and agreed to demands by ... fellow Republicans for a two-month extension of tax cuts for all workers.

House GOP leaders outline plan for extending payroll tax cut ...

From Deirdre Walsh, CNN Congressional Producer December 2, 2011 -- Updated 2009 GMT (0409 HKT) To gain support from conservative Republicans, leaders


House Republican leaders, bowing to pressure from both the White House and their Senate colleagues, agreed to a stopgap measure that will forestall a tax increase on American workers that was scheduled to take effect Jan. 1. The deal is expected ...

Payroll tax deadlock ends as House GOP leaders cave — Maine ...

1 hour ago ... Payroll tax deadlock ends as House GOP leaders cave ... a brief late afternoon conference call, he informed his colleagues it was time to yield. ...

House GOP leaders want new payroll tax cut bill - WBOC-TV 16 ...

WBOC-TV 16, Delmarvas News Leader, FOX 21 - House GOP leaders want new payroll tax cut bill

Boehners cave saves GOP from steering off a cliff, but damage is done

WASHINGTON — Republicans in the House of Representatives ... short-term Social Security payroll tax extension. But their week-long obstinance may still have given President Barack Obama an important boost. The GOP change of heart came after ...

House GOP leaders want new payroll tax cut bill - Windstream ...

House GOP leaders want Congress to seek new agreement on payroll tax cut, jobless benefits - Windstream Communications

House GOP leaders outline plan for extending payroll tax cut ...

After competing Republican and Democratic proposals to extend the payroll tax cut failed in the Senate on Thursday night, House Republican leaders ...

House GOP out to reshape Senates payroll tax cut - WVVA TV ...

WVVA TV Bluefield Beckley WV News, Weather and SportsHouse GOP out to reshape Senates payroll tax cut

Obama To Boehner: Even McConnell Agrees With Me On Payroll ...

House Republican leaders have refused to allow a direct vote on the bill, warning that a short-term tax hike would create economic uncertainty and instead calling for a year-long extension. The reality, however, is that both parties want a year-long extension but still cannot agree on how to pay for what would be a $200 billion package. The two-month extension is .... HutchNews House GOP yields on payroll tax cuts · 53 minutes ago from C4 CMS ...


House GOP leaders yield on payroll tax. Los Angeles Times A stopgap deal, which also spares jobless aid and Medicare rate cuts for doctors, requires both houses' full consent. House Speaker John A. Boehner (R-Ohio) ...

Payroll Tax Cut Fight: House GOP Agrees To Two-Month Extension

WASHINGTON -- Ending a dramatic, weeks-long political standoff, House Republican leaders agreed Thursday to pass a Senate-endorsed short-term extension of the payroll tax cut in return for House-Senate negotiations on a year-long package. The House will take up and pass the bill as soon as Friday at 10 a.m.. ... HutchNews House GOP yields on payroll tax cuts · 39 minutes ago from C4 CMS ...

The Bottom Line on the Payroll Tax Fight

House Republicans, for the first since the 2010 elections, dug in on a major issue only to end up folding. MAINBAR: House Republicans Cave on Payroll Tax Cut On Tuesday ... called on Republican leaders to immediately pass the two-month extension ...

Morning Money: Thermonuclear option?

“Whether Reid and McConnell can cut a bipartisan deal — that can also pass the Republican-led House within days — will be the key question facing the leaders Thursday as they struggle to pass a payroll tax holiday ... bond yields jumped back above ...

House GOP Leaders React to Payroll Tax Vote | C-SPAN

Washington, DC Tuesday, December 13, 2011. Following passage of the GOP-authored payroll tax cut plan, House Republican leaders meet with the media.

House GOP Leaders Want New Payroll Tax Cut Bill - US Business ...

4 days ago ... Top House Republicans rebelled Sunday against a bipartisan, Senate-approved ... Spain Short-Term Yields Plummet, Demand Soars; Holiday Parties Sill Over for Wall ... House GOP Leaders Want New Payroll Tax Cut Bill ...

House GOP formally unveils payroll tax package - 2chambers - The ...

(Chip Somodevilla - Getty Images) House Republican leaders on Friday formally unveiled legislation that would couple an extension of several high-priority ...

Neither side yields on payroll-tax cut | The Columbus Dispatch

16 hours ago ... Neither side yields on payroll-tax cut ... House Democratic leaders staged a lonely protest on the empty House floor ... Democrats are hesitant to re-enter formal talks with the House GOP until the stopgap measure is approved. ... – Abbreviated Pundit Round-up: House GOP ...

Former Bush adviser Karl Rove said he agreed with the Wall Street Journal's blistering assessment on the failure of House Republican leadership in the payroll-tax debate, and conceded that Republicans have “lost the ...

Obama’s Payroll Tax-Cut Plan Criticized by U.S. House Republican ...

U.S. House Republican leaders objected to President Barack Obama’s plan to cut payroll taxes to stimulate job growth, saying it would lead to too large a ...

House GOP leaders outline plan for extending payroll tax cut ...

Dec 2, 2011 ... House GOP leaders outline plan for extending payroll tax cut, jobless aid ... administration policy" and could yield more than $100 billion. ...

Payroll Tax Standoff Puts House Republican Leadership in Spotlight ...

1 day ago ... Some conservatives say the GOP lost the payroll tax cut debate to ... As he yielded to Van Hollen, the House studio cameras went dark and the ...

House GOP Leaders Aim For Agreement On Payroll Tax Cut | Fox News

House of Representatives - POLITICS House GOP Leaders Aim for Agreement on Payroll Tax Cut. Published December 08, 2011 | Associated Press

Westwood residents get around $2K if House GOP OKs payroll tax cut

Bay State workers have reaped thousands of dollars in savings from a one-year cut to a federal payroll tax whose expiration looms Dec. 31. Democratic and Republican leaders in Congress ... unemployment benefits. But the House rejected the bill after ...

House, Senate at odds over payroll tax cut - WBAY-TV Green Bay-Fox ...

WBAY-TV Green Bay-Fox Cities-Northeast Wisconsin NewsHouse, Senate at odds over payroll tax cut

House GOP leaders want new payroll tax cut bill |

WASHINGTON — Top House Republicans rebelled Sunday against a bipartisan, Senate-approved bill extending payroll tax cuts and jobless benefits for two months.

House speaker: Republican leaders accept Senate payroll tax cut ...

2 hours ago ... House speaker: Republican leaders accept Senate payroll tax cut terms. Published: ... Boehner informed his colleagues that it was time to yield. ...


Agreement came hours after Obama and Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, adversaries who rarely agree, both urged House Republicans to accept a bill to keep payroll taxes at their current level. ...

House GOP leaders want new payroll tax cut bill - KCBD NewsChannel ...

By ALAN FRAM Associated Press WASHINGTON (AP) - Top House Republicans rebelled Sunday against a bipartisan, Senate-approved bill extending payroll tax ...

House GOP leaders sweeten pot for rank and file on payroll-tax cut ...

House Republicans are injecting controversial environmental and immigration provisions into the payroll tax bill that could make a final deal with the Senate more ...

Republican House leaders accept Senate terms on payroll tax deal

WASHINGTON -- Their isolation complete, House ... of payroll tax cuts for all workers. After days of wrangling that even House Speaker John Boehner acknowledged "may not have been politically the smartest thing in the world," the Ohio Republican ...

Congress averts shutdown, as Owens laments partisanship

WASHINGTON — A final breath of bipartisanship helped push Congress toward a deal on federal spending and extension of a payroll tax break ... than last year but more than the Republican leadership in the House had previously endorsed.

Speaker Boehner bows to pressure on tax deal | Reuters

43 minutes ago ... House could be called back for vote on payroll tax deal ... their staunch opposition to higher taxes and spending has yielded a string of political successes. ... Republican leader Mitch McConnell, who called on the House to ...

Payroll tax stalls means thousands in savings for Mass. workers

Bay State workers have reaped thousands of dollars in savings from a one-year cut to a federal payroll tax whose expiration looms Dec. 31. Democratic and Republican leaders in Congress ... the payroll tax cut will yield about $1,290 in savings by the ...

Is Obama creating his own reality on his jobs bill?

WASHINGTON (AP) — In President Barack Obama’s sales pitch for his jobs bill, there are two versions of reality: The one in his speeches and the one actually unfolding in Washington. When Obama accuses Republicans of standing in the way of his nearly $450 billion plan, he ignores the fact that his own party has struggled to unite behind the proposal. When the president says Republicans haven’t explained what they oppose in the plan, he skips over the fact that Republicans who control the House actually have done that in detail. And when he calls on Congress to “pass this bill now,” he slides past the point that Democrats control the Senate and were never prepared to move immediately, given other priorities. Senators are expected to vote Tuesday on opening debate on the bill, a month after the president unveiled it with a call for its immediate passage. To be sure, Obama is not the only one engaging in rhetorical excesses. But he is the president, and as such, his constant remarks on the bill draw the most attention and scrutiny. The disconnect between what Obama says about his jobs bill and what stands as the political reality flow from his broader aim: to rally the public behind his cause and get Congress to act, or, if not, to pin blame on Republicans. He is waging a campaign, one in which nuance and context and competing responses don‘t always fit in if they don’t help make the case. For example, when Obama says his jobs plan is made up of ideas that have historically had bipartisan support, he stops the point there. Not mentioned is that Republicans have never embraced the tax increases that he is proposing to cover the cost of his plan. Likewise, from city to city, Obama is demanding that Congress act (he means Republicans) while it has been clear for weeks that the GOP will not support all of his bill, to say the least. Individual elements of it may well pass, such as Obama’s proposal to extend and expand a payroll tax cut. But Republicans strongly oppose the president’s proposed new spending and his plan to raise taxes on millionaires to pay for the package. The fight over the legislative proposal has become something much bigger: a critical test of the president’s powers of persuading the public heading into the 2012 presidential campaign, and of Republicans’ ability to deny him a win and reap victory for themselves. “He knows it’s not going to pass. He‘s betting that voters won’t pick up on it, or even if they do they will blame Congress and he can run against the `do-nothing Congress,’” said Sherry Bebitch Jeffe, a senior fellow at the University of Southern California’s School of Policy, Planning and Development. John Sides, political science professor at George Washington University, said Obama’s approach on the jobs bill is “more about campaigning than governing.” “He’s mostly just going around talking about this and drawing contrasts with what the Republicans want and what he wants and not really trying to work these legislative levers he might be able to use to get this passed,” Sides said. “That just suggests to me that he is ready to use a failed jobs bill as a campaign message against the Republicans.” The president‘s opponents aren’t exactly laying it all out, either. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., tried to force a vote on the bill last week, innocently claiming that the president was entitled to one. McConnell knew full well that the result would be failure for the legislation and an embarrassment for Obama. House Speaker John Boehner, meanwhile, claimed that Obama has “given up on the country and decided to campaign full-time” instead of seeking common ground with the GOP. But Boehner neglected to mention that Obama’s past attempts at compromise with Republicans often yielded scant results, as Obama himself pointed out. The approach for Obama, who is seeking a second term in a dismal economy, is far different than the one he took when running for president. He criticized the GOP then, but talked about ending blue-state and red-state America, replacing it with one America, fixing the broken political system, and fundamentally changing Washington. That ended up being change he could not bring about, and now analysts say Obama may have little choice but to campaign more narrowly by attacking opponents rather than trying to bring people together. Obama’s attempts at compromise with the GOP on the debt ceiling and budget won him little in the way of policy, instead engendering frustration from Democrats who saw him as caving to Republican demands. The new, combative Obama isn’t looking for compromise. He’s looking for a win. And if he can’t get the legislative victory he says he wants, he has made clear that he’s more than willing to take a political win. It is, he acknowledges, a result his campaign for his jobs bill is designed to achieve.
Answer: His uncle was just arrested for DUI as well. Alcoholism runs in families…it would explain a few things.
Category: Politics

House GOP out to reshape Senates payroll tax cut - KAIT-Jonesboro ...

KAIT-Jonesboro, AR-News, weather, sports, classifieds-House GOP out to reshape Senates payroll tax cut

House GOP leaders want new payroll tax cut bill - The Crescent News

House GOP leaders want new payroll tax cut bill. ALAN FRAM Associated Press Published: December 18, 2011 5:41PM

GOP House Leaders Accept Senate Terms For Payroll Tax Cut ...

Their isolation complete, House Republicans on Thursday caved to demands for a short-term renewal of payroll tax cuts for all workers. ... GOP House Leaders Accept Senate Terms For Payroll Tax Cut. By Andrew Taylor & Laurie Kellman, Associated Press. December 22, 2011 6:50 PM. Share this. No comments ... On a conference call, Boehner informed his colleagues that it was time to yield. “He said there comes a time when you've got to move on, and this is the time,” said Rep. ...

<b>House GOP leaders yield on payroll tax</b> - Los Angeles TimesHouse GOP leaders yield on payroll tax - Los Angeles Times
From: DrakeBarbOMG - Source: web

RT @nananb55: They all need to go! Spineless! Totally spineless! RT @usacitiesinfo: <b>House GOP leaders yield on payroll tax</b> #tcotRT @nananb55: They all need to go! Spineless! Totally spineless! RT @usacitiesinfo: House GOP leaders yield on payroll tax #tcot
From: CoachDB18 - Source: ÜberSocial for BlackBerry

They all need to go! Spineless! Totally spineless! RT @usacitiesinfo: <b>House GOP leaders yield on payroll tax</b> #tcotThey all need to go! Spineless! Totally spineless! RT @usacitiesinfo: House GOP leaders yield on payroll tax #tcot
From: nananb55 - Source: ÜberSocial for BlackBerry

<b>House GOP leaders yield on payroll tax</b> - Los Angeles Times -House GOP leaders yield on payroll tax - Los Angeles Times -
From: gloriaHug - Source:

<b>House GOP leaders yield on payroll tax</b> - Los Angeles Times #tax #taxes #IRSHouse GOP leaders yield on payroll tax - Los Angeles Times #tax #taxes #IRS
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<b>House GOP leaders yield on payroll tax</b> - Los Angeles Times  #NEWSHouse GOP leaders yield on payroll tax - Los Angeles Times #NEWS
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Business • <b>House GOP leaders yield on payroll tax</b> - Los Angeles Times • House GOP leaders yield on payroll tax - Los Angeles Times
From: MoonDraaggon - Source: LinksAlpha

<b>House GOP leaders yield on payroll tax</b>: A stopgap deal, which also spares jobless aid and Medicare rate cuts for... GOP leaders yield on payroll tax: A stopgap deal, which also spares jobless aid and Medicare rate cuts for...
From: Rothschild999 - Source: twitterfeed

RT @SexToyLady: <b>House GOP leaders yield on payroll tax</b> - Los Angeles Times Los Angeles Times <b>House GOP leaders yield on payroll tax</b> L @SexToyLady: House GOP leaders yield on payroll tax - Los Angeles Times Los Angeles Times House GOP leaders yield on payroll tax L
From: bdsmbondagefun - Source: web

<b>House GOP leaders yield on payroll tax</b> - Los Angeles Times GOP leaders yield on payroll tax - Los Angeles Times
From: vsNEWS - Source: PDPP.RU

<b>House GOP leaders yield on payroll tax</b>: A stopgap deal, which also spares jobless aid and Medicare rate cuts for... GOP leaders yield on payroll tax: A stopgap deal, which also spares jobless aid and Medicare rate cuts for...
From: heroafterhero - Source: twitterfeed

<b>House GOP leaders yield on payroll tax</b> GOP leaders yield on payroll tax
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#news <b>House GOP leaders yield on payroll tax</b> - Los Angeles Times House GOP leaders yield on payroll tax - Los Angeles Times
From: florida_news - Source: twitterfeed

<b>House GOP leaders yield on payroll tax</b> GOP leaders yield on payroll tax
From: GoBuzzup1 - Source: Google

<b>House GOP leaders yield on payroll tax</b> - Los Angeles Times Los Angeles Times <b>House GOP leaders yield on payroll tax</b> L GOP leaders yield on payroll tax - Los Angeles Times Los Angeles Times House GOP leaders yield on payroll tax L
From: SexToyLady - Source: web

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